Kill yourselves if you think this is better than the original.
Kill yourselves if you think this is better than the original
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what is this?
Space Battleship Yamato?
It much better than the original you pleb contrarian.
People think moe anime is embarrassingly socially dysfunctional, but Space Battleship Yamato actually shows that anime writing has become more well adjusted over time.
MC's brother survives in the original. It's trash.
I don't necessarily disagree, but why do you think so?
yeah I mean he bullshiting his way to that planet was stretching enough
Is that image supposed to offend me or something, Sup Forums-kun?
Doesn't he die in one of the movies or seasons?
Humans attacked first in the remake. It's even worse trash.
I done see the difference between having a pig and that slut.
It's definitely ass
I like it.
You have to be homosexual.
The worst change was Analyzer.
Sanada also got kind of gimped.
Not him, but I would point to how the remake treats side characters and antagonists versus the original. In particular the human client state guys who are the first arc antagonists. They get some great characterization in the remake.
The one thing I never liked in the original was the groovy 70's music. Didn't fit at all.
>shows that anime writing has become more well adjusted over time.
The original had better writing. The remake writing doesn't have the same parallels that the original had, they're just pushing out against a 'generic-earth-politician' in space.
What are you even trying to say? You're on an anonymous board, you're not going to earn cred with this hipster-like posturing.
2199 was a faithful, competent, well-written remake which surpassed the original in many ways.
2199 is the only SBY related thing I've seen so I don't really care
God bless Xebec
The OST is god tier in 2199 and the movie.
How can any Yamato fan don't like remake? You would need to be some autistic shitposters
I'm looking forward to 2202
maybe just because he's user he's cool saying what he thinks without thinking someone would jump to the conclusion that it's posturing.
Holy shit, wait. Is what's under the horizontal stripe skin?
Yeah how dare they make him go from this.
Are you joking? Yamato remake is great for the ass but lets not kid ourselves with everything else.
I fucking LOVE the remake girls.
>How can any Yamato fan don't like remake?
How can you be an Yamato fan and like the remake? That's like being a Gundam fan and liking The Origin. Only secondaries like 2199
To this.
A PSONE game
What did you think it was?
I don't understand either.
2199 is well made and very enjoyable.
My only complain is 3d spaceships but you get used to it.
leiji was never good
It's like defacing a national idol.
>2199 is well made and very enjoyable.
Found the secondary
Yamato isn't really a Leiji series.
explain what wrong with human attack first
I get it user, you're cool and all.
It's the same shit but with fanservice and without goofy stuff
Both original series and 2199 had some serious episodes when the core of the story was almost the same but with better animation, even fucking music is taken from old series
ok I know shitter like you are just baiting but lel
>let call him a secondary that will show him
>Analyzer in the original was in love with Yuki and his actions was due to wanting to be more human.
>Analyzer in the remake is just the generic robot
Why do 2199fags pretend so hard to be Yamatofags when they havent even watched the original?
>It's the same shit but with fanservice and without goofy stuff
Not even remotely.
The core thematics of the original sound lost on you.
Anyone else ready for the Legend of the galactic heroes remake?
With CG Space battles and replacing Yang and Reinhard with their cute girl alternatives
>and without goofy stuff
>Koda's ghost uses his "power" to revive Yuki
>Akito powers the Yamato using his soul
2199fags will defend this.
It's actually great add-on which original missed it's opportunity for because post war "fuck USA" attitude
>Analyzer in the remake is just the generic robot
Confirmed for never having watched the remake.
implying you wont worship fem Reinhard as your glorious empress
Reinhard is already a cute, making him a girl would defeat the purpose.
And also [Spoiler]How would they handle when he gets his assistant pregnant? Is girl reinhard just going to ask his male assistent to fuck then when she finds out she is pregnant will she propose to her assistant then go to battle?[/Spoiler]
Seriously LOTGH with the cast replaced with cute girls is going to be a cluster fuck
While you fags live in denial, it gets a second season after a successful movie.
Actually the last episode was pretty bad and unnecessary. I liked everything else though.
>They made Dessler a cuck in the remake
Yeah...fuck this.
>White people?
>*crowd starts getting upset and heckles begin*
>Listen listen my brothers!
>White people should be fucking ENSLAVED!
>*crowd starts slowly applauding*
>Every single fucking subhuman white man should be strung on meat hooks
>*crowd starts standing and giving a standing ovation*
>The white man should then be anally penetrated with not black cocks, but black dildos
>*crowd is stunned and is getting slightly violent*
>Why you ask? These privileged white men don't deserve the dark chocolate cock!!!!
