Hasidic Jews in NYC

I'm an hour into this Netflix documentary about Hasidic Jews in New York. It is insane. I didn't believe you Sup Forums. I thought muslims were crazy but this is some next level insanity right here. If anyone has seen this, how can they legally get away with the abuse, pedophilia, and systemic intimidation of women and children? It seems the courts allow this. This is extremely troubling. Pic related. "One of Us" on Netflix

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Amish are the only ultra religious group that aren't cunts to everyone and mind their own business.


Is this on another platform than Netflix?

Literally the only Trump-voters in NY and possible Sup Forumsacks when it’s not shabbat.


I'm not too sure about that, they are pretty screwed up too. They have the highest incidence of drug abuse in teens in my state. They also have an absurd amount of incestuous sexual molestation.

Here's another called "Love Thy Neighbor"


Lebbit comments


gobble gobble
one of us

hated in Israel too for being anti Zionist/refusing to work/serve in military. This is what pol imagines a jew is like, when pol is beating off to pictures of uncle adolf

>Subscribing to Netflix

Enjoy your anti-white propaganda you retarded goy

I did a quick search but didn't find another host

Is this real? If it is holy fucking shit what is wrong with these people?! The woman in the documentary said it's against their religion to call the police on another jew but for fuck's sake, does this pertain to child rape????? What the fuck are the police doing?

>it seems the courts allow this
>(((they))) are the courts newfag. I live in jew york most of my life.

>meme flag calling people newfags


its real

I remember some kike on r*ddit was trying to deceive and say that it meant if the girl converted before the age of 3 then she was fair game when she became older. That was clearly bullshit Jew misdirection though.

What the actual fuck? Is that piece of shit doing what it looks like he's doing? Dear God I am literally in shock.

That person needs to be deleted from this universe

Jews suck bleeding baby dick after they cut the foreskin off.


How is this not child molestation and why doesn't everyone know about this? Do muslims do this too?

No. Muslims don't do this. Jews whole plot for decades was making muslims look bad by faking terrorist attacks and shit.

lmao i live in ny and this has been going on for decades. the secular jews get away with whatever they want, theres a few powerful names (dov hikind, weiner, yes even CLINTON) who are associated with these sickos that allow them to get away with murder literally. they torture or kill their spouses to get divorces, suck babies dick raw when theyre born, and yes they have their own "police" who are really volunteer watchmen who are allowed by the city to put red/white lights in their toyota siennas against state law. when the jews have a "problem" that would warrant calling 911 they instead call their private "police" and EMS services who keep the incidents out of the system despite being well connected with the local NYPD precincts who all tout the "great neighborhood watch work" done by the jew police because when a "goy" enters these secular areas he is often harassed "stop and frisk" style by these watchmen who aren't even real cops and are often held and turned over to nypd for not doing anything but being in the area. this is why you never hear about the sick shit these folks be getting away with.

Only an idiot would think its real.

It's a circumcision, a religious ceremony, that baby's dick is tiny and you don't wanna fuck it up.

Chaim, please just shut the fuck up.

That's insane. Another thing I noticed was that most of these people didn't have an identifiable means of income. How are they able to survive and thrive in NYC?

all jew work is off the books. my jewish (non secular/sicko type) friend works at a kosher market, all jews, all paid cash. if a goy tries to work for them they will be put on the books or more likely flat out denied the job.

note that the IRS, state taxation etc. do not go after these people period

What in the fuck are you talking about? If a pediatrician did this and used that as an argument, they would be on the national news, have their license to practice revoked, and be sentenced to prison. You can't honestly believe what you're saying.

>don't wanna fuck it up
>puts bleeding dick in stranger's mouth

growing up near a very large community Hasidic jews in brooklyn I already knew of how they really are. did you know they're the only group in the city allowed to build on more than 65 percent of their lot to accommodate the large families they support by scamming welfare. no other group is allowed this in the city.

The police won't intervene, because the ultra orthodox are protected by regular jews. Most jews don't engage in such dementia, but they intervene in the juridical system to protect their community.

It is the true face of communautarism and why the jews are not acceptable in an aryan society. They live according to their laws and will do anything in their power (which is huge, but fragile if whites team up correctly) to prevent anything to happen to their community.

