Read the guide
Read the guide
Post what you have pre-ordered!
It's just soap suds, I swear!
That's a lot of semen.
Is the hotglue permanently attached to the figure or can you take it off?
Can't wait to add Rocket Boy's succuslut to this list, maybe GSC's Albedo too.
They're removable.
its removable
>not Kairos
Plebbest of plebs.
wew lads porkchop got skinny as fuck
I'm going to have to wait a looooong time for a DX Kairos.
So skinny her panties no longer fit, even. At least she still kept the fat face.
Yes, I'm aware it's a head swap
Are any of you fags at Sabo?
Pochaco nendo fucking when
How do you anons make the collage for your preorders?
MS Paint.
Just these two beauties
Lameu wheeeeen?
I Googled "collage maker" and selected the first result. Brilliant, right?
>Lost job
>Missed 6 payment requests from Amiami
>Still not banned
Just paying for my Duce daki while using all 9k worth of points I've got racked up and then asking them to close my account :^)
My wallet overruled this purchase. Normally my dick holds more power in the triumvirate, but this time I just couldn't drop that much at once.
>Galko got a nendo before porkchop
I have faith that porkchop will eventually get one
>preordering 20 figs
Some of your guys are made of money, I swear.
Related, I guess when you give them enough cash they don't ban you straight away.
All these orders were 100k+ as well.
If only I would have saved my money. I bought too much this year.
I really like that purple haired figure but not sure if I should buy since it would be my first lewd.
Not really. It's just that some people don't save anything.
>mfw ill gladly drop $200 on hookers every week but find it hard to justify buying a $120 figure
My priorities are not straight
Yeah, no one gives a shit.
I dipped deep into my reserves for this one. Luckily nothing else interested me, as I won't/can't buy anything else until Christmas.
I limit myself to one figure a season. Means I rarely regret my purchases, and when there's a really expensive figure that I want I don't have to worry about the money.
Quality over quantity, friend.
Not being so deep in student loans is also a good bonus
I have savings that could cover them, but I'm not that deep down the rabbit hole. It's TT so he'll have something else along these lines agsin eventually anyway.
Debating still on Alter's Leo
That doesn't even look like real hotglue
You should consider not being a faggot
You're not one of those homos that stays properly hydrated are you? If your semen doesn't have the consistency of cold Alfredo I don't know what to say to you.
I'd rather not have thick brown piss
I'll take your advice. Somehow I will have to live without the ballerinas. Not sure how, but I will find a way.
Good taste, user. That's why I won't say anything about those 2 danganronpa fags and get Leo, you fag
I want Leo because I liked him and his show but I think his face doesn't quite look right, like it's a little too angular if that makes sense.
I like Danganronpa, it's has fun characters and trials even if most of it is pretty stupid overall.
Love the Danganronpa franchise but those two are terrible as characters and as figures, don't waste your money, just get Chiaki and Kirigiri, also good taste on that Yamato fag
Don't worry, someday something will come and fill the void in your heart
The ride is almost over.
Kirigiri re release?
I thought Hopeman was one of the best characters in the franchise, although I guess he is more of a love him or hate him type.
Hajime I thought was a good protagonist even if he was a bit generic, what was terrible about him?
my man, hajime is indeed terrible though
She is getting one along with Chiaki
Two came today, Il get some pics, they look great.
Got this shit in the mail today. Always wanted the big Dayo, so I'm actually pretty excited.
How is she alive with no hat!
Truly horrifying.
I wouldn't mind Julius.
Who's the purple hair? She's adorable.
I know, isn't it fucking great?
I like your choice in boatsluts.
Is that velvet on the hair?
its a layer of organic matter thriving on a thick layer of C U M
She has seconds to live!
Too many Nendos, I know. I'm not even sorry.
I want to clarify before spending an unnecesary amount of money. If I place a sniper bid of 10k (the most I'm willing to pay) for an item currently at 5k yen, if for some reason the last person to bid a max amount ends at 7k; does that mean my snipe bid will only add the minimum necesary to outbid the last bod (would be 7050 yen) or will it bid my entire 10k five minutes before the auction ends?
Currently using Buyee.
She is, isn't she?
I think the step is 500 at that point, so 7500, but don't worry, you will be outbid by a human bidder.
You will place the entire 10,000 yen bid.
They are re-releasing Sumika? That's new.
The package with Hotarumaru arrived yesterday actually, but I haven't gotten around to opening him yet because I need to dust first
>No Len
Sakura Hina?
original character I take it. oh well, that's too bad. Well at least your second picture got results.
Just these.
do I Sup Forums? is bellfine usually good?
Those delicious shoulder blades on... Saber, right?
No, it's shit.
Bell Fine has only released two figures thus far. Both are easy to find in stock. You can wait until after she releases and see if the reviews of her are any good.
Aqua's paint job is pretty awful, maybe wait and see if it goes on special
Not that guy but Hajime was way too pessimistic for me. I can excuse his sad backstory and generic design I actually really fucking love his design but throughout the entire game he kept such a negative viewpoint it was grating, especially since I like Naegi much more.
i would compare them to alter so ye they r ok you should buy it
You know, were it not for that ingenius fake cum I think I'd prefer her clothed.
>Not recognizing dress Saber
I don't really care about Saber so I don't tend to recognize individual figures, no.
New Momo
Bath Kongiku
Went from buying figures every few months to just a few figures a year these days. Feels good.
>she already comes from the factory hotglued
Only cucks would buy this.
Same, but it's because I've run out of space.
It goes deeper. She actually DOESN'T come from the factory glued, the glue is included in the box so you get to cover her with someone else's semen. It's great.
Her designs tend to be pretty similar though, you don't even need to care to recognize her since there's not much change outside of clothing.
>so you get to cover her
you're like a little baby
I've been collecting since 2008 and stopped in early 2015. I looked at my collection and finally went "yeah, that'll do."
I could honestly not buy another figure and still be satisfied, but more Vanillaware stuff gets a free pass with me.
I can't wait until that happens with me, but what will I do then?
>but what will I do then?
You will do nothing. There is nothing else to do once you have reached PVC nirvana.
Or you could divert the money into a new hobby.