Fuck Columbus Day Why Even Support A Rapist And Genocidest? I Can't Wait For Martin Luther King Day Instead.
Fuck Columbus Day Why Even Support A Rapist And Genocidest? I Can't Wait For Martin Luther King Day Instead
>crying over shit that happened 600 years ago
These people need to ace themselves.
> tattoos
> nose piercing
> crusty hair
> overplucked eyebrows
This is a worse warcrime than anything Columbus did.
>nose ring
>thinks anyone gives a shit what she thinks
Because thanks to him your land is not on the Stone Age
>inb4 we wuz emperorz
Meh, Columbus was something of a penis. It's nice to see some legitimate bitching for once instead of the usual bat shit craziness.
You need to get laid slut.
Yall faggots need to start celebrating Leif Eriksson Day instead.
Lefties are all about open borders until Columbus Day comes around. Then they're against it for one day out of the year.
Just change every fucking holiday to nigger day already.
It gives a free day for muricans, and stop feeling like a fucking victim all the time
Easy to talk shit leaf, i sure as hell don't wanna be a fucking charrua living on a tribe that was so dense that didin't knew how to work iron
FUCK off you cuck, you embarrassment
we need to ship her to a nogo zone in londonstan
What would your opinion matter to me, stupid chink?
But the Indians were worse. I really don't understand liberals. Raping is horrible. Raping and killing and enslaving and genocide are fine if your skin is brown. What? I don't even.
MLK hated faggots. He thought homosexers were garbage. He's a nigger worth celebrating
sure are a lot of bait threads today
They should follow, document a group of those people (piercings, tattoos, arty) into adult hood and see how many end up on the government tit and who actually get a real job. And see how it affects their believes.
Bet she wouldn't say the same about Muhammad
hello indigenous """people's""" day
Canadians seem rather fond of Bill Clinton and he's actively raping people.
Day of the rake when?
Bet she owns a Che Quevara shirt
I agree. There are idiots who still cry about a 2,000 year old fictional character who died on a cross.
Are you really the same faggot as yesterday?
>facial piercings
Shame Columbus didn't scrub your family from the Earth.
Does anyone have some insight as to why crazy ass liberals are always white girls with nose rings and skank tattoos? It's a glaringly common and you can spot them a mile away
is there any proof that colombo did any of that?
leftists act like he just hopped off the boat and immediately started raping and killing everyone
If not for Columbus, the Natives would have just be killed and enslaved by the Chinese.
Don't you mean communist wife-beater day?
>ctrl f
>no Italian heritage post
im not even italian and im ashamed
I can't wait either fruit loop - I'm taking down his statues since he is not LGBTQABCDEFG friendly! Just like Robert E Lee and Columbus's statues!
>I don't understand the motives behind colonialism
Nice pencil eyebrows
>looks at flag
Fucking Leaf, he not only had nothing to do with your country (bend your knee to the Queen), he had nothing to do with the USA.
Quit virtue signaling.
I bet this woman thinks highly of Bill Clinton.
She probably supports the browning of white countries though.
arm tats, nose piercing, zit marks all over face, finger tats, cheap ass indian jewelry. Why is it always the losers who couldnt find a way to fit in.
honestly when i see this i think child abuse, by a stepparent.
Columbus was amazingly brave. His story is really fascinating. One of my favorite explorers. That dumb woman should only speak when spoken to. She does not have the wisdom to speak freely.
>dota 2 reference
10/10 post
Who did he genocide? Seems pretty impressive for a guy with a couple of ships, I tip my hat to him
>I don't understand how disease spreads
burger education/10
Right? And he got us a day off a school, wtf? Martin Luther King Jr. thinks gays should not get married. Let's lynch his statues like Robert E Lees and Columbus's then, Bill Clintons!
dumb cunt will do anything to be the center of attention... undesireables get it and the psycho comes out. Least she isn't using dead children... this time... yet...
24 media attention
best healthcare in the world
the list is truly endless
the oppressor is crying for attention.
We celebrate winners
Or the Turkish Ottomans.
>celebrate genocide
why. thats all. no funny meme or condescending insult. just why.
>columbus raped and killed the rightful owners of this land
>columbus didn't even find this land
Pick 1
Cause I want a day off from work
These people don't care cause they don't have jobs
I bet that little dgen could take it all
>American education
From the looks of her so was her dad
And there are still idiots who care that people believe in some values
>ugly tats
>ugly face metal
>too much necklace
>almost 0 eyebrows
>didn't put a comma after murderer
ew just look how absolutely disgusting she looks
Native americans also raped, genocided, had slaves, and stole land
>goes to america
>doesn't care and goes back to iceland to convert to christianity and write his journey on some obscure stone tablets
>we should celebrate this, despite the fact that it had zero impact on the world.
These faggots think morality propagates backwards through time.
Clothes are a social construct.
The legend returns