The ultra orthodox would not be able to perform their satanism without the regular jews and the regular jews would be weak as a community without the ultra orthodox. It's a two-legged beast.

It's exactly the same for muslims, but it's normal, since Islam is just an universal judaism.

they even get private patrols and those patrols get public funding


I have never lived in NYC so I have to take your word on the whole looking the other way stuff. It would never fly where I live, or at least I don't think, but I know the IRS are inept and don't check finances unless people file. I suppose if they're not filing noone knows to look. Also, they all had accents and don't speak English at home.
They said their families have been here for generations, so that is bizarre. Also, they showed the children's school. Books and they black out any image of a female and woman aren't allowed in the same room as men. The woman also said they had to cut their hair short and cover it with a wig! Like they civer their hair like muslim women but they have a wig loophole....wtf is that. Crazy.

Expose (((them)))

the jews also got a nearby community to cancel expanding an overcrowded public shcool because thery didn't want a blemish and "immodest" dressed women near their jewish boys schools

Sorry for typos I'm on a mobile

>durr how do da joos get away wid it goys
>ahhh normies wage uppp!!

New york jews dont vote republican retard.

Dude what's the difference between that and a "shariah zone" that people are always memeing about? I can't believe this happens here in America.

The ones in the documentary sure as shit were. Not that I care either way just saying.

Just Bing'd®™ Mathew Broderick and wikuckpedia made no mention of drinking and driving. Did the court conclude and someone is hiding it?

Any jew who claims he believes in Judaism is an abhorrent failure.
No other religion has failed so hard.
Killed their own messiah and then got BTFO'd by Romans, temple destroyed and Jerusalem's population exterminated.
Then comes along Sabbatai Zevi, claiming to be the jews messiah.
Fucking majority of jews worldwide and rabbis believe he is their messiah.
Sabbatai and his fellow kikes travel to Constantinople with the plan to convince the Ottoman emperor to submit his empire to him.
How does he plan to do it? He believes that his amazing singing will convince the emperor.
But it all comes differently, instead the emperor offers him to prove he's the messiah by making arrows shot by his soldiers at him stop - or to convert to Islam.
Sabbatai Zevi, the great jewish messiah chooses to convert to Islam.

Found the jew

Hmmm looks legit

This one is even better -- its called:

A Life Apart: Hasidism in America (1997)

There is a video of this on jewtube

I'll check it out. Thank you.

Muslims believe in jesus


>Brooklyn NYPD Bribery Scheme Said to Be Even More Widespread
Brooklyn = Jews
fucking NYtimes styleguide

No they don't. They do not believe he is the son of god and that he did resurrect.
Therefore they are devil worshippers just like the jews.
Why else would they dance like retarded people around a stone in Mekka? They worship idols.

Found the retard jew

>Jews are good peopl-

Yeah sure, it's fine now to suck a babies dick after mutilating it.
It's just a religious ceremony, just like jews also murder children to drain their blood and use it in their religious ceremonies.

You guys are getting desperate. You can keep your inbred jews

jews are huge practicers of nepotism. goodluck getting any rankas a gentile in a company owned by them. Affirmative action doesnt apply to any company that they run surprisingly


As long as people aren't forcing their beliefs on others or harming people, I don't care. I don't see any merit in whether or not one group believes in Jesus or not. None of these religions have a monopoly on truth since they are all based off of fabricated stories created by men. However, it isn't my place to force my beliefs on anyone else and I strongly believe in our 1st Amendment in the US.

Did they mention eruv at all? It’s a series of wires hanging around new york’s phone lines so jews can jew yahweh on shabat.

As I already said no mention of drinking

No, and I don't follow what you're saying. Does it have anything to do with shutting down electronics on Sabbath?

oy goyim do not learn hebrew english is the language of choice

Ahh ok i thought you were talking about the entire event.

There forbidden from leaving their homes, or something like, that on sabbath. So to get around this, wires are hanging all around nyc so they technically aren’t leaving their homes.

That's the jewiest shit ever. Why even believe in God if you think you can bamboozle his edicts with loopholes. These fuckers are bizarre.

Reddits first time on Sup Forums

herpes is fun ;^)

Jews legally Jewing their god. They must think he is proud of them, that it makes them good people.

