Your secrets out now racist Nazis and we're going to take you down now

Your secrets out now racist Nazis and we're going to take you down now

Other urls found in this thread: DISRUPTION Operational Playbook.pdf

oy vey

>Not buying into MSM bullshit makes you a victim to nazi brainwashing

Are we NATO shills now?

Sage until link is provided.
Shitty OP.

>leaked nato tactics
Op says
>yoyr wecrets are out
>Sup Forums == nato
Seems legit

MSM - Listen and believe.

So NATO is fueled with Jew memes?

No. tactics from around the world are adopting ours and accuse us stealing it from them. Sounds like they are muslims.

There ya go little Nazi. Scared?

We've been exposed to SO much psyop bullshit on Sup Forums over the last 5 years, we've learned a thing or two about how to do it.

Seriously though we're still small frys. The big fish are the astroturfing companies owned by banks and corporations. In 5 years most memes will be corporate sociological propaganda

Wouldn't have to if they didn't have nefarious genocidal plans.

Holy Cringe.

>leaked nato tactics

Is it acceptable for NATO to use psychological warfare tactics?

Whom has NATO used these tactics on?

k I welcome them to try and stop us but they've already lost


No one it's just studies just in case

Funniest report I've seen all year.
Who needs the Onion when this is the media.

>“Instructions from the U.S. elections on how to obfuscate and manipulate the media space were recycled and adopted to a German audience: this included memetic warfare albums such as ‘normie memes’, and psychological operations resources, such as a ‘step by step how to manipulate narratives’ that links to GCHQ online deception and disruption playbooks,” according to the authors.

>memetic warfare albums
>normie memes

NATO tactics? No one informed me.

Hahahahahaha fucking jews are retarded

They are smarter than the dumb Americans that their tactics are working on.

>"It’s clear that more and more of these people are operating only on the internet, except when the moment comes to start shooting,” said SPLC expert Mark Potok.

implying any beta fagit on 4chin would shoot anyone

white pride, worldwide
14/88 gas the kikes race war now


Everytime someone makes these threads without link he should get permabanned.

we know your tactics now, kikes

Link faggot

this the NATO playbook
> DISRUPTION Operational Playbook.pdf DISRUPTION Operational Playbook.pdf
> DISRUPTION Operational Playbook.pdf DISRUPTION Operational Playbook.pdf

>(ID: at4KFTaX)
taxation is theft

>still small fries
>banks will win
>this exact post word for word in the other thread
Either you're pathetic or this is a fine new subtle demoralization shill

NATO is a white org in on itself.

Am proud, men. ;_;7

the study

So NATO admits they are committing false flag psych ops?

>The extreme right also had an influence the German federal election, which saw a huge spike in suport for the extreme party Alliance for Germany (AfD).

lol the party is called Alternative für Deutschland, not Alliance.

gee maybed they should have stayed in africa and tried to make it not a living shithole


Im literally quaking in my Doc Martens

ayo hold up
so you be saying
that nato be psyching us n shit?

I already saw the link you posted, but sometime somebody will again make a thread without link.
And without link it could just be a screenshot of an edited page.

>beta fagit
Don't put yourself down kid

Shoulda gone to a state school.

"NATO psychological warfare" is applied against its own member states. what we're doing is turning right around on the powers that be. we're the good guys here.

Does NATO have Kek on their side?

We are NATO.

turn on the light of your basement user,don't give yourself to the night.

never going to hear this song the same way again, kek.

God I hope these commie niggers actuilly try to start a civil war. Gives me wood thinking I may get to scalp one of these screqming crying bitches alive in front of their friends.

Sage on your gay ass. I'd argue with you but I don't have enough time or crayons to explain it to you.

Why would you carry around items that could be construed as weapons?

Don't trust anyone, not even yourself.

How much do you have to pay to do an old fashioned nigger stomp!

is that what I'm doing?

Nice try at D&C, Schlomo Al-Burgerstani.


oh noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Actually, I use this

No, joke the absolutely retarded way MSM handles the alt-right is the proof there is no conspiracy in the media.

