Should incels be killed? They creep out women, are mostly NEETs, tend to hold extreme right wing views and don't contribute nothing of value to society. Getting rid of them would be a net positive on society.
Should incels be killed? They creep out women, are mostly NEETs, tend to hold extreme right wing views and don't contribute nothing of value to society. Getting rid of them would be a net positive on society.
>right wing
that's a plus
Someone's too scared to kill themselves
Daily reminder that I provably turned down sex ~3 weeks ago and there is nothing you shills can do about it.
>don't contribute nothing
hi nigger!
Having too much fun spinning you up tbqh
desu a lot of incels are full on left wing and want the destruction as soon as possible , most of them like islam as well
I have leukemia and people think im Gay,dying or depressed. Fucking hate this world, everyone in the u.s. is a fat fuck and im tall and skinny so i stand out.
I try and enjoy my life and i enjoy video games sometimes aswell, i go outside and try to do the things i can before i die.
Doesn't matter though. Nothing matters in the end and all my fears,angers,happiness,dreams go away when the ego dies.
Who knows if i'll get better but it'll be funny if i become a spooky ghost and watch as shitskins take over and tear some of you horrible people limb from limb.
Their eyes are dead and soulless for the most part
Usually people on the right have a gaze of focus and anger, because they are disgusted by what is to come and want to avert it
the biggest thing im proud of is my child like eyes and long lashes
>let's kill incels kek
That results in 99% of Sup Forums being shoah'd.
Which is a great thing. Most people on Sup Forums should unironically be put into gas chambers.
Never said it wasn't a great thing.
I was talking shit with some dude over at r/incels and he asked me to "prove" I wasn't a virgin, like to post actual pics.
Shut up leukemia boy.
They're the lowest form of human out there. Even niggers manage to at least reproduce to replace themselves. Incels are genetic failures and dead ends need to put out of their misery.
ok, I volunteer, come at me.
all i want is to exterminate wom*n
I'm a really attractive dude that's had lots of sex yet I still relate to incels. Why? Like I feel insulted when people make fun of incels, even though I get random compliments on the street and get approached by women. Am I an incel on the inside or something? Can that be possible? Is it the Sup Forums connection? I don't get it lads.
Either this is a troll post or you have the mind of a literal child.
if you want to go and kill some incels whats stopping you? The government won't be able to do it until we abandon some of our principles regarding human rights if thats what you mean
Have not had sex in five years. I am fucking terrible with women, and undoubtedly creep some of them out. Listen OP this is partly my fault, my insecurities and awkwardness. Still though our society has popped out some of the most glib, self absorbed, thin skinned, and silly women who have ever existed. I swear people are mortally terrified of awkwardness. Where did this come from? Previous gens did not have nearly the same fear of it.
Start making an effort to make yourself look better, once you resemble something that can be mistaken for attractive go to a nightclub. You'll get laid within 10 attempts at going to a nightclub. I've seen many of my ugly friends get laid in nightclubs.
so this is a veiled "i'm going to kill myself for realz now" thread by OP
Sage and hide
Well not in the nightclubs, but the same night.
Some of us remember what it was like to be a fat, nerdy kid that the cheerleaders picked on before we got into shape and grew into ourselves. People who resort to that type of behaviour tend to be the worst among us btw
Stoicism is seen as awkwardness now, we are living in a very conformist and manufactured society. The Man With No Name would be a nerd by modern standards.
Either this is a troll post or you have the mind of a literal child.
Also, anyone who unironically uses the word "Incel" is a massive faggot who takes this plastic world around us too seriously.
Sort of
What we need is a mass mobilization type war, where these folks can be drafted, improved upon, and the stupidest can be sacrificed for national greatness.
I was never really that kid. I hung out with some nerdy people but I was in the football team all through highschool and was actively dating and having sex even back then. I've had some incel-like friends so maybe that's the root cause of me relating to incels and being offended when people are mean to them online.
Forced entry into the monasteries,
What does incel mean, I missed that meme train
I hope it's a nod towards fair game.
god knows we get enough from the tv and radio (legally recognized as a hostile environment).
>don't contribute nothing
Involuntary Celibate.
Jews. Dirty, useless jews.
Maybe you're one of the rare few genuine white knights that are selfless and defend people for selflessness' sake. If that's the case, get the hell out of this cesspool of filth, you're too good for this board. If not, then maybe you identify with incels only because subconsciously you know that you'll get more pussy by appearing as a strong male provider with a sense of compassion. In that case, you're just another Chad who dicks people over.
