Where did pol go to college?
Where did pol go to college?
Ivy League graduate here.
buonissimo, dove sei andato?
A really leftist art college in a major us city
I made it out alive, redpilled, and debt free
sigma chi
emeis eimaste oi ali8inh ellines, not greek life
Trinity College at Cambridge
I am unironically a leftist
i didn't require college to get my career.
get on my level, plebs.
What do you do?
I peed on one of the buildings for the Kansas jayhawks.
>Sup Forums
current engineering student
What's amatta U.
what kind?
Youtube University: PhD. Advanced Conspiracies & Faggotry
I challenge any user to find a more aesthetic campus anywhere in the world
the school of hard cocks
just getting a Mechanical and energy degree so I can go back in the military or start my own car business
>Master in International Finance somewhere in Europe
I learned a lot about the jews...
shitpost on pol
HS dropout master race reporting in.
Currently at 50k salary with 50k in bank. broke and jobless 2 years 7 months ago.
Dropped out of community college.
Sometimes I feel very self conscious about not having a degree, but then I hear about my friends who will be paying off their student loan till they're fucking 40 and don't feel so bad.
University of Kek. Sage.
I learned to weld In prison
I've been straggling at the same community college for over a decade now.
Too embarrassed to reveal.
Dropped out of a technical college after one semester and got a ccna instead.
Did you also learn to suck cock?
Queen Mary University of London
Most feminist and multicultural uni in the whole of the UK.
>Dropped out of community college.
Hahahahaha what a fucking failure!
>tfw dropped out of community college twice
Northern plains, most of the teachers and student body were totally normal and fairly based.
GW actually came to our small town twice, spoke both times at the university to sell the Iraq War. No protests or anything.
I graduated in 2004.
PE in architectural engineering now.
Worked on Dell med School and EERC, pretty sweet.
I was the same way. In the 12 semesters I went, I got 15 credits. I talked to my doctor about it this summer, and he put me on adderall. I took 9 credit hours over the summer and got all A's. I'm taken 17 credits now and I've got all A's again. Talk to your doctor. I'm irritated that I wasted so much time before I did.
Lol u need speed to be normal nigga lay off the sugar
Its only like that if you want it to be.
You're so right though. I have some mental disabilities keeping me from succeeding.
That or I'm just an asshole.
My diet is 70% chicken and rice and I rarely eat simple sugars. I graduated HS in the top 10% of my class, but I can count on one hand the number of times that I studied or did homework at home. Adderrall gives me the motivation to actually sit down and complete my work.
RWTH Aachen
I don't know if its a mental disability or not. Even normies take adderall to help them study. If you're having trouble, its definitely an option.
Finlandia University in Hancock, MI. The only place to go. Then Great Lakes Boat Building Academy.
I've tried addies on a number of occasions. Makes it difficult for me to recall what material I was working on or studying unless I'm on them again.
Sucks to be this stupid.
New Mexico State University..... Let me tell you something 2 years after you graduate it doesn't matter where you went it matters what you are contributing.
University of Georgia, Computer Science. I'm doing pretty shit though and would love a way out.
Sorry to hear that. If you decide to commit sudoku, make sure to take some shitskins with you.
damn good football tho
looks comfy
I didn't :^)
I actually thought you were just shitposting about having been to prison.
Temple university
In medical school currently
yeah it has a beautiful campus too.
I dropped out of Community College after a semester of failing 4/5 classes. I went straight into trade school. Now I get straight A's. Hopefully when I get my journeyman's card I can go back and at least get an AA.
Colorado School of Mines
I will never be unemployed or poor
Arts University Bournemouth
Too stupid to be angry at other people. lol.
I'm more of the, borderline degenerate disorder type.
I'd rather fuck your mom and call you my son.
California State University, Sacramento
I didn't.
I'm 28 and work a decent job now but if I had to go it would likely be for something to do with chemistry.
I didn't realise until recently how fascinated I would be with it.
Fucking lol, couldn’t get into Gatech?
hint hint: cuckoldry is now degenerate.
