Is there a single person on this earth that likes Emiya?

Is there a single person on this earth that likes Emiya?

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King Arthur.

How about real person, e.g. the audience.

Nearly the entire female cast of the core-Fate works, as well as a lot of the males.

Turns out being ripped, hot, rich, and kind makes you popular.

If you don't like Shero you ain't a seigi no mikata no more.

I really like him. He's a true seigi no mikata and he's not afraid to do what's right.

You realize he's by far the most popular protagonist in any Type-Moon series and is consistently in the top 20 in character polls, aye?

Shirou being unpopular is a fucking meme and only true amongst secondaries

He is pretty cute desu

I'm pretty sure Fem-Shiki was more popular than him for a long ass time until UBW aired and he boosted back up

Shirou is best girl.

I like him as a character for the story he was made for. I don't like him as a character on his own.

Fate would have been a lot better if it was centered around literally anyone else in the war.

>muh secondary boogyman
Fatefags are so pathetic.

That may be true but it doesn't contradict my statement.

If you actually think that you're either retarded or haven't read the VN

Unfortunately, I'm in love with that idiot.

Not really.

Everyone else dies before the ending, has an extremely limited viewpoint of what happens, or doesn't appear at all on a given route.

You'd have to rewrite the entire VN.

It's true though.

Shirou was widely considered okay as a protag for fucking years, until the Zero anime brought in a wave of new fans who hated how different SN was to the anime.

Now the UBW has brought in the rest of the Zero fans not bothered with the VN but who still hate the difference between them, and thus Shirou.

Lots of people love Emiya.

>MC in top 20

That's pathetic, and indicative that he's a bland self insert audience surrogate with bunch of different flavor of waifus to fug. Any MC worth a damn would be in top 4 consistently given the amount of screentime they're given.

>for a long ass time
You mean, when KnK started showing in theaters. That's not that long ago.

More like it would be generic battle royale garbage and would lose most of the story's themes.

>my yaoibait series is better than your waifubait!
No fucking shit the male MC is top 4.

Or it means that he has to compete with several sub-series and alternate franchise's worth of characters while dealing with a fanbase that mostly cares about waifus.

I like him ironically

Shirou without his monologue wouldn't survive as a character, and with his idiocy while keeps getting rewarded with his dumbass decisions would make him the most annoying Gary sue piece of shit in the story.

Say for example Fate route from Saber's perspective, and this bungling ginger retard keeps jumping into fights between servants, and at one point told ""you"" the perspective character that girl shouldn't be fighting.

Shirou's a bad character in general. The VN only makes him slightly more bearable by making him POV character, audience surrogate and giving us insights to his monologue (which are repetitive and hammered to us every goddamn morning, 'muh sky is burning erryday all day)

Name me other series where MC is ranked fucking 12th.

He's a failure as MC and Fate in general were saved by the side characters. Guts can carry Berserk on his own, Goku can carry DBZ on his own, without Seibah and Rin Shirou is not able to carry the series. Imagine if Shirou got paired with Assassin, how fucking boring it would be.

>Shirou's a bad character in general.

He really isn't. He's a solid concept that is done rather amateurishly and then gets further fucked up by a pretty rough translation.

I'm rather fond of him despite how poorly written Fate is, desu

It's not a single series senpai, that's a poll with characters from the whole Nasuverse. And shortly after Fate/Zero aired, no less.

>without Seibah and Rin Shirou is not able to carry the series
Tell that to the last few chapters of Prisma Illya.

>Cast of dozens of characters including waifus, husbandos, and fujoshit
>still managing to get top 20
It's pretty good, actually. Archer ranks pretty high on average, too.

This is really weak bait

>He's a solid concept that is done rather amateurishly

Everything that is bad started as semi solid concept but executed poorly. That is not an excuse.

He's passable of course, but I think his muh heroism is taken a tad too far, and the writing shouldn't give him as much plot armor for his blatantly idiotic behavior (go shopping in broad daylight, got kidnapped; sneak off in the middle of the night alone like 3-4 times only to have his ass saved everytime). Everything is okay though because MC got Deadpool regen power from Avalon, so he can stay being a dumbass all the time. How about maybe have him sneak off once or twice at night and suffer serious consequences, rather than almost every other night during the Fate route?

I like him in the second half of Heavens Feel.

Not to mention if you only consider F/SN characters in that 10 year poll, Shirou would be #6. And Gil was being heavily boosted by F/Z (which was much better than the original Gil), while Archer is just another version of Shirou.

He does suffer consequences plenty of times man. 40 bad ends.

yeah donald trump

because of the way this shit works, there's a universe where he's not a total faggot

>Imagine if Shirou got paired with Assassin, how fucking boring it would be.
He isn't even the mascot of fate franchise and I also agree about the rest of your statement.