I'm not looking to get any more pussy than I currently have, as I'm in a long term relationship and quite happy. I won't say I'm selfless, I'm not, but I'm not trying to dick anyone over. I go out with friends and I'm the designated "wingman" in nightclubs and bars as girls tend to flock in my direction where I introduce them to my friends.
Oh no I am definitely awkward. Thing is I got into a rut. Used to not be at all this bad. Always been a bit eccentric but became a shut in and as you guys know it is easy to dig the ditch, harder to climb out. Fuck always been bad with women. Too wrapped up in myself and have tonnes of baggage. Sometimes break free, and act normal, other days I fear the outside and fear rejection.
Do that and Sup Forums's pop. drops by 90% (generous amount)
Hilariously, I bet the anti-fa crew actually get a lot of weird pussy. The incels are probably mostly righties XD
If your only measure of success is how much pussy you pull, KYS. Nominally you only need 1 partner in this life and your job is completed.
Also rather be dead than red and liberal commies will eventually eat a bullet, either their own or one tossed at them by a member from the multi-kulti mongrel hordes they like to live around.
Hello roastie
do it then, bitch
It's instinctive rage at people being smug about something they don't have any business being smug about.
It'd be like someone acting smug because they know how to properly cut wood or quickly set ads in a store. It's kinda worse, because it's a deficiency that's a genuine struggle to overcome. Socializing with people is such a fucking pain these days.
I don't know then, maybe for whatever reason you have a soft spot for incels and are selfless when it comes to them. Maybe you're a master manipulator of women deep down and you don't want to admit it. Maybe you identify with incels because some part of you is secretly beta and you're repressing it. I'm not a psychiatrist.
Probably because you're not as attractive as you say you are. Post your face or at least your jawline. We'll be the judge of that.
Honestly no one should show mercy to incels.. they've got really fucked up views on women and hate society thus they're dangerous.
Huh..really making me think.....
I don't see why I'd need to be a master manipulator of women, maybe I am. Wouldn't really bother me if I was. I wouldn't really be bothered by being beta on the inside, though I have pretty right wing beliefs.
I posted my face on Sup Forums once, someone said that my jawline had a jawline so I'm pretty confident I'd pass your shit test. I'm not going to post another picture of myself on Sup Forums. I'm 6'2 and handsome, it's pretty easy for me to know I look good just off of a mirror even if I discount the women that have told me I am.
Bulshit, just look at /r9k/
Let's just kill everyone who uses the word rostie and makes Sup Forums look bad.
I would be okay with my humane extermination. I don't want to suffer though, that's why I am here in the first place. Just keep it in mind that, when things get ugly, even if some people deserve to die, some of them deserve to be destroyed without suffering
Good on you bud. You have been blessed and you have some character. Don't let that heart of yours grow cold.
what's incel
"Some are born eunuchs. Others are made eunuchs by men. And some become eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake"
they have gotten rid of themselves from society as-is
just let them continue hoarding on reddit and go enjoy your life
>If your only measure of success is how much pussy you pull, KYS.
That's just one of many measures, you might not think it's important but it clearly is important by society's standards. Do you even social status you dumb stupid beta?
>Nominally you only need 1 partner in this life and your job is completed.
Yes.. we all know monogamy was invented so even betas like you can get yourself a woman. If monogamy wasn't invented most of you ''men'' would have committed suicide by now, you need this social construct to give you hope. Now that monogamy is dying you men who are non-existent to women are going to far right online refuges to seek identity and a place of belonging but unfortunately for you even the right wing hates incels because you're all creedo weirdos who can't even fulfill your basic biological needs.
Start with weeaboos first. They are the most disgusting mentally ill creepy of the omega males
Roastie is a dumb word invented by useless incels to make themselves feel better about their pathetic and hopeless situation. The best way to make people realize what a loser you really are is to use 'roasties' and 'normie' as an insult.
>they creep out women
They're only worthless because even more worthless emancipated sluts have an inflated social status.
Yea, I have one. Learn English.
You are a dweeb. Everyone knows sex and the hunt are fucking awesome, but the guy is right that it ultimately is a fox fire.
These guys definately have some false sense of entitlement, and I suspect that a lot of them don’t address whatever barriers they have to meeting women and rather just sit behind thir computer crying about it.