>falling for the debt meme
University of Arizona
>inb4 parties n sheit
Also did trade school afterwards for my own benefit
A conservative evangelical christian college for my biochemistry degree
Doping up to get shit done, what a fucking shit life
air force academy
>I will never be unemployed or poor
yes but have you thought about goblins?
Imperial College London, Physics
One of the best universities in the world doing the hardest course there is
>this is what uneducated wage slaves tell themselves to feel better
No, my heart is really into philosophy and history but I force myself to get up everyday to get b's in a field I don't care much about so I can have a steady career. I think I'd be pretty miserable at Tech anyways though.
In Texas A&M right now. Could use some study tips because my grades are slipping hard.
some of us arent born into poverty
Meh, it works. You'd be surprised how common it is here among business professionals.
University of Leicester
I hate North Philly with a passion
I'm too important to go underground.
CC student here.
Is there any reason that you can't pay off student loan debt in 1 or 2 years?
This is my plan:
>transfer to UC
>rack up max $25k debt for 2 years (assuming I don't work at all while in uni and assuming I don't get any aid)
>graduate and get $50k/yr job (engineering)
>live with parents for one year
>live off of leftovers after I pay off the $25k
>move out and be debt free
Is there any flaw to this plan? I'm dead serious so please tell me if there's something obvious I'm missing. Student debt feels like a complete non-issue to me.
I always knew Sup Forumstards were retarded. s m f h lol
if youre so wealthy then what do you have to worry about debt for?? kys
National University. It's a non profit school.
University of Colorado at Boulder
Graduated 2009. I'm Conservative/Trump voter
not all of us work at taco bell
When I really need to focus on a topic, I stray as far away from youtube as I can. I used to convince myself that I'd learn from videos but in all reality I never stay focused on them and always find distractions. I usually just turn on Pandora and listen to the Charles-Valentin Akin station. I think it's pretty important to have comfy headphones too. Also, lifting helps my mind stay clear and motivated
Sup Forumstards tend to be the kids who found highschool easy and never learned to study. Once actually difficult classes show up in college we dont have tge study skills brainlets acquired
North Philly is a shit hole. Try to not get robbed by a roaming pack of niggers.
>why dont you just waste money
I would bullshit to get a script for sure but it's not even legal in NZ -- think about that. That's how bad you're fucking up your brain chemistry.
Better just to work through your shortcomings and develop better habits than to rely on actual poison.
"how many people did he kill in that theater?"............ "Well 5 in the first row, 1 in the second, 8 in the third, 2 in the fourth........"
It's solid. The only hitch you will run into is that alot of the top jobs are decided based on your network. If you go to CC for two years, you'll be behind everyone else in developing your network. When you get to UC, just put more effort into networking and work towards a good internship.
The vast majority of the idiots with student loan debt piddled around for 4 years without any clear idea of what they wanted to do while charging all of their living expenses to the loan.
Depending on your interest rate, you might be better off carrying the debt for a few years instead of trying to pay it off ASAP.
>h-heh I make 50k a year busting my ass all day long lol I'm basically king of the world
>w-who even needs edukayshun??
>enjoy your d-debt losers!!
the "networking" meme only applies if youre studying commerce
I don't take it every day and I'm on Vyvanse, which isn't neurotoxic. I've been on it for 6 months and haven't gone up on my dose. Whenever I feel the effects start to diminish at my prescribed dose, I ease off of it for a week to lower my tolerance.
Going to college and racking up 70-100k in debt just because "that's what everyone else is doing" is a much bigger problem than people refusing to go to school. There's no reason to go past CC unless you know what you want to do or you can do it without taking on a bunch of debt.
Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, majored in History
Right. So your family and all of its purported dynastic wealth never expected you to go to university. Either you're a bitter loser who is lying or you're a fucking disappointment of a son who jerks off by the pool all day long pissing away all of daddy's money.
>K Y S
Networking is important in technical fields as well, especially if you want to move up or if the market is competitive. The importance of a good network and social skills really can't be overstated.