Why did the nazis body shame so much?

Why did the nazis body shame so much?

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>encouraging and embracing a healthy lifestyle is a bad thing
I know this thread is bait, but people who genuinely think this way are generally fat, lazy slobs themselves, who are opposed to anything that requires a modicum of effort on their part.
>muh freedoms
Having the RIGHT to be fat is one thing, presenting obesity as a viable, acceptable life style is another.
People should be shamed for willingly making themselves physically inferior.

I like how each girl has her own upvote/ downvote buttons.

There's a difference between shaming fatties and elevating the fit. Fitness and beauty were rightfully elevated just like they were in every other modern culture until social marxism and political correctness took hold.

You will never see such greatness

Why even live?

They look like Irish step-dancers.

DPRK has spectacles like this.

Yeah but its just not the same... You know?

german girls were ugly as shit. wtf i thought germans were supposed to be master race

Says the tree hugger bug fetishist hmmm

french girls > italian girls > german girls

Take off that meme flag pajeet

wtf i love norks now

Not a single fat one there.

No dyed hair, no piercings. How could you not want to live there?

my own webm makes me bust a nut to gooks right now. cute little alien looking race

white girls are ugly with their thinfaces and their big ass eagle noses

You got the nail right on the head, YOU THOUGHT.
but you don't know shit, you race mixer.

i would rather fuck a modern day nigress than fuck those ugly ass german girls that existed in nazi germany

t. Nigger

the problem with white nationalists who pretend to be "racial realists" is they like to pretend women of their race are attractive no matter how ugly they are. I've heard some say that bitch from red ice radio is attractive. She's disgusting

a true racial realist would recognize the superiority of asian beauty over western beauty

if you think i am a cuck for saying that then i guess you have to be a cuck to be redpilled. yellow fever is the true redpill while being a delusional white nationalist idiot who think white women of his own race are attractive is being bluepilled


>> a true racial realist would recognize the superiority of asian beauty over western beauty
Turns out if you apply fucktons of aesthetic surgery you're going to look good.

Unsurgeried gooks look like shit in general, japs are the only ones with more consistent aesthetics and I still wouldn't call them above whites.

And understand that doesn't mean "every white woman is beautiful".

>being a racemixer
Shiggy diggy higgy

Literal autism. You make the same mistake as liberals and commies do. You think that shit is sustainable? You think it works at all traditionally? Stick to your own race kiddo.

you have to be somewhat bluepilled to be a ethnonationalist especially if you're of a race who has no accomplishments to be proud of. black nationalists
for example are bluepilled as fuck. they think they were scientists and that white people were living in caves

white nationalists are kind of bluepilled to some extent to with their "aryan" nordic mythology bullshit. they have to pretend the white race is better than it actually is.


>a true racial realist would recognize the superiority of asian beauty over western beauty
you're an embarrassment to autists everywhere

He is a liberal and commie. Where do you think all the "Asians are for white men!" threads come from all day, every day on here?

They realise they can't promote nigress racemixing with us, so they use Asian instead.

The other user is correct that unsurgeried gooks generally look horrible. All you see in the west are the richer ones who have ALL enough money to have surgery. Look COMPLETELY different person after.

So the gorgeous Asian you think you're breeding with, is actually an ugly fuck. Guess how your kids will turn out. Cosmetic surgery doesn't change DNA...

I am an antinatalist and hate children, so i oppose breeding in general. I only want to fuck asian girls not have children with them.

because they were the good guys and just wanted their citizens to live long, healthy and prosperous lives

you dont have a right to sin against your progeny
you can be fat if you want, but you ought to be sterilized as you wont be fit to have healthy children, they will be either fat or very prone to fatness

white nationalist women themselves contribute to white genocide by not taking as many dicks as possble. They use birth control to the same extent as liberal women. if you're using birth control, you might as well be a race mixer.

Most of these prominent white nationalist women on youtube don't have children and they're almost in their 30s. using white nationalist logic, they are traitors.

How much fakeup does your webm have vs the German girls?

Also camera angles/camera quality/lighting.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Biological truth means nothing to commies

fake or not, they look more sexually appealing and cute

Nice made up googly eyes

>biological truth

and what is that? endlessly reproduce even though it's pointless and that will just create more self-hating white cucks.

implying you can indoctrinate your children into your white nationalist ideology. you can't guarantee that it will breed with a nigger.

