How does one tell how good a series will be before it airs? Do you look at the studio? The Writer? Director? What it's an adaptation of/is it original? The synopsis? The genre?
How does one tell how good a series will be before it airs? Do you look at the studio? The Writer? Director...
All of those + knowning your own taste.
>look at the PV
>try if it look interesting
Wow so fucking hard. You're the kind of guy watch review video right?
>How does one tell how good a series will be before it airs?
Ask Sup Forums. Sup Forums is never wrong.
If it's Kyoani, it's shit
If it's Madhouse, it's shit
If it's Bones, it's shit
If it's Khara, it's shit
If it's Trigger, it's shit
If it's Shaft, it's shit
If it's Gainax, it's shit
If it's DEEN, it's shit
If it's Xebec, it's shit
If it's TOEI, it's shit
If it's Sunrise, it's shit
If it's Dogakobo, it's shit
If it's White Fox, it's shit
Good one broheim
No thanks
I usually do but there always seems to be a few that I miss until 9 weeks into the season.
PV, promo art, and summary. Shin Sekai Yori made me start looking at some PVs. The music, animation, and choice of PV focus helps you get a sense of the intended vibe.
What else is there then?
>Shin Sekai Yori made me start looking at some PVs
You don't need to look farther than what kind of adaptation SSY is, novel adaptations are so rare it would be a crime to skip them.
I wait until I see several threads on Sup Forums about it. I figure if a few people are that dedicated it's probably worth a watch at the least.
That can give you an idea of what to expect, but the only way to make sure is to at least watch one episode, anime by well beloved studios/staff can end up being shit and viceversa.
Good to know Barakamon is a good show
Look at the genres.
If it's romance, harem, school, echi, slice of life.
Then it's likely to be very very shit.
Studio Pierrot
What? Most of the light novel adoptions I've seen are shit.
Which ones are you taking about?
Artstyle. Pointy faces and large noses are strong indicators that the show will be terrible.
Not light novel, novel.
>How does one tell how good a series will be before it airs?
I don't remember ever hearing about any novels getting adaptions.
I saw some guys talking about what if Harry Potter got one and it seemed like it could be cool.
How new are you? Battery is airing right now, Fune wo Amu next season. We had Haruchika last winter
Literally never heard of these animes.
Couldn't have been that good if I never heard of any of these novel animes. Only heard about that other one because it had a lot of gay stuff in it.
You don't call them asian cartoons. They are animes.
>not getting it
>not knowing how to pluralize anime
You really are new, aren't you?
If it's made by kyoani, you might wanna stay away from it.