The Talmud is basically just thousands of legal opinions to cancel every fucking rule and commandment given by god to the jews.
Oh, and a few stories like Jesus is in hell standing in boiling excrement and his mother Mary is a whore.
These people are completely insane. Who would even consider putting something like this in his holy texts?


lots of jew kveltching in the comments about the documentary

so wait, jews think by havin a string around telephone poles it makes it their house?

Jews legitimately scare me. Especially the high level ones. They do not have souls. They are evil and feed off evil spirits.

When a baby is circumcised it fundamentally and irrevocably changed the brain structure of the child, lessening empathy.

Empathy is what separates us from animals, our ability to look at another human as our fellow man. Muslims and Jews lack this trait, and are, by rigorous scientific definition, not human.

Ive heard about this but didnt think it was real. THIS IS FUCKING SATANIC AND DISGUSTING

Jews believe a lot of crazy things. It doesn't matter, the only important thing for us is to make sure we are not cheated by jews.
And of course make sure that a jew doesn't steal our children. They sacrifice a Christian child every year to praise Satan.

Are Americans though, considering most of them are circumcised too?

Yes. They suck bleeding baby dick...FOR THE BLOOD.

You think Sup Forums naming Jews is a meme? There's a reason so many shills are here. Jews are pure evil.

*human though

i was pissing in an alleyway in brooklyn when 5 fat hacidics attacked me wearing fake ass wannabe cop outfits. i punched one and wiggled away and took off running. cops caught me and arrested me. spent 24 hours in brooklyn central booking with 80 niggers and no whites and was charged with graffiti


Incidentally, they’re actually paying for them out off their own pockets. It would be a shame if some pollack decided to play a prank.

when people discuss the intengrity of religions look no further than the most radical groups, for theyre the ones following their texts strictly.

ISIS Is radical islam
"One of Us" and zionism is radical judaism
the amish are radical Christian

One of these is not like the others


The Amish and radical in what sense? Living in their own communities.
How can you compare them to ISIS and kikes?
They are peaceful people and don't go around conquering and beheading people.
They are not even allowed to defend themselves if attacked!

>anons in this thread can't believe it happens
Are there this many blue pills here?

Now you know why we name the jew.
They are probably the most perverse people in the world. Ever wonder why so many of them get caught up in sex scandles?

>TFW you find out this board isn't really satire.
>TFW you find out everything you know is a lie.

The wire is a symbolic fence from when they had animals they needed to keep near home.

OP you thought he was kissing it kek
have you never seen the
>bring me more foreskins


What do they do with the foreskins after they cut them off? I heard they bake Matzo with it but don't know if it's true.

matzo is probably true at least in rare instances desu
look up the hidden/deleted episode of oprah winfrey on jews from the 90's
why they circumsize and suck blood? idk ask them
they are too ashamed to talk about it though, notice how all the jew shills are quiet?
they know its bad

Some eat them, Some throw them away
Have you not seen the memes about jews and foreskins? The meme is real.


To clarify they believe that the current state of Israel is a fraud because there is no temple.
>Protip: if someone builds the Jews a new temple for sacrifice, the end is literally nigh.

That article made me puke in my mouth. These people are seriously fucked up.

Filter your water, user.
And buy bitcoin too

Why would we be fucked? It's really hard to take any of the Abrahamic religions and their prophecies seriously.

Dude have you honestly never heard that rabbis suck on the baby's dick after circumcision? This isn't Sup Forums knowledge, it's common knowledge.

>Why even believe in God if you think you can bamboozle his edicts with loopholes. These fuckers are bizarre.

Which is why I stand by the statement that atheism is just Judaism-lite for goyim. Jews don't actually believe in their God, they believe in the rituals and most of them don't even believe in the rituals. Yet somehow they're still Jews, which then raises the question what's the difference between a secular humanist atheist, and a secular Jew convert?

>An Orthodox Jew hates Christ, wears a funny hat, and refuses to eat bacon.
>A secular Jew hates Christ, thinks the hat looks stupid and bacon is delicious.
>A goyische fedora hates Christ, thinks the secular Jews are wrong about the hat but right about bacon.
The only real difference in their unified faith is that the Jews look out for each other and the goyische fedora only looks out for the Jews.