I got into fate because of the side characters and find them more interesting than the MC.

There's like 9 character that matters in FSN and he's ranked 6 despite having close to 10 hours of monologues and most screentime.

Yeah that's not saying much

lol if only he was as good as he was in knk


I'm gay for him.

>and the writing shouldn't give him as much plot armor for his blatantly idiotic

He literally only survives in a handful of endings out of the over 40 endings of the VN. The requirements for him to survive the war are stupidly specific.

Half of the bad ends are actually from NOT acting like retard.

For example, not jumping onto a line of fire from Berserker and get mauled, not following Saber vs. Rider fight, and not following Saber vs. Caster fight in his house, all that from Fate route alone.

People who read the VN.

Shirou and Shiki are bland self-insert porn novel MCs, did you really expect them to do well on the polls? They only exist for the sake of their stories.

They're still less one dimensional than most of the F/Z cast, though.

Enjou is based but Shirou is better.

>They only exist for the sake of their stories.

This is true for literally every fictional character ever written.

>Shirou and Shiki are bland self-insert porn novel MC

Yeah, I never self inserted into a sword autist willing to give his life for total strangers.

You know what I meant, faggot. They exist to further the stories of the other characters in the novel. Do you really think anyone read F/SN because they thought Shirou was a super cool MC?

>bland self insert audience surrogate


>Shirou and Shiki are bland self-insert porn novel MCs

I disagree with Shirou. If anything he had too much characterization. 35% of FSN is just him having a dream about burning skies. Jesus fucking Christ I get it already you want to be a hero. He's having a morning wood every single fucking day about muh burning skies and muh orphanage fire.

If anything he's too forced in, and even with that amount of screentime he's kinda bland compared to say Kotomine or Rider or hell even Gil who had way way less screentime

No, but a lot certainly came out of it thinking like that. For me, he was the best thing about F/SN other than the basic premise.

>They're still less one dimensional than most of the F/Z cast, though.

Shirou's whole point (except for HF) is that he's an unabashedly unapologetic one dimensional muh ideal retard in the world of multilayered characters like Archer and Saber

>he's kinda bland compared to say Kotomine or Rider or hell even Gil
>or Rider

Rider doesn't even get a real personality until F/HA.

Well you're husbando a shit and the polls objectively supports that.

Maybe you self insert too hard without realizing it. That's a hallmark of people who self insert too hard, go to any donut steel fanfic and if you say that MC is an author avatar the writer would be super offended.

>like Archer

Archer is also a unabashedly unapologetic one dimensional muh ideal retard. He's just butthurt over being turned into a janitor.

Nice bait.

Fatefags are autistic enough to self-insert to shirou. Everyone of us here wanna fuck a qt blonde foreigner with a royal status, and the popular girl in school.

Well I'm not a pedo who want to fuck flat chested girl who's stuck at 15 for eternity and someone who pleases old man for money

Sakura on the other hand...

This is the difference with people who play the game and who just watch. They know that Shirou's bad decisions does actually have consequences that affect the ends, instead of 'he does stupid thing but isn't even getting whacked for it! hurrr'.

40 bad ends say something different, secondary.

>muh secondary boogeyman

Even after playing through the VN I still think Fate Zero was better. Shirou is a fucking retarded MC.

popularity =/= quality

you should have known this by now

>started with Fate Zero
From that point you were always a secondary faggot, reading the VN doesn't change a thing.

Way to ruin your Fate franchise experience.

Reading the VN first would have given the biggest twist of FZ away. And because Fate Zero is so massively superior to Fate Stay Night, that would have been the overall worse option.

So no, it was in fact you whose experience of the Fate franchise has been ruined by wasting your time with a shitty 70 hour eroge. a wormslut?


>40 bad ends say something different, secondary.

See You try to not make decision like a retard, for example following Saber vs. Rider fight to the rooftop. You get kidnapped and murdered by Ilya the next day.

If you follow Saber, even though you being there is inconsequential to the fight, you only get kidnapped but saved by Saber arbitrarily the next day.

>the VN is only good if you read it first. If you have watched any adaptations beforehand it's bad and it's your fault

Or maybe the VN ain't that good to begin with. Have you ever think about that for once? How come every adaptation starring Shirou is shit? Maybe the source material is shit. Maybe because he's a self insert protagonist from porn novel and couldn't stand on his own without the illusion of choice given by the VN.