> A list of tasks included
the following instructions: ‘gather lurkers’, ‘make
memes’, spell-check memes’, ‘spread memes’, ‘come
up with new ideas’ and ‘ignore the shills’


Oh there is. They're just operating from a 1990's playbook still.

>spell-check memes
Fagnabbit! That's the step I always gorget.

They got it wrong. Sup Forums will consume them.

Do you know that NATO coined new word into Estonian recently - kerksus (resilence).
The meaning behind the word is basically "stay with your cognitive dissonance". Do not let new information to mess with your belief system.

OOOY VEEY we're just trying to make the whole world burn senpaitachi

>implying any beta fagit on 4chin would shoot anyone
Looks like you're new here.

This. It's literally normies stealing memes and pretending they created them.

Anyone got the CIA docs. on how to slide forums? It's an internal document about socialisation of ideas through controlled opposition, a kind of handbook to talking to yourself on multiple accounts to influence 3rd party observers on social media. Some Ender's Game shit.

Phoneposting so I don't have it on hand

>MOM! Sup Forums keeps on using my psychological tactics better than me!
>Mom: Well, nato, some people are better at doing things than you are sometimes...
>Nato: But that's not fair!!!111

>Some Ender's Game shit.

When I was a child I wanted to be Ender Wiggin, after I grew up I realized Peter made more sense.

That shit doesn't even work here though. I think that's why they're so pissed bc they can't find an in road to manipulate people on 4chins


Also, sage'd.


This redirects for me but it was posted in the other thread

stop posting, i'm on nofap

Why sage that shits hilarious

No one wants white supremacy globally. We just want kikes in Israel, niggers in Africa, and spics in SA, where they can all pursue their own interests.

That destroys the (((narrative)))

>implying that we stole NATO's psychological warfare tactics
>implying that it didn't happen the other way around
>implying that there aren't over 9000 CIAniggers on Sup Forums right now analyzing memes, making threat matrixes, and explaining spurdo to some balding guy from San Diego

Chritians dead, muslims alive.

I was staring at this image thinking that "date" was referring to the fruit

>le eternal 9gager

This is just like when NPR had a brainless complaint about the Sinister Russian Hackers in terms of the CIA making software developers secrete backdoors. They had no complaint at all about intelligence agencies, with no domestic mandate, interfering in an industry to defeat cybersecurity.

>psychological warfare secrets
>in a landscape that psychologically changes over time because memes evolve
>something that falls off like breadcrumbs to the cianigger rats


We ISIS now?

All of it is tech-independent, it's verbal techniques ancient Romans and enlightenment Austrians and late-imperial Bolsheviks used to disrupt or steer discussions. The clear presupposition of this story is that this is some kind of magic proprietary thing, and that's nonsense.

>memes are a NATO psychological warfare tactic

Then why is NATO such a pathetic meme?

The retardation of the far left and Muslims is what's causing the right to grow.

Any retard can see that this type of reporting only helps the alt-right.
If it's true that jews just subverted the culture within few decades, they would be smart enough to see this.

>NATO psychological warfare tactic

I cant stop laughing

Archive links u fuckin faggot. We don't want to give them money through clicks.

It should be black box with flower sticking out of it and some naval mine "horns".

Anyway, good pic.

Friendly reminder that NATO got filled to the brim with ex-nazis after the war.

The authors warn that the tactics used by the far-right are “more reminiscent of state-led psychological operations than that of terrorist groups” and urge policy makers, technology companies, practitioners and activists to adopt counter-strategies that match the sophistication of the far-right.

The good old Armor and Gun competition. Kek.

>Counter-hate efforts must mobilise across borders to match this global threat...
>..must be coordinated internationally, for example by modelling their approaches after worldwide initiatives against the Islamic State.

>leaked nato tactics
I remember seeing it a couple years ago and in response /bmw/ was made on 8ch

I didn't know believing in the truth no matter how politically incorrect it might be was a NATO tactic

Is NATO /ourguy/?

"Soros" has infiltrated some fringe associates of NATO. It means /ourguy/ has cancer and needs operating.