Sure, racism will always exist in some form...but just because it'll always exist doesn't mean you just sit back and let it happen.
You don't just sit back and let the people out there who're going out of their way to spread entire falsehoods and lies about entire groups of individuals get away with it.
You don't just turn your head to a hate-group who're obsessed with creating "enthostates" and bringing back abhorrent shit like segregation and Apartheid.
I know most of you want to be like that, because none of you care about anything else other than yourselves...
That, or your not a nonwhite person and you couldn't care less what happens to the nonwhite people out there who're getting fucked over due to racism...likely because you're racist yourself and you're part of the problem...
But still, just because racism will always exist as long as humans exist does NOT mean you just do nothing and let it fucking happen.
Imagine what the United States would be like today, if the Civil Rights movement never happened.
Imagine what that country would be like now if NOBODY cared about the monstrous treatment black people and other such minorities were getting back then.
Hatred may be inherent in humanity forever...but that's no excuse to let it go out of control and dominate the world.
And that's all I'll really say about it. I know this'll fall on deaf ears since nobody care has the power to do anything about anything, anyway.
But the comment you see to the right was the straw that broke the camel's back for me, and considering nobody else is willing to say something like this...
I was left with no choice.
Aiden Martinez
just because immigration and diversity helps the elites make money doesnt mean it is good
Liam Thompson
Preach man!
Camden Sanchez
Because ignoring all the other evolutionary instincts that have helped us evolve and become the dominant species on the planet over the last 100,000 years has worked so well. It is not like the last couple decades we have had people with more physical and mental issues then ever before and the family unit is completely obliterated. I am sure nothing bad can come from ignoring all natural instincts.
Jack Cooper
>Imagine what the United States would be like today, if the Civil Rights movement never happened Well there would be a lot less crime
Jackson Jenkins
Maybe if the Jews weren't so racist this wouldn't have happened.
You fucking LARPers think you're chosen by God.
It's time for you get fucked by humanity.
Dominic Rivera
>checks flag Nothing of value was said
Austin Perez
Except I'm talking about racism, not immigration and diversity. I don't give a fuck about immigration and diversity; it happens, and no amount of spreading the word about how bad it is will ever change that.
Jace Lee
Just because something is "natural" doesn't mean it's good. And I don't give a damn about the "family unit," by the way; lots of people either don't care to start a family with their significant other or flat-out don't want a girlfriend/wife and kids.
You want to do something about the "family unit" (whatever that means)? Start one of your own.
Nicholas Butler
Racism isn't natural. Africans traded their own to be slaves because they weren't unified enough as a people to be against it. Most cultures aren't nearly as unified as their central governments want their people to believe. We only see racism when nations oppose each other rather than trading freely with each other.
Now ask yourself why nations oppose each other.
Matthew Gutierrez
We would be in space, colonizing other planets..
William Reyes
Slavery is a fair complaint. But how do you propose we eliminate all ethnic in-group preference? Let's be clear about what we actually mean when we say "racism."
Kayden Morgan
Man is what he is, a wild animal with the will to survive, and (so far) the ability, against all competition. Unless one accepts that, anything one says about morals, war, politics—you name it—is nonsense. Correct morals arise from knowing what man is—not what do-gooders and well-meaning old Aunt Nellies would like him to be. The universe will let us know—later—whether or not Man has any "right" to expand through it. In the meantime the M.I. will be in there, on the bounce and swinging, on the side of our own race.
Josiah Reyes
It's not about having a family versus not having one at all. It's about stable families compared to unstable families. Surely you can admit that it's preferable for a child to be raised by two parents rather than one?
Lucas Kelly
>reddit spacing: The Post
Jacob Nguyen
It's protective. Of disease, of cultural incompatibility, of unequal populations. Yes. Thanks for playing Mr 'create a New Man who will ignore biology and behave the way I think they should' UN flag.
Wyatt Carter
Didn't read all that shit, is the tl;dr just that your a cuck or what?
Hunter Ward
Thank you so much. Now lets implement IQ testing so racists can never win again!
Bentley Bennett
>it happens, and no amount of spreading the word about how bad it is will ever change that
same with racism...
Easton Flores
Why would you write that? Why waste your time for something nobody will ever read because of larpflag and something something about racism probably how 'bad' it is, I don't know I didn't read any of that.
Landon Bailey
Just because being a faggot is "natural" to some humans doesn't mean it's good. /thread
Liam Robinson
Politics is war. Death to the Jew, and may the niggers manipulated by the Jew revenge themselves upon his women.
Too late.
Eli King
Matthew Foster
how the fuck are minorities stopping you from getting to space? fucking niggers did your analytical calcuations, dumb burger.
Michael Campbell
There's a huge difference between jim crow laws and racism today. Should you shut up? No, certainly not. Should the government institute top down regulation to try to fight racism? Also no. There's a difference between LAWS that actively discriminate and some leftover assholes.
Jeremiah Diaz
The family unit is the basis of civilization, you stupid monkey. Racism leads to stronger civilizations and stronger people, just like the evolutionary struggle and competition leads to stronger species. The strongest should be rewarded and the weakest should get stronger, or they will forever, through all generations, be a liability to themselves and their own people.
Jaxon Hernandez
>Except I'm talking about racism, not immigration and diversity.
Yes you are you fucking retard, you're talking about ethnostates, aka, a solution to the problem of diversity, therefore you are talking about diversity
>I don't give a fuck about immigration and diversity
That's because your values are shit
>It happens
No, the sun rising tomorrow 'happens' because it is completely out of mankinds control, diversity and immigration happen when a civilisation grows soft and allows people in elite positions in society to dictate the direction their country moves because they are no longer fearful of being hanged in the streets.
>and no amount of spreading the word about how bad it is will ever change that.