Ask a Marxist anything


when is the day of the rope?

what's ur shoe size?

Why don't you go back?

why are you a marxist?

What kind of Marxist?

How's the taste of BBC?

Should i make some eggs? Ah sorry i know you guys dont know much about food.

Why fall for Jewish tricks?

>one post by this id

How can I survive without food?

Do you believe that everyone can be made equal through social engineering? Equal in every sense of the word, physical attractiveness, strength, intelligence, work ethic, beliefs, etc.

Why do you think your dad left your mom?


Why do you hate freedom?

To where?

Because I am an Anarchist and an anti-Capitalist. Capitalism is inherently exploitative and an unjust form of hierarchy

Anarchist, specifically

Name? Address? Phone Number? List of relatives? Habbits? Also please supply an itemized list of when and where you will be at any given time? Thank you in abvance for your cooperation comrade.

They wouldn't have any birds to lay eggs either

did you read das kapital? dint you get the false conclusion or are you delusional or just some che shirt wearing brainlet?

Can i please try some of this SCRUMPTIOUS Looking marxist delicacy?


Now this is sad. Even the last christian stronghold has fallen.

Nope :^)

I think genetic engineering could do it in the future, but as for right now? No way. But that's not the goal of Anarchism. The goal of Anarchism is to try to iron out as many hierarchies as possible and dismantle systems of power that need not exist, such as Capitalism

Why do YOU hate freedom? We Marxists are the ones fighting for freedom. Capitalism is the antithesis of freedom

how long have you been pissing on mother darwin nature's intent?

i bet you are shit at everything and love team work.
have you ever done anything on your own?

Hasn't your country already had enough famine?

Has anyone here, other than masturbate and shitpost?

What do you mean? I work as part of a software and microdevices company, so I pretty much have to work in a team

I would like an empty plate with some gulag on the side

>says hes marxist
>still a little bourgeois consumer obsessed with status
kek every time, thanks

Holy fuck, capitalist software tech... marxist as fuck! Kek

what are you doing to spread marxism? you know besides shitposting on pol

If I'm going to be forced to operate under the Capitalist system, I might as well make a decent living out of it until the Anarchist revolution commences.

>responding to brain-dead attention seekers



Hi, Marxist here. I hold a PhD in Physics. I pretty much did the whole thing alone, since my supervisor got seriously ill.

Spreading the ideas on the internet.

What are you doing to spread your ideology besides Sup Forums shitposting?

Hierarchy is an inescapable state of nature. This is perhaps the biggest flaw in all of Marxist theory - it is not based in reality. It is a childish dream, and not even a good one.

What do you think of Bakunin and Tolstoy?

What does bleach taste like?

You should also state what kind of a Marxist you are. Saying ''Marxist'' means shit. There's a huge difference between Stalin and Kropotkin.

are you a decent public speaker?

How would you feel if tons of Pakis started flooding into Ireland and spreading Islam and forming shariah zones everywhere?

Do you care what happens to Irish culture, or are you a pure nihilist/materialist?

Do you hate the IRA for being nationalist?

How do plan on acquiring foreign goods and resources if you were able to stage an anarcho-communist coup in Ireland?

What's the anarcho-communist plan to maintain an abundant entertainment industry, if the main drive for entertainment media production in our current time is consumerism?

*obviously, Kropotkin wasn't really a Marxist, but people tend to group all communists and anarcho-communists into Marxists, even they themselves do this.
Sorry if I sound autistic but holy fuck be more descriptive.

Where should I start if I want to learn more detailed descriptions of the different kinds?

Wikipedia, why not. Then pick what you like and read.

I would if that was the point of my comment. I just wanted to show that exceptions do exist, and that stereotypes rarely bear any value in the real empirical world.

Hierarchy is inescapable? How so? We escape slave-master hierarchies constantly

I'm okay at it

I'm not a racist, so it wouldn't bother me that they came in. What would bother me is if they started spreading Sharia or Islam, because Islam is antithetical to an Anarchist society

Read Neo-Marxist literature. Read stuff like Gramsci. Don't take the easy route by browsing Wikipedia. These things require careful studying, not simple reductionist presentations.

>Marxist anarchist
If it was nigh impossible to find and legitimate, knowledgeable, and consistent Marxist a decade ago it certainly is just satire now.

To get a general idea it's best to just browse Wikipedia, instead of delving blindly into highly complex literature and ideas.

Your 'if' is in need of some proof, Sir. It's a big if, and so far it seems like no more than an opinion.

