New CM
More like Flip Floppers.
The title is just asking for it.
OP's pic does make it look yuri.
Anyway, I'm game for magical girls-shows.
Music anime, magical girls, keijo!!!!!!!!, one way or another, it will be a spectacular season.
Looks fucking dreadful and no amount of irony will change that.
Looks nice, I'll give it a shot.
So this will only be worth watching for the animation right?
>>mfw waiting in anticipation
Like the song.
Nobody knows. It's an original anime after all. Could be a good story told badly, could be a bad story still told entertainingly.
I feel like late night anime is now forever destined to be uninspired shit that looks like this but hey at least it looks like it has decent animation for one of these.
They're called Papika & Cocona, really now?
Seems like your typical yuribait show but I like the artstyle and animation. Might follow.
>sakuga, yuri, magical girls
What's the Twitter source of these pictures?
> setting expectations about animation based on 10 second commercials
PVs pick the best bits and should tell nothing about the quality of the show other than character design.
The studio's entire catalogue comprises two mediocre shows and the virgin director is directing for the 1st time.
Yeah because no one has seen the other PVs.
They're screening the first three episodes a week before the premiere, their schedule must be pretty good.
The director has done good work as an episode director, so it should be worth seeing his first foray into overseeing an entire series. The show also has a good main animator which helps.
being on Sup Forums, I think you've watched enough to know that even an entire first episode tell nothing about the animation quality of a show
That's somehow reassuring
The director only directed a Space Dandy episode that i haven't seen yet
AD seems to have experience animating moe-moe hairs and girly battles.
How yuri will this be?
>mediocre shows
Sora no Method is cute. If this show can deliver the same then it's fine.
>two mediocre shows
Which generally looked pretty good.
As yuri as they all are, as in all bait and nothing real.
Just enough to excite and drive manchildren into making doujins, but not to the point of earning the yuri label that would prevent the creators from claiming it's a legit artistic work. Euphonium style.
>shota is bottom naked
I will honestly admit that the boy's long legs freak me out. It's like he's missing a butt or something.
>What's the Twitter source of these pictures?
I believe here
I feel like this is what the new Precure season was supposed to be
more like
more like cunt flaps
Didn't they make Dimension W? That shit was overflowing QUALITY
But it doesn't show anything new, and the eyes are way too "uguu kawaii" for my taste. I think I will pick it up just to see it shatter everyone's hopes.
>Didn't they make Dimension W? That shit was overflowing QUALITY
One hopes the staff for Flip Flappers have things under control
Me too.
>shatter everyone's hopes.
I plan to watch it and like it even if I don't like it, so there!
I like the designs desu
Ahh, you're one of those things
Hot sexual yuri spotted?
Reminds me of Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara. Same studio?
Nope. The one you mentioned is Pine Jam. This one's 3Hz.