Anybody here play pic related
Anybody here play pic related
Nah, what's it called, I wanna play it now
Please remove your name.
>Anybody here play pic related
Plenty, actually:
Please stop being a faggot kudasai.
Nah man, I'll keep my name because I like it
Animal Boyfriend
Is it even possible for someone to be a bigger faggot than what you are right now?
I mean, you're complaining about a person's name on an image board based on anime on a thread about an anime game so
>an image board
Anonymous image board.
I'm complaining about someone's name on an anonymous image board.
With this given option, I do it just to get these results from you neckbeards
I hope you die a painful death in the near future.
I do as well
Good to hear that you're wishing for your own death.
Can't we all just get along and talk about cute girls
Yes, if leaves.
I think he died a painful death