>I'm not a racist, so it wouldn't bother me that they came in.

So you would hypothetically be okay with Ireland having completely open borders, and letting Kurds, Pakis, Africans, Arabs, etc. pour-in until they were 90% of the total population? Also culture is inherently tied to ethnic groups, so Irish culture would eventually take a back-seat to the other ones; are you okay with that?

How do you plan to enforce population control in an anarchist society? What's keeping foreigners from consuming all the resources and industrializing your entire island until its ecosystem collapses?

>workers seize the means of production and can actually own it
They sell their products for the highest bidder and try to produce it for the lowest costs, which is private property
>government seizes all property to end with private property
Orwellian superstate

What is communism supposed to look like, dear delusional underage kid?

Why havent you killed yourself yet

i mean u probably lack the individual capability to strive for anything worthwhile in your life, which is why you would rather immerse yourself in teamwork to level out you poor performance with other people. teamwork is for commies. and that includes team sports.

No. The best thing is always to do things by being fully committed. You scratch the surface of Wikipedia, and you are unable to answer any of the real questions. Tomorrow, it will all be forgotten. Go back to Plebbit.


Are you a classical marxist?

How much for sucky sucky? 5 dollah?


Your assuming the opposite of capitalism is Marxism.

I mean as a general introduction, since the man asked ''how can I understand distinction between various strains of communism/anarcho-communism''.
And you're saying he should spend next three months reading 2500 pages of Capital. That's just ridiculous.

Gas Chamber or Oven? Which will you choose when the time comes?

How do you survive the shame of being this retarded and have everyone look down on you?

>I may as well be a capitalist larping as a marxist while it's hip

How many black dicks have you sucked this week and do you have aids yet?

'But beyond this, there are those who believe in Marx without having read him--perhaps who believe in Marx just because they have not read him. It is probably a safe surmise that to-day the third volume of Capital is even less read than that single chapter which has conferred immortality on the prophet Obadiah, and when read, is read with as little comprehension. Just as, according to some and to judge from their practice, a good Christian need not read his bible, so a good Marxian does not need to read his Marx: he KNOWS it is there. Thus, for the great body of the faithful, Marx has become the inspired author of a body of Sorelian myths, which sum up, and fit in with, their general view of life, which clarify and illumine their daily strivings, which rationalize and crystallise their instincts. And these people, quite rightly, are not concerned with metaphysical refinements of a theory of value. They accept the fact of 'exploitation' which has been proven by Marx, whom the doubter can read if he can and if he so chooses--by Marx who had read so many books that the list of his references runs to pages and pages of close type. Moreover 'increasing misery' means 'increasing misery' neither more nor less; and in a world where we all feel so much less fortunate than we think we ought to be, it is comforting to be told that we are right, and to know is who is responsible for our unhappiness. That is what Marx did, and here lies the secret of his influence. To consider whether Marx was 'right' or 'wrong'; to dredge Volume I and III of Capital for inconsistencies or logical flaws, to 'refute' the Marxian system is, in the last resort, sheer waste of time; for when we consort with Marx we are no longer in the world of reason or logic.'
-Sir Alexander Gray

People these days who claim to be Marxist always throw the guy overboard not because it's convenient, but because they are too lazy and stupid to read a treatise. Not going to find quality thinkers here

Because this was not a justifiable hierarchy. Anarchism is about fighting what cannot be justified in relation to authority. Humans own themselves and therefor they cannot be owned by another person. That being said slavery is the forceful ignorance of this fact. While property ownership of either personnal or productive objects are justifiable following the principle of homesteading following the fact that you own the result of your actions and thus whichever contractual entente you take with your peers.

When are you planning to neck yourself, nigger?

If I've spent my entire life starting a business from nothing at what point does the state have the right to seize my whole lifes work? Will I get financial compensation? Is the consensus that I had done something IMMORAL? I gave people goods and services and the people I employ a fair wage. Why do you have the right to decide that that's wrong somehow and none of the years I have put into it matters?

What’s it like living with severe brain damage

Wgy havent either you killed yourself or have been pjysically removed yet?

Also wondering how someone grows to despise food.

Explain this.

Leftists = It's mine because I said so. Also, give some to those black people because its makes me feel better and gets the blacks on our side. Now get your guns and steal from.. er.. I mean tax the rich.

How many unfortunate Muslims have you allowed to live in your communal house?

Because obviously you would want equality for all socialists to not be helping them now, otherwise wouldn't you just be hypocritical?