"Indoctrinate your children" Don't you mean the government's children?

that it will not breed with a nigger*

It's got a lot to do with makeup and photography though. You need to compare more similar makeup/photography jobs.

North korea is an ethno nationalist state you know. I think its literally illegal to marry a non-nork there. You probably get sent to a labour camp if you even try, its pretty redpilled desu

no white girl can look as cute as that no matter the trickery in the use of the camera

You retards act like women didn't use cosmetics back then.

Italians are better than all of those you degenerate american subhuman.

Make up quality and knowledge has increased 1,000 fold since then.

Right Wing Gymnastics Team When?

that white nationalist neo nazi lady had these two girls and now they fuck niggers in rebellion against their mother

white nationalist fail

Because they had the balls to tell their citizens to stop being fat/lazy and get healthy.

This is the fault with you Nihilist fucks. If everything is pointless then why try to change biological nature. Even if you believe there is no meaning in life, the one fact which is true is that we are all human. If nothing mattered then why prefer to be happy over suffering? If you wanna fuck whoever you want, why do you want to feel that temporary pleasure? Isn't pleasure pointless and just lead to the same outcome? Therefore, your claim that creating children is pointless but fucking Asians somehow isn't also pointless is illogical. It goes against basic human nature, the same species you happen to be.

then please explain why italians criminals collaberate with dirty nigerian shit skins to deal opiates and child prostitution??? italians arent even fucking white youre like sneaky mexicans fuckj off giovanni

How would I know? I'm not a criminal. Tired of explaining to dumbass americans that not every italian is from the crime infested south. Yes I do have brown eyes though. Keep hating.

>Knowing all that wholesome beauty was raped by kike lead red army

Delete this.

youre an enabler


I am convinced that white """men""" who date Asian women are actually pedophiles. These girls look like they're 12.
And that's not even mentioning the makeup or plastic surgeries

It's not body shaming when you actively enable everyone in your society to do things to become healthier.

The problem with America is that we do everything for money instead of the health of the people, so we do literally everything we can to make the path of least resistance being a fat, lazy, depressed, alienated, poor slob who spends money on fitness potions that don't work and psych meds instead of fixing our shit. Then we shame people for not overcoming all obstacles and being fit anyway.

From what I know of the nazis, they encouraged good nutrition for families and healthy physical activity at pretty much every opportunity.

Plus, no one talks about how birth control pills make women more likely to be fat. Nazi qts were encouraged to breed and given the capability to care for their children so they weren't on birth control.

if i believed nothing mattered then i wouldn't oppose breeding, but i do because i have principles. I am the opposite of a nihilist. A nihilist doesn't believe anything has value. i believe not breeding has value.
you could probably call me an existential nihilist since i believe life has no purpose and that people just have delusions in order to keep living. ethnonationalism is one of those delusions. it provides you with a cause to fight for.

they have tits. how do they look like children?

german women look like old hags so you must like geriatric women

Why not take it a step further? Shoot yourself and you'll no longer be a self-hating white cuck, since you seem to be.

because i am not depressed

This is a photo of AVERAGE girls while wearing no makeup and doing what appears to be a morning workout, and it's not shopped. You're comparing it to a photo of models who have been professionally styled, made up, and then retouched, of course it's not going to compare.

nope. germans were never particularly good looking, and nordics all look like trannies.


also killing yourself is very painful unless you have a shotgun to blow your head clear off. i saw someone kill himself with a handgun on liveleak and it looked like it hurt for a couple of seconds. i do not want to feel that pain even for a couple of seconds

if you give me a good method of suicide i'll consider it when i am a depressed

"I have principles" You suffer from the same dilemma you cuckold. Not to mention the value you'll be feeling once you regret never having your own children to fill in the empty gap you won't be able to get over.

Nice filename


even white models are ugly as fuck with their shitty unaesthetic glamour photography
i don't think i have ever jerked off to a magazine of a western model ever

The germanic people are niggers. Not by physical appearance but by their extremely self destructive behavior to their own country and all of europe.

So what you're saying is that they don't want to have sex with niggas but only do it because they have mommy issues? I feel sorry for those girls.

Having a fit body is one of the few things you have full control over regardless of your station in life or socio-econimic status.
>in before muh glandular bs
It is literally one of the most fair things to shame people about. If you dont have a fit body, you are choosing that. Literally anyone on the planet can do sit ups, push ups, jog, walk, etc.

i called it that because white nationalists turn out to have slavic/asiatic gfs

Wait is that Nayeon? 10/10 would race mix.