>*crowd ferociously yells in approval*
>These white men will only lick up the creme filling after their women are chained up and rammed by the giant chocolate yodels that are the BBC!!!!!
>*crowd is making tribal chants*
>We will hunt down the white man!! We shall castrate them all and sacrifice their women to the black man!!!!!! The offspring will be brought to the interracial breeding grounds!!!! I will clean up the remains with my white boy tongue!!! I shall serve the black man's cock with my white boy tongue!!!! The black man will have his way with me and my people!!!!
>*crowd is erupting and stampedes the theater as the white men are hog tied and dragged to the cock chambers and the women willfully submit to their black masters
All anime is the same.
Anime 20 years ago and 20 years from now, was, is and always will be cute girls doing cute things
He is just the generic robot
>it's 2199 is bad episode again
Who said this?
"2199 is bad" is one of worst shitposting
it's 2199 is good episode again
fucker just has unhealthy obsession and the chick never like him
this dude is pretty decent, too bad he never get along with yamato's faction
Are you retarded? He acts like A.I. would act when trying to figure out meaning of his existence instead muh mr. roboto grabbing girls asses for lulz
>2199 is good
>Because I have never seen the original
Every fucking time
>for lulz
So you've never seen the original? Got it
>2199 is good
>Because I'm not over 40 years old.
Remake has superior 10/10 smurf.
>most sexy and inteligent woman in galaxy
>trying to ask her for date for hundreds of years
>some Earthling your forces smashed as insect fuck her right after getting on planet
>In the original Kodai's brother was Captain Harlock
>In the remake he's a block device and Gary Stu who fucked a Venus Queen and who steers the ship through his soul in the Yamato and manages to revive his bro's bitch
But yeah 2199 is better
>original Dessler was a suave as fuck master tactian who never dies and actually wins
>2199 Dessler is a cuck
Yeah, that part on bee planet when she broke his metal heart was so good
Sanada episode was the best episode in original
Is Logh worth watching?
I was born in 1997 and the original is better.
You need to be over 20 to use this imageboard, kid.
Original was okay. It had some really good designs, but poor actual animation, and while it had decent writing the pacing is way too fucking slow.
Remake is a different kinda show. Political part is more serious but isn't trying to convey the same theme, and the sillier elements that gave the original some levity were replaced with a bit of fanservice and sol. It's also fairly pretty aside from some notable cgi shots.
Overall I like both.
Captain Harlock is a shit show so I can't tell if you're being serious or not.
In either case Original > Remake
I'd rather kill you. There would be one less retard with shit taste posting on Sup Forums afterwards.
Cuck is a meaningless insult, and the original is ugly and has a receding hairline. You can't be suave with a receding hairline.
But why did they change the story so much?
Honestly I hold them both on the same standard. Some bits are better than the original, some aren't. Simple as that.
>Captain Harlock is a shit show
Because a story about Japan's butthurt over losing the war from the early 70's doesn't hold up well nowadays unfortunately
>Kodai's brother was Captain Harlock
>Introducing a comvoluted twist and many plotholes
>Retconned anyway in Captain Harlock manga
Yeah, great
Nope, it's all just a meme like boku no pico
God bless America.
Choke on a burger fatfuck.
Americans manipulate you into attacking first.
Americans manipulate you into attacking first.
The anime looked like shit, was slow as molasses, and generally was kinda boring.
The manga is a solid 7/10 though
The hotel part was pretty boring
Why so perpetually angry and bitter as all fuck now Sup Forums?
>Guy became a hot chick
>pig became hot girl
There's always more to take their place. Is Sup Forums ever actually going to be about anime again or just angry bitter arguing about absolutely everything like Sup Forums? Honest question.
Oh sorry I read that as shitposting implying somebody wanted Sup Forums to not be a total joke of a community not "shit taste" as in "I am now engaging in shitposting"
Yeah yeah yeah you don't have to pretend, it's all okay user
I liked the episode with big battle (22 or 23?) more in the original.
What's next? HxH 1999 vs. Remake?
Fuck you, I like it better.
Times change, and we change with them.
The original still stands fine, and so does this one.
Just be glad that this series is being rebooted/remade with care and competence than just another trash LN/Manga adaptation.
I'm wondering when this trend of remaking good iconic series for a more modern audience will occur for Japan. Hollywood is doing this for the past 5 years, but unfortunately they are shit at it. Japan at least cares when it fundamentally comes down to it.
>not liking the xebec ass
nigga you gay