>Reading the VN first would have given the biggest twist of FZ away.
But considering that Fate/Zero wasn't written for new fans but existing ones, everyone went in already knowing the result

>not jumping onto a line of fire from Berserker and get mauled
>Trying to run away from a fucking Servant with all of 5 seconds of a headstart
Gee, I wonder why the fuck you died.

How come the Deadpool health regen from Avalon saves you in the first case, but not the latter?

Nasu's hack writing all day erryday

>Saber is alive in one case
>But not in the other
It's not that hard to figure.


I'm not a beta virgin, like 99% of people in the US had sex before marriage.

The heart is what matters and she's the most dedicated of the 3 waifus. Rin probably cheated on you and pleases old man for money behind your back.

>he doesnt want to save everyone

Shirou is the best girl in Rin's harem

That's Rin, though.

Saber of Welsh.

Or maybe it's harder to translate a 100 hr 3 route VN into anime? Maybe if you try to use that non-existent brain of yours and try to be not a secondary zerofag for once then maybe you will realize it.
But alas, I don't expect you to do that.

Nope user don't let that secondary get you, it doesn't have a brain anyways.

I like Shirou, and I like EMIYA.

>secondary boogeyman
>you consume the media in the wrong order, is your fault

If the source material is good then it's good. Reading LOTR first doesn't make the Hobbit less good. Watching the LOTR movies first doesn't make the novel any less good.

All you FSN VN Fatefags are just burying their head in the sand against criticism of their beloved self insert porn novel. It's not my fault that Fate Zero anime adaptation, or Fate Extra PSP games are more well received by wider audience than your initial eroge source material. The more you guys bury your head in the sand and yell LALALALALALA secondaries the more people gonna point those flaws out (most of which pertains to Shirou)

Top fucking kek. Also since language has change over time she would probably have w welsh account.

Yea Shirou sucks.

Stop it you are going to make them cry. Those fate idiots need to fuck off. They are taking this to fucking seriously.

So? Point it ou then and just not yap like a secondary.
LotR? Hobbit? Wow yeah they are Multi-route Visual novels! What a comparison? Brilliant, secondary!

Isn't Archer considered a protag too?

why would drumpf like emiya, faggot

why is he black in one of them?

Shiro is the red man.

He is a good character. Sometimes his bullshit "hero of justice" speech sounds extremly idealistic, but eh, people seems to forget that he always has to deal with the consequences of his actions, his choices end blowing up in his face always. I think that's essential for a character.

He would be a pain in the ass if by choosing the worst path of action got the best possible results, just because he is "right", but no, he choises his path of action and pay the consequences. That's more than can you say about lot of characters.

Cory in the house was so good. I'm not even joking. After being depressed of not seeing new episode of that so raven, this fuck came out of nowhere a black kid living da White House. Mother fukka that was some good she it. No meme. He helped to a tough divorce.

At least he is not a Mary Sue kind of MC. I like him, but he is far from my favourite in the Nasuverse.

Plenty. He's a rather popular protagonist.

Even the fagboy from school days was more fun then Shirou.

Shirou is the red man.

>Point it ou then and just not yap like a secondary.

FSN VN a shit. It's way too long, 50,000 words too wordy, and repetitive. As other anons pointed out, how many times do we have to sit through Shirou's orphanage fire monologue, or in Fate route Saber's on the hill dream sequence? FSN has shit MC that is fucking dumb, proud to be dumb, and hard to root for if you don't self insert as him. I would imagine half of what makes FSN bearable are the world building, but if you're a secondary, FZ or even Fate Extra does it in way more concise manner as it doesn't have long wordy exposition dump by Rin, Kotomine, or whoever Mr. Exposition at the time and doesn't have repetitive monologues every morning before the MC wakes up.

Also as other anons pointed out, the Tiger Dojo ending is a crapshoot. Half of the time it rewards Shirou for being retarded and jump into fights between Servants, even though the whole casts trying to hammer the point that masters shouldn't jump into fights between Servants. Also the other half of the time you're not given control over Shirou's retarded act. Grocery shopping in the board daylight when Saber's knocked out. Yeah great fucking idea.

Every series worth of damn protagonists need to learn something. Shirou stayed one note and force his dumb ideal through Fate and UBW and gets rewarded for it, this is with exception of HF where he actually does change.

The VN is just not that good compared to the spinoff series. It has too many debilitating flaws to be legitimately good. It has its moments, and can be guilty pleasure sure, but it's not good in the most common sense. Even Prisma Ilya and Carnival Phantasm is better than the original eroge VN

Gg you won. No seriously, you won.

Bye. He wouldn't even be in top 100 most popular prog

Did people miss the rather large Shirou thread earlier this week or something?

Yeah but it change to a saber thread after 54 post. Also fuck Shirou he sucks