Would you kiss her, Sup Forums?

Would you kiss her, Sup Forums?

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No, I'm a loyal member of the lonely drivers and always will be

No way


why are the girls in Initial D all so bad


Papa's dick has been all over those lips, I'm not touching them


>not perfect

too bad Keisuke is mgtow

AND she lets her darling race her car when his goes down.

Fuck ring bearers, just have your cars at the ceremony with the rings on their hoods.

>you'll never makeout with girl Takumi after she races you on the touge

>Bunta will never then coming knocking on the window because she's late for the tofu run

What's with the Initial D threads?

There's always an Initial D thread around. The better question is why there's actual discussion instead of lyrics spam.

Golf Takumi is best.

Do you think Golf Takumi's golf friends wonder what she sees in him? I bet there's some golf jock who wants her and can't understand why she'd go for Takumi the non-golf guy.

Since when have golfers been jocks?

I don't know. Since when have tofu delivery boys been world-class touge racers?

Keisuke was a big faggot. It's not like she was a dumb whore who wouldn't understand his passion for cars/races.

Cute street racers racing cute cars when?

Was there any reason why Legend didn't have any eurobeat in it?

I want a truck driving anime. I wanna see little girls try to double clutch and try to take corners wide when they can barely see over the hood.

All I can picture is pic related

>tfw no spaced out tofu delivering race car gf

Imagine that, with chain smoking little girls, and a Bunta style lolihag that can do this.



What the fuck do the extra sticks do and how are cute girls supposed to use them? Outside of a lewd manner, of course

Ugly whore. Golf Takumi is the only one for me.

I believe it's shifting from high gear low and high range.

For example, the standard large truck transmission has high and low, and switches between them with a splitter so you go (1-2-3-4-5-S-6-7-8-9-10) where with the overdrive feature you go (1-2-3-4-5-6L-6H-7L-7H-8L-8H-9L-9H-10L-10H) for maximum efficiency and fuel economy while retaining pulling power.

Just give me more cute girls riding cute baikus.

>you'll never go for a late night drive just cruising and talking for hours

holy shit, I can barely do manual transmission I'm so sorry /o/
I can't imagine what a truck driver has to do on a daily basis

I can get behind this.

Truck sticks now are pretty easy.

You have one stick with a splitter and maybe a divider, which are just levers on the stick.

Why is /o/ always posting here instead of posting on /o/

I don't /o/

I drive for a living and I like Initial D.

Are you implying that isn't what Initial D is about?

I have a slut fetish so I'd gladly plow her in the back of my shitbox

The fact that at least 3 other men have been in her teen pussy just makes it hotter for me

post eurobeat



Her face looks weird by anime standards so that would translate to complete butterface in real life.

>not being a lonely driver in 2016

>being a lonely driver in 2016

>having to take both hands off the wheel