That said having travelled to many other countries I have to say that western nations seem to be Among some of the worst for meeting women (based on tinder matches) Greece for me was the single worst country, China was the best (literally every girl matched). It was an interesting experiment. My view is that the top 30% of women (in my country at least) in terms of attractiveness will go after the top 5% of men, obviously supply doesn’t meet demand so they end up alone and single and miss the boat, whilst at the same time men of equal attractiveness also find themselves alone and single unless they have kept lowering their standards to the point the finally meet a woman that will accept them.
God this nigga is hot as fuk
But...incels are fucking assholes?
They all just spout about how much they hate women for...being women...and then saying how much they wanna get some pussy and kill all their's fucking pathetic.
Except incels tend to become school shooters, serial killers, pedophiles, etc. It's not a good behaviour to encourage within a society. Incels should be weeded out for the sake of the rest of society as you can't have a growing number of angry men isolated from the rest of society who despise women and their fellow man because they can't any pussy. It's a recipe for disaster.
Double niggative
You get rid of incels and you get rid of weebos and other sexual deviants.
I'm not talking about the asshole incels, I'm talking about "incels" as in people that aren't attractive and don't know how to get women or have no friends.
Women have a naturally inflated social status simply because of the high sex drive of the average male. The average male will fuck a 4/10 without hesitation. The average female won't fuck a 4/10 guy without reason. That means a 4/10 woman is more valuable than a 4/10 man.
They already know that their genes are too shit to reproduce. They've just taken themselves out of the gene pool.
Most of them would probably kill themselves anyways.
Most incels ARE angry assholes though.. just go to /r/incels or/r9k/ and see how they are.
Nah it's women with a flase sense of entitlement, 100 years ago these incels would have been hooked up with wives.
Unless we address the female emancipation problem properly, the white race is finished.
It’s always struck me as a little odd that with a roughly 50:50 ratio of men to women on the planet, the demand for women seems to be a lot greater from the male side, but as per my previous post I just assumed it’s because women generally punch above their weight and would rather end up with no one than get someone equal or less attractive.
Yes but then you have the fact that a lot of them are NEETs (drain on society) and the fact that a lot of them are potential serial killers, rapists, pedophiles, mass shooters, etc. It's not good to encourage this kind of extreme anti-social behavior within a society. It's a sickness that must be removed.
>and don't contribute nothing of value to society
>don't contribute nothing
You don't speaky da english very well...
Shut the fuck up you uneducated faggot
>Am I an incel
Worse, you're smart
Yeah it’s becoming a prob, because guys are litteraly fucking robots in Japan and doll brothels are set up in Germany, it’s like men are just kinda giving up. Still though I dunno why these guys don’t just lift weights and lower their standards a little...
>tries to meme term incel
>doesnt even explain it are a woman with guy issues. Could tell when you got tender about the word roastie.
I don't hate women I love them. I am just in a dark place because of drugs and insecurities. It's my fault, but I intend to dig out of this. You have some axe to grind. You confused about the gender? Angry at cis white males?
It's because they can't compete in a non-patriatchial society that favors women because they have shit genes or a socially awkward weirdos. That's why theyre attracted to the right wing because they view it as a way for the patriatchy to regain it's control so they can subjucate women to sleep with them.. we all know that's not what the right wing is about. They have this illusion that they have a refugee in the right wing when they don't. Nobody should like incels so we drive them further towards suicide and maybe the problem will correct itself in this way.
Im gonna come to your house and die on your front porch then haunt you.
Ill protect you from afro female niggers though
Pro tip: Black women treat people the worst in hospitals, i've seen shit you wouldn't believe.
Christ loves you user. This phsycial life is dust. Don't let your soul waste away being a nihilist faggot
Shit woman God loves you.
That, or I must say, great shit posting. You are laying it on a bit too thick though.
Find someone you can get benzodiazpines from.
Dont pull a nigger rapper game and eat a 2mg bar. Take like 0.25-0.5mg of xanax before you go again after you drive and wait 30 minutes.
Benzos although highly addictive in the right doses for people like you and *me* who need them, can make them very normal and even extremely confident. Im telling you, they'll help you immensely when used right.
If you feel you'd eat benzos everyday though, then dont get them. Very few people can obtain benzos and use them responsibly.
wish you the best of luck and trust me you'll get there someday, but you gotta atleast try.
So how are we to test for this? Let me grab you out of your home first then, there's no test at all.
>The life police are here user, you've spent half your week inside; we're taking into the rehabilitation facility for immediate rehabilitation.
You're just trolling, if you were serious you'd have an actual plan and research on how to even identify who's an incel other than appearance.
