Nazis watch out!
Other urls found in this thread:
> commie party hat
forced diversity shits only on the achievements of blacks in ww2
Yup, sure. We'll see how game sales go, I bet they're in the trash, just like every other try hard stuffed with the Soros narrative thing has done.
fucking commies.
Plot twist: The nazis really won and they rule the america nowadays omg whaaaat.
please be real
what the flying fuck
Jesus fucking christ.
this game is going to flop.
not because they kill nazis, but because they are pushing literal commie narrative.
also this shit right here what the fuck
Stay sober then. Nothing worse than capping Nazis with a hangover.
>implying that didn't happen in 1944
As long as I get to kill something in a first-person shooter. I don't care.
>muh narrative
shut the fuck up SJW
its going to flop because it has QTE riddled 5h campaign and no multiplayer
Nice tits. Got any moar?
>a fucking hammer and sickle
is it morally justified to **** ******** ** now? when is the line crossed?
>the left can't mem-
Nevermind, this convinced my not to get it.
they ruined it all and learned nothing from GG I thought it was only the marketing but I was wrong so wrong they killed it why for fucks same it's only been 3 years since new order how the fuck they raped this series corpse within that timeframe and made a 7 hour fucking half baked rush job with WORTHLESS GAMEPLAY THAT ISN'T EVEN FUN BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T CARE
this is satire ja?
Whats on the back of the jacket? The red/white logo kinda looks like the antifa flags as first glance
>back on jacket on fire
>strip nude instantly
correction they raped it after New order and old blood they at least had people who gave a shit back then
How's Macedonia?
Never been there.
objectively better than albania but thats about it.
You realize Nazi feuds are between themselves and your like a kid at the kiddie table at thanksgiving asking if you can have some wine fucking off yourself
Brings a tear to my eye. Now I feel obligated to crack open the old Win95 laptop to play the original.
>pregnant grrll power
This whole thread belongs in Sup Forums along with all 3 weed threads belonging in /trash/
Paddocks brother just got snatched.
What the hell. This game is like a stream of insanity and cringe.
It's not going to flop It's Wolfenstein. The name sells itself no matter how shit it is.
lmao i was just watching this episode
Watch the trailer.
The afro chick goes into a tank, finds a nigger fucking some fat blonde German because of "muh racemixing"
I don't understand why the developers thought to choose actual Commies as the main protagonist. Most of America understands taht Communism killed just as much, if not significantly more than Nazism ever did.
>the fucking state of western gaming
Sup Forums will defend this
For what purpose
I don't even have an image reaction for the face I'm making right now.
Love how the back of BJ's jacket looks like the ANTIFA logo.
I haven't been paying attention, but I remember seeing a Wolfenstein trailer YEARS ago. It was either a Wolfenstein game or a ripoff.
They made a game and it was the same premise; nazis took over the world and now you gotta resist.
I'm surprised a lot of you dumb cocksuckers we're gonna buy something from Bethesda. Commies or not they're still money hungry cucks that churned out Skyrim and Fallout Minecraft edition
Enjoy brat. Its the show i have rewatched the most.
get it? communist PARTY hat?
Ahahaha, ok.
>Brainlets won't ever figure out the (((((symbology)))) this reeks of.
>achievements of blacks in ww2
not partaking in actual combat but raping the women of occupied territory is no achievement bergjude
Always Sunny is definitely /ourshow/.
Nice aim nazis. Very realistic.
Well it is made by Swedes so
>the absolute state of (((modern gaming)))
Mao and Stalin absolutely shit on Hitler in body count.
Don't worry, I gotchu senpai
Is this the new wolfenstein? They gave BJ a fucking communist party hat!? What is this bullshit.
i cant stop laughing
>everything about this webm
what the fuck is this fan made lol
Oh shit it actually is lol
And it's published by Bethesda, which is cuckworthy in it's own right.
It's because they're fucking retarded.
>black wymyn
>commie faggots
>wheelchair segment
>pregnant woman showing her boobs (there will most likely be a scene with her breastfeeding in public)
What's next, pitbull apologism
Nazi bodycount has holocaust multiplier so it's worse.
this is fucking hilarious its so bad
No wonder, considering their stupid facemasks
Economically we stand better than Serbia and Bosnia too.
Still very cheap for the average European.
>a Polish-American
>siding with the commies
someone tell me what game this is?
So they are commies? Was going to get it but not anymore.
>mfw it flops
What a piece of shit
I'm going to buy this game. It looks fun.
Have fun hating everything Sup Forums
>when a game is so trash that the only way bethesda has tried to market it is through Sup Forums shilling
This is the most retarded thing I've ever seen
Bad guys: nazis. Killed 6 gojirrion bit not really.
Good guys: Marxists. Lowest estimate: killed 40,000,000.
Yeah okay.
The breastfeeding scene is with the niggress.
She then starts smoking a cigarette while her spawn is sucking at her tit.
>+20hours of continuous cringe
cant help but assume they are successfully trolling everybody at this point
Bump :^)
They changed him into a Jew in the new cannon.
>one bad makes the other ok
You join up with communists to fight the nazis. The other group is led by the African American woman who led a black power movement in the US.
I imagine its worse than what I have managed to garner from the trailers and the info available at the moment.
I feel like they're trying to appeal to us to come over to their side with this scene
it fails horribly
even the tits are all wrong
>pitbull apologism
Robo pits
It's actually on the top seller on steam alone.
>20+ hours
A complete playthrough of the game (taken down since all the comments were laughing at it) was just under 5 hours.
So this is how deep the cuckolding of Swedes has become.
Good lord.
proper tiddy tho
I really thought we were just meming over simply McCuckface and his commy priest robes, but now i see the truth.
Fucking faggotry.
NO FUCKING WAY that happened in the game. Holy fucking jesus, fuck the gaming industry for playing around with this PC bullshit.
we deserve nuclear annihilation
Is she preg?