>a child needs a father and a mother
Why you believe this blatant semitic lie?
A child needs a father and a mother
False flagging again Jacob?
Father father
Mother mother
These three continuously lead to a poor upbringing.
>Family unit
Ironic shit posting is still shit posting
The family is the foundation of society. Destroy the family, and you destroy society.
Because it's true, or mostly true.
The majority of the Bible is just advice on how to create a thriving culture. That's why God promises Abraham he'd be the father of shitloads of people.
Monogamous couples pumping out 8 babies apiece and living good, earnest lives=2prosperous4u
Yeah, a semitic society not a modern society or a civilization whatsoever
awful bait
Women should raise kids from a young age. Then at 13 the father should take over.
It's a system that has worked for generations.
>that pic
>father dies
>I was 9, grew up without father after that and now I'm a shit tier stoner who achieves nothing in life
>my sister was already 23 when he died and she's a succesful woman with a happy family
You would have been a loser anyway
Top kek
Nice try David. My son won't be a faggot and will produce many beautiful white grandchildren whether you like it or not.
Oppressive parenting is first way for getting homosexual sons
Know from experience?
If you weren't an ignorant fat american you would have read some books
There's only one book you need to read to know how to avoid raising a sodomite son.
The King James Bible.
Unless you meant (((parenting manuals)))
>The King James Bible
Homosexuality is genetic, the only reason these genes get passed on is via societal pressure to be hetero.
Proven false already as homosexuality is a spectrum, read more books
What if I'm not American? What if I am just visiting? Who's ignorant now?
Jail(most oppressive environment) is proof of what I am saying, there even the most heterosexual guy turns into an homo
There have been studies on this using twins.
It's a lie.
The sodomites were sick of getting attacked for being disgusting reprobates so they started claiming it was genetic to get protection as if they were a minority group.
Wrong, sodomites are violent rapists and given over completely to every wicket inclination of mankind. Naturally prisons are full of sodomites so if you go there, you end up getting recruited by the fags or raped.
You know you can be a good father without abusing your child? Just because your daddy hit you until you liked cock, doesn't mean that what you experienced was the norm.
Soros must have really upped the paycheck you fuckers get
muh divinely inspired translation written by Catholics