>[HorribleSubs] Handa-kun - 09 [720p]

Best girl became even better, also Handa-kun thread.

Poor show, deserves more love than it's getting.

How can people not get it isn't barakamon is beyond me

Handa mom became better?

People are just very skilled at ruining their own enjoyment with their expectations, although I'm sure the first episode didn't really help drawing people in either.

>More Eraser
Time to fap.

I'd watch it if Daiz ever finished Barakamon

Are these the eyes of a sane person?

Yeah, fuck that shit, even I got mad

You can just watch it while waiting for Daiz to never ever finish subbing Barakamon, since Handa-kun doesn't really have all that much to do with Barakamon (beyond the obvious that is).


This fucking guy

I was surprised to see her normal eyes again.

I had so high hopes for this series, but it just gets worse and worse with every new episode.

This must be the most underrated series I have seen while it aired, is on my top three this season, and definitely one of the best this year, can't stop fucking laughing with every episode.

I feel like people might enjoy this show more if it didn't air right after Sakamoto Desu Ga? did.

I've never watched Barakamon, and I love this show.
I'm planning to watch it as soon as Handa-kun is over, though.

Its just a lot of people were driven away with the 1st episode with the Handa squad skit

Not a good way to start a new Anime in my opinion
Especially since newcomers wouldn't know who they are

>He didn't like Eraser boys

>Especially since newcomers wouldn't know who they are
They also show up in Barakamon?
I thought none of the Handa-kun side characters showed up in that one.

Its what I meant
Aside from Kawafuji and Dash Kun (Who looks completely different in Barakamon than he does here)
That first half was more of a skit directed towards the people who read the Handa Kum manga

>Dash Kun (Who looks completely different in Barakamon)
Wait, what? I don't remember ever seeing him in Barakamon

In Barakamon, they meet for the first time since their first encounter as kids

I hope we get to see eraser

I hope the author adds in a lot more characters from Handa Kun
I'd even be fine if he just added them as background characters or a simple mention of the name

I want Handa to find love ;_;

inb4 memes about some Loli or some other JK

Why not Miwa?

The most recent translated chapter in the manga almost had him accept an arranged marriage to some fat chick

Chapter ended like normal and we get this cute shit
Miwa and Handa otp. They even have the same hair

I only watched Barakamon because of Handa-kun, so it already deserves praise for that, and it is itself a decent show. Not hyped for it every week but always catch up with it when I have the time.

This is too much

Sounds imposible for some reasons.
But she also seems to be the best pairing for some reason.
Handa being Handa in high-school or Handa being Handa in a village, for me it's the same shit. I don't get why people complain.

She's right between a loli and a JK

>loli and a JK
What the fuck am I reading

She's a JK.

She a JC you retard.

Between this and Momokuri, I barely get to discuss anything with Sup Forums this season.

I actually expected all the girls not to show up again, or maybe make one appearance after their episode ended, but Eraser has actually shown up quite a lot. I've liked that.

She doesn't do much, but she's still fun to see.

Anyhow, I was a bit sad they didn't use OnoD's voice for Handa during that scene in which he was drinking with Kawafuji at the end of this episode.

I want a doujin of Eraser and Librarian vigorously pleasuring each other as practice for Handa-kun, who is too much man for any one waifu to handle.

I want a doujinshi of Eraser finally snapping and raping Handa-kun.

During the act, Handa-kun starts wondering why this is happening to him and why she hates him so much to the point of raping him. So, he decides to fight and rape her back, but ends up gives Eraser the fuck of her life.

Sadly for Handa-kun, he made her pregnant. Eraser, who now believes her feelings have been requited, has become dere as fuck and tells Handa-kun the usual " please take responsibility," which Handa-kun being Handa-kun sees as her extorting him for alimony.

Then, in the extra pages we see Handa some years later during the time Barakamon takes place, in the country town, making a call home and asking his wife how's she and their daughter doing.

The doujinshi would be called Brush and Eraser.

Yuri is shit.

fund it

Why the frog is so sad?

Because his anime gets no views

I knew this going into it. I allowed for generous difference in Handa as 6 years is a lot of time in which one can change.

Hell, I was even pleasantly please that the 1st episode as actually very accurate to Kawafuji's account of Handa's High School life.

But they went too far.

Handa is now a frightened little child scared to death of everyone and everything. An absolute pussy an a coward and I want none of it.

I dropped this after episode 3.

Didn't they say in Barakamon that Handa had no friends in high school?

The manga is ending soon.

Stalkers aren't the same as friends.

Best boy.
The only person who truly loves Handa.

I'm not a Fudanshit I swear.

>bullying librarian girl
Alright Eraser you went too far this time.
What the fuck is that word even supposed to mean anymore holy fuck

I'm going to kiss that librarian.

Best show airing right now and one of the best comedies in recent years

Actually that's not him, it's mentioned later they just have the same name

Did you guys dissect frogs?

We did fetal pigs.

Frogs and mice, and also pig hearts.

I never knew I wanted this so much.

I like it a lot better than sakamoto. Ended up dropping that after like 5 episodes

As long as it includes a strap on, I'm in

This is gold.