The average asian woman looks like dogshit. They have no hips, wide flat faces, ugly yellow skin, bad breath, disgusting pussies, and are massive feminists. Non Japanese/ Korean asians are a scourage on the earth.

You'll understand once you turn 14

>jerked off to a magazine

are you stuck in the 90s?

I'm sure you did...

>>jerked off to a magazine
>are you stuck in the 90s?

His mommy only lets him read National Geographic. "It's educational"

And the degeneracy spreads. Thanks America. You really are just another Rome.

Inert gas canister, gas mask.

You just slowly fade away.

Also, "They have tits." Obviously never met a real Asian in his prepubescent life.


>nazis treating their women like objects

nothing new here

Look at her fucking dental palate you daft cunt, she's practically fucking deformed. If you want to tug your little willy to fucking fish people - go for it but don't claim that we're being unrealistic by not being attracted to fucking deformed slants that look munted without makeup.


the pictures of models that are on the internet come from magazines. they are scans of magazines. they originate in magazines

The only reason the government "approved" of fitness was to have as many able bodied troops to throw into the grinder as possible. And the fact food was becoming scarce in Germany. Naziboos think National SOCIALISM is God teir, but they're just as bad as Communiggers.


Mы идeм, зa нaми вcя cтpaнa,
Beликaя Coвeтcкaя дepжaвa!
Mнoгo нac, нo цeль y нac oднa:
Poднoй cтpaны вeличиe и cлaвa!

Bышe знaмя coвeтcкoгo cпopтa!
Шиpe шaг oт peкopдa к peкopдy!
Cлaвa cильным, oтвaжным и гopдым
Пaтpиoтaм тpyдoвoй cтpaны!
Mы пpишли oт пoлeй и зaвoдoв,
B нaших мycкyлaх - cилa нapoдa,
A нa знaмeни - миp и cвoбoдa
Bceм нapoдaм зeмли!

Tы - cпopтcмeн cтpaны пepeдoвoй.
Tы дoлжeн быть вceгдa нa пepвoм мecтe.
Tы идeшь в шepeнгe бoeвoй
Зaщитникoв ee cпopтивнoй чecти.


Бyдь гoтoв пpocлaвить cвoй нapoд
Пo вceй зeмлe, нa кaждoм cтaдиoнe!
Бyдь гoтoв, cпopтcмeн и пaтpиoт,
И к миpнoмy тpyдy, и к oбopoнe!


Bышe знaмя Coвeтcкoгo cпopтa!
Шиpe шaг oт peкopдa к peкopдy!
Cлaвa cильным, oтвaжным и гopдым
Пaтpиoтaм тpyдoвoй cтpaны!
Mы пpишли oт пoлeй и зaвoдoв,
B нaших мycкyлaх - cилa нapoдa
A нa знaмeни - миp и cвoбoдa
Bceм нapoдaм зeмли!

>celebrating the healthy human form is body shaming


You fucking faggot. Who cares if it hurts? Life is a series of experiences. If you are going to end it at least have the balls to experience pain like you have never felt before for a fewseconds. I really cant understand pussies like you but I can see why you want to off yourself.

He's only 12. I'm sure he'll do it once his balls drop.

h e l i u m t a n k s


Those Nazi chicks can't compete with Angie.

>If you are going to end it at least have the balls to experience pain like you have never felt before for a fewseconds.

why? that would be idiotic. using that logic i should crush my hand with a ball peen hammer and shoot myself in the head

Any of the girls in OPs pic is much more beautiful than these soulless slanted-eyed creatures.

Physical fitness is a huge aspect of fascism and Nazism specifically. A healthy individual leads to a healthy society and all that.

>Burgerland wants socialized medicine
>second most obese country on earth

Nuke CA please

people who think age is relevant is probably a child. Only children think adhominem attacks are a valid way of arguing

They actually don't fuck niggers. But I'm sure you like to fantasize about it, schlomo.

a person who*

they became liberals and have non-white friends from high school. they are fucking niggers

You know that models encompass a lot more than fashion photography in magazines, right?

Also, fashion photography in magazines is usually propaganda to make white women buy too much shit, become neurotic career sluts, and either eat too much or starve themselves instead of maintaining their bodies in a healthy way.

I refuse to believe you have never jerked off to a white woman.