Also dont worry mate, one day your day will come when life shits on you and even the incels will being having a better life
Thanks bro. God keep you.
Got a question for you guys. What do you do when yo remember all the dorky shit you have done around women? It saps the self esteem.
>b-but they have shit genes
No it's because women want to fuck shitskins and jeremy meeks.
The average accountant has to tip toe, beg and grovel for an average piece of ass.
Even then he will probably face sexual harassment charges.
Incels should be forced into slavery.
They're basically homeless people who use any excuse they can to leech off the system.
Letting you worthless cunts out of the kitchen was a catastrophic mistake.
What i said is 100% true though.
Your ego is everything that makes you, you. When it dies you're gone.
Now i have an attractive face and have had alot of complaints on my appearance minus my weight. My only issue is my weight due to the medications i have to take and im always fatigued, i do hope soon i can start exercising and get strong.
I walk everyday for 5 miles but try not to do too much hard shit yet as the pills take a toll.
Im agnostic as i had an experience on mushrooms that changed me from an edgy fedora atheist to agnostic.
I've had some weird "Universal winks" happen to me that the odds are slim to none that could happend.
Example: I was at a new years eve party a year before my diagnosis, i had been talking to these 2 girls earlier at the party who later got pretty drunk and went to do their own thing at the party. Later on one of the girls i was talking to, was drunk as hell and randomly asked on her couch "what does "i love you" mean in German? Well it just so happens it's the only sentence i know in German, I live in midwest Usa, no Tvs are on, it's a new years eve party and she's ass blasted drunk.
Could be a coincidence but it was just so fucking odd at the time i remember it to this day. That's the only most obvious "universal wink" i can explain to people and everyone i've told it to thinks it's cool or proof of something else out there.
I dont believe there's nothing out there, i just dont know about a single man controlling everything of the universe. But as i said, i've had odd shit like above happen were the chances are like 1 in 100m+
If the only way for to get women is to live in a total Patriatchy where women have little to no rights then you might be a pathetic loser who shouldn't reproduce.
I'm not a chad but I have pretty consistent, normal relationships and a good job but I'm the same way. Incels make a lot of good points about the double standards men face and how easy it is to be a female. Being an ugly man is the worst thing possible in the world so I sympathize with them
Just realize the girls dont actually care at all. They always almost forget that type of shit unless it was life changing, it happens to females so often it becomes a puddled mess. The more self-aware you are, the more anxiety you get.
You just gotta train your brain to realize they dont care or use some type of anti-anxiety med to help you out until you can learn actions or mental exercises to cope with that type of thing.
It seems like the worst thing in the world, but our brains are so powerful that all you remember from "trying" to pickup women is the times you've messed up.
Try and remember the times you've made a girl laugh or express an emotion of happiness, if you haven't; Just remember the girls forget that shit quickly and remember every guy has to step over those hurdles.
Bets of luck mate
LMAO @ incels ITT.
They are a nature's mistake. But I guess it has to be this way. All around HIERARCHY is the LAW of nature.
Of course they don't experience things on the same level as CHAD, not just because they never achieve that, but because their shit-tier organism can't fucking process it in a healthy way. Instead they're stuck being physically and mentally DEFICIENT, completely UNABLE to feel the joy of LIFE like its embodiment named CHAD.
So yes. Incel literally means DEATH. It can only spread out its putrid stench among normal people. It's not welcome and it needs to disappear. Fucking LMAO.
Please do not be mean to incels, I'm a good looking guy but I was an incel for many years due to a long list of mental illnesses. Fortunately I overcame that and got a gf despite still being a little spergy.
If you're a current incel, know that Sup Forums is just filled with assholes and there are still ways to overcome inceldom, namely through getting your hormones and deficiencies checked, improving your appearance, and improving social skills.
Obviously there are a lot of children posting here. Wait until you are about 35-40, if you have a job and you are not some kind of severely fucked up retard or faggot you will get more opportunity for pussy than you can handle. The whole sexual dynamic gets flipped in middle age, the women chase dick
> Extreme right wing views
> and don't contribute nothing of value to society.
The first is not necessarily a bad or good thing, and the second implies that everything they do has value. You are an illiterate fuck, and an embarrassment to Nazis. And that's saying something.
Fuck off with that fake shit of 'mental illness' that's faggot speak for being a whiny bitch. You didn't have a mental illness. You were just lonely. You fucking people are disgusting peddling that fucking post modern bullshit.