They are aproaching, guess what they want from you?
Girls und Panzer, GuP and /ak/ stuff
I have no idea, what do they want from me?
A pair of sins
Rosehip is a freak on a leash!
Yuzu > Momo
Gravity defying Bikini
Erwin is cute and she is also my wife!
I hope Saki wants marriage from me.
Gangster Girls und Panzer when?
Reminder that most of the girls have no combat training and it's easy to rape them when alone. Even if they can fight you off, like Nonna, they still will do your bidding if you threaten their lover.
>Wanting to rape the girls
The loaders would literally gore you with girly trashing around.
Probably want to see that 'Don't Breathe' movie.
Either that, or they know I'm pretty versed in movies, and are looking for some good recommendations
Yuzu can't stop a rapist with a hardon.
I think that is the flattest Piyotan I've ever seen
They will drag pazomi along I bet
That's Aki
Different Momofag here, you're factually wrong.
She would stare the rapist into suicide.
My seed
Yuzu. Not Saki.
Oh fuck man I didn't want to see that
And yeh I guess it makes sense for it to be Aki, I just couldn't think of any other grey haired girls off the top of my head
Rewatching OVA2.
The other girls make Yukari cry multiple times and completely ignore her. Are they really her friends?
Why is the irrelevant girls trying to look edgy?
Saki is the final boss right?
There is your answer
I can't stop loving Saki
>Are they really her friends?
lol no. Were'd you get a stupid idea like that? even Yukari's imaginary friend ditched her for someone cooler with a PS2
Fourth letter of this post
Is she becoming a real daemon? Is that what happens when she gets enough semen?
>When they see your dick
She get's pregnant
just like in my japanese games
This OVA made me really sad because of the Yukari crying, I'm not even a Yukari fag it's just that Yukari is such a rock in the main series that the sudden seemingly out of character behaviour must stem from something deep you know
Boke tsukkomi moment. Stop implying things.
Literally flatter than a boy
I want to blow my north wind into her
Actually there are four
>legs spread wide
>wet as fuck
That was unexpected
Anyone got the picture of Nishi with the mega milk t-shirt
reminds me of a friend
This one?
yes thank you
I'll take Katyusha
I don't get that joke
>Doesn't know about monthy python
For shame user for shame
>Not getting that joke
"Oh hey user, do you like what I'm wearing?"
Is it just me or is something wrong with their faces?
Small mouths I think
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
Anzu truly is the best
>ywn be Maho's boyfriend
>ywn be invited round to the Nishizumi residence
>Maho will never tell Shiho that she has bought a friend over, while she's grabbing my butt
>ywn enter Maho's room nor will you tell her that her room looks beautiful and cute
>ywn have sex with Maho on her bed
Why live?
What if Anzu had to lick Miho's pussy for forgiveness?
>you will never be born into the Nishizumi clan
>you will never be Shiho's special boy
>you will never see you big sisters win the senshado tournament
>you will never use your surname in order to fuck Erika and other of your sister's fans
>you will never accept your fate of having to marry Alice
It's not like it would be necessary to force her to do that.
Fuck no, i'll elope with the superior Shimada
That's right,but don't trigger the momofags
That's the point
>Implying that Shiho would treat her son any better than her daughters.
Although being a son of Shiho would have it's advantages, such as you won't be under as much pressure as Miho and Maho, thus giving you more freedom to live your life as you please.
Not sure why being a son of Shiho would mean you'd have to marry Alice though, considering that the Shimada and Nishizumi families are rivals.
Does Darjeeling know how much hotter Rosehip is than her?
Does Sodoko ever touch Mako inappropriately in her sleep?
yes, there's a doujin about it, worth reading
if would be better if only one know
I'm literally going to marry Nina.
>My wife's son
I thought you already married her, along with Klara?
You a gay.
This thread needs more Sodoko, obviously best girl.
>wanting hetero
Vanilla hetero Doujin featuring Sodoko when?
>a Nishizumi
>marrying a Shimada
I paid $63 for this spoon and still haven't used it.
Best prop ever.
but mom I love Alice and she loves me