Girls with nice hats are the best.
Girls with nice hats are the best
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Refined tastes.
This is a good thread
I came here to post her.
a nice boat involved amuses me more
I only have one episode of Railgun saved in my Hd, and it's the Frenda Episode
hats are the cutest!
Those hats get me rock hard. Cabbie hats, they're called? I love those. Improves all designs.
I want to smell Colette-chan hat
Frenda is out of sync with the rest of them, she's not standing in the middle
she's half-assing it
>want to make stitch
>only have the TV version
>no problem, I'll just download that one BD episode
>fucking cox sucker uploading at a measly 150KB/s
Why does murrica have such bad internet?
Cut her some slack.
Does having two nice hats make you a better girl?
Those are some surprisingly well detailed bikes, whoever drew those obviously rides!
Have a bike girl with hat. Do you want more bike girls with hats?
the only requirement is hat
Does Chino cout?
Do rabbits count as hats: Truly a question for the ages
Oh yes. Also Goemon.
I like tiny hats too.
We need to go smaller
>thinking i was alone with my fetish
i love you Sup Forums
That hat reminds me of this hat.
Putting a cute hat on already cute girls just adds a multiplier to their cuteness
>A personal favorite
The dreaded Snek
Snake has a great hat, but a shit personality.
Best Pokegirl has a nice hat.
Just like Mayuri
No no, Mayuri has a great hat, and no personality.
I'm surprised there hasn't been a single Touhou posted yet, (other then ) considering that franchise could fill this thread easily.
I feel like I could tank her personalty for her cuteness, don't know, it just seems like small price to pay for having her around.
Many here on Sup Forums aren't willing to put up with minor things yet claim to be capable at handling a 600+ years vampire.
But Shinobu also has a cooler hat though.
Corpse is not from 2hou
And I didn't post Touhou cuz this is Sup Forums and 2hou is not an anime
They belong in a cage.
>Corpse is not from 2hou
I know, that's why censored it she used to be nicknamed "the touhou" time ago, it sticked to me for some reason.
>this is Sup Forums and 2hou is not an anime
Someday, maybe.
In the meanwhile there is this
Managed to ruse me years ago
that seems to be a common trait in snakes
Fuck off, she's been through a lot, okay?
Haruka looks 2 times cuter with glasses and a hat.
Some people prefer to take care of the occasional big issue and have a smooth day to day. I'd gladly take a 600 year-old vampire that's as considerate as Shinobu.
There's some fantastic taste in this thread.
Girls with hats is the epitome of character design. I don't think it's possible to beat.
I want to take her hat.
I'm so glad I looked up the sauce of your pic
YES! Tiny hats!
My waifu also has a hat
tiny witch hats!
Right. Some girls wear hats, some prefer wearing birds.
This thread is going places.
She was one of the best things about that show.
Is this the Touhou thread?