Well, Sup Forums?


kind of oxymoronic, as whoever wrote the meme is inherently suggesting that large swaths of people, maybe a majority of them, don't deserve to exist.

then why doesn't the author kill himself?

They must believe all races and creeds deserve to exist.
That's why White Genocide must be stopped.

>implying all men are born equal

all races and creeds deserve to exist.*
* except anything pertaining to whites or white culture or white heritage or anything that could be remotely construed as "white", including "christianity".


people who don't think other people deserve to exist don't deserve to exist

Well it goes both ways. All those niggers and liberals that want cops and white people dead should therefore be killed themselves, it's only fair by their own standards.

So if you believe that others shouldn't exist because they believe others shouldn't exist , doesn't that mean you shouldn't exist ?

No, it's just a fact.

people who think are people who exist

No one has ever deserved anything.

Facts are for fags

'deserve' -- well who do you take your 'deserve' chits to, to make your claim?

what did he mean by this???????????

Here's a you my nigga


Wait what.

Just believe that all races and cultures deserve to exist, don't hate someone for existing, don't take away other people's lives or countries.

>implying all men are born equal
"Some animals are more equal than others"
-the pigs in Animals Farm

take that to the genocidal kikes

what if i just dont think other people exist?

So white genocide is wrong?

Hating someone doesn't take away thier life or culture. I think you are confused about the nature of hatred.


Hating means you want them gone, racemixers are full of hate.

they have gas chambers in america???????

Hate doesn't mean that. It means I dislike something. I don't think you have a firm grasp of the English language.

You fixed it!

That's the point they were trying to make, but they don't realize that with Jews there is always going to be a concentrated effort against whites, we have to kill every single one of them.

You won't know you ever existed once we eradicate you.

It's called manifest destiny.

this is the very embodiment of a straw man. create something that virtually no-one in the new-right says and use it to attack them. we don't say others don't deserve to exist, we say that we deserve to exist and we deserve our own ancestral homelands which our ancestors have built and we've inherited, the same as any other peoples on earth.

saged for being a fucking kike shill as usual

It’s a useful bit of rhetoric, but a straw man nonetheless

Why do they hate our existence?


>White Genocide must be stopped
We probably could stop it if it actually existed. It's never really been anything more than a meme for fragile egos and Nazi wannabees.

We stand in the way of masonic prophecy, only whites oppose one world government, thus is why they have to create a world population of mixed race mongoloid 80IQ people who are easily controlled

Niggers aren't people.

If I could only give my life to cleanse this planet of all people except for white non-muslims, Id do it in a heartbeat and be remembered for eternity as a man who has singlehandedly saved this planet

"other people" could refer to faggots or child molesters who absolutely don't deserve to exist so it is right in some instances. There are some really atupid people who will just latch on to retard maxims and die by them

It's simple inequality.
Whites are treated as second-class citizens, and are the only race who must share with others

They can exist where they belong, not around me.

your picture should say muslim instead of goat fucker

Faggots/child molesters want to traumatize others and seek to end their existence by AIDS or childhood trauma affecting them later in life

He basically just described the death penalty, so as a Texan I'm obliged to agree.

That's pretty gay.

Well, they don't think whites deserve to exist, so by their logic they don't deserve to exist.

Day of the rope, boys.

The Blacks and Browns, by genetic, only want welfare, because they are very low IQ by genetic, on average 80 points, and thus very lowly capable, however, they are too low intelligence to understand this is innate to them and has nothing to do with Whites at all. They continue to scream for welfare, and are voting for the Communist candidates that will try to move America into Communism, however, they will be cut off from it and put to work in factories by us. All able-bodied people will be cut from welfare and put to work. In the meantime, abolish Section 8 housing and move the welfare offices out of your towns and keep them in the big cities only.

Whites comprise only 40% of America because there are 50+ million illegals and because the impudent liars publishing the demographics are including Mestizos as White when they are not. They are presenting false demographics in order to keep Whites from realizing how they are being quickly out-numbered and out-multiplied so the by the time they do realize, the Blacks and Browns will already have sufficient numbers to take over the voting blocks and then completely destroy America and the Whites.

Blacks and Browns, because on average their IQ is 80 points and that they commit almost all crime in America, put an extremely huge strain on the public systems and are a pretext for very expansive bureaucratic government which is always corrupt and controlled by the Deep State. They must be segregated so that they cannot continue destroying American culture, society, and civilization by chronically immensely burdening the Whites and polluting culture and the political system with their low intelligence and disorderly nature. No words can explain the degradation they cause to American society. This is innate in their genetics and cannot be changed. For every single one that seems palatable there are a thousand disorderly uncivilized unreasonable ones. They completely destroy schools with their presence.

>Whites are treated as second-class citizens,
Like you have to drink from separate water fountains and sit in the back of the bus, that kind of "second-class citizen"? You're delusional.

>and are the only race who must share with others
Didn't the black slaves share with others against their will? Sorry, your pity-party reeks of femininity.

We are chosen second for jobs based on our race and gender.

Blacks don't share Africa with others. They savagely behead them and eat them.
At least the Japanese had swords ffs.

>"Whites are treated as..."
>"are", a present tense participle
>goes on a tirade about shit that's not happening presently
It's in the past, Jamal. We don't have to pretend it didn't happen, but it's not happening today. Just because a bunch of people in the past were assholes doesn't mean you have to treat everyone who shares they're skin color like they took part in the assholery.

I think everyone has the right to exist....in their own respective homelands.

Niggers are the one American-born group that could us a reconnection with their ancestry, so shipping them all back to the motherland would be a great thing for everyone. No more worry about the white man holding you down ever again!

sot he person who wrote this doesn't deserve to exist, cool.
also, what does sage in the options field do?

It was a capital punishment method that eventually fell out of favor. But yes, we gassed murderers.

message from the alt-lite: "We must secure a future for white people and their children"


post yfw Sup Forums is utter fucking garbage now

>We are chosen second for jobs based on our race and gender.
That's weird. I'm white and I've never lost a tech job opportunity to anyone of any other color, except possibly Indians. But I can assure you that was a purely capitalistic decision that had nothing to do with race or color.

Businesses get to do whatever the fuck they want and pretty much hire whomever. So your unemployable excuse doesn't pan out.

>except possibly Indians
You have just contradicted yourself in the first sentence, congratulations.
>what is affirmative action
You're a joke.


>Doesnt believe people who think other people should exist should exist
>think they themselves shouldnt exist


>10000 hours in paint later

Put me in a cage with whoever wrote that and we'll see who earns the right to exist.


u should know fag