Burgerland is the only country where people actually drink this sugar water. families drink it with every meal...

burgerland is the only country where people actually drink this sugar water. families drink it with every meal. it's a snack. we drink it to re-hydrate.
in every other country they know it is retarded because it causes diabetes and destroys your teeth.
where did we go so wrong?

The problem is that people say this, unironically.

he's right though.

Who the fuck actually drinks soda with dinner?
It fucks up your teeth, gives you a sugar spike and adds a ton of calories to your meal.

Plus it's nearly as refreshing as regular water.
Soda should be outright banned.

I never drink anything other than water, coffee or tea.

Banners should be banned. And fat people.

Pop will be seen the same way cigarettes are in twenty years, honestly.

And footage of kids drinking pop in movies etc will cause outrage.

It's not the only country.

I only drink Perrier, cappuccinos and beer

Brush your teeth afterwards retard.

Seltzer Water is a jew invention to sell water to goys

What the fuck

Water, milk, and cider during harvest season. If you let your kids drink that shit early you have failed as a parent.

I mean, the way they advertise for these things is criminal.

>"Fucking share a Coke and diabetes with your friends!"

People need to start treating food like a fuel and stop being such gluttonous retards.
Comfort eating is a major problem all around the world right now.
It's as bad or worse than smoking.

My father drinks approximately 4 liters of diet coke a day. Aside from a glass of milk or orange juice in the morning for breakfast, it's all he drinks. I've never seen him drink a glass of water, coffee, tea, etc. just diet coke and he's been doing it since the 1980's.

I used to drink it a lot too, but then gave it up and feel a lot better for it. Now all I drink is water and a cup of coffee or tea once a day. It really is some seriously destructive shit, sugar in general is the bane of the modern americans diet.

I honestly wonder how much my internal organs prematurely aged due to my insane soda consumption as a youth.

When i was a kid I literally never drank water. Only soda.

I'd drink soda for breakfast, soda for lunch, soda for dinner. My folks still don't drink water. Only soda and juice.

It's astounding but there are large segments of the US population that haven't had a glass of water in years. Years. They only drink soda.

You can go buy palettes of off brand soda on the cheap. It's as cheap as water.

I even remember going to a friends house and they didn't have soda. I spent the night there and I don't think I drank a single thing while I was there. I must have been so dehydrated. But they didn't have soda. I needed the sugar. I needed the fizz. Regular water was poison.

I haven't had a soda in something like 10 years now, and I'm pretty much a vegan that eats zero processed foods (including tofu and stuff like that).

Still, I bet my internal organs are all sorts of fucked from growing up like that.

not nearly as refreshing* goddamnit

>"Yes goy, drown your gums in fluoride after getting your sugary treat, that'll surely keep you healthy"

Soda is Sugar. It's easy to drink and not realize how many calories you've consumed, thus going over your daily recommended limit, whatever may that be.

There are no benefits to it. It's just garbage.

Fuck off. I don't want you telling me what to eat, commie.
>bbbbut health
Fat ban will solve this.

if you have an otherwise healthy diet, exercise daily, etc then there's absolutely nothing wrong with a DIET coke, like donald trump has been drinking for decades while remaining in perfect health and fully woke.

regular soda with HFCS sucks, but something like a regular Red Bull is fine and can be healthy even though it has high sugar. it's all about your balance of things, once you throw that off, everything goes with it. you can easily incorporate "unhealthy" stuff like soda, snacks, DRUGS, into your life without fucking dying, you weak little pussy ass bitches.

i personally love to have diet coke with dinner type meals. i've been drinking it for like 30 years and am in perfect health. aspartame is benign compared to HFCS.

which is why you drink diet

that way you dont have to drink shitty unflavored water and you wont get fat

unless you are like me and eat tons of donuts and cake

but i work a manual labor job so i still dont get fat

I only drink water, beer, whiskey, and wine.

Id actually drink it out of a bag.

It's a socioeconomic issue. The underprivileged burgers in my community guzzle that shit nonstop because it's allowed on their heir dindu gibs EBT cards. Nobody in my social circle would be caught dead drinking that shiite. We prefer our sugar fermented, and then aged in oak barrels for a few years, paired with a nice ribeye.

He is not right. Travel some and you'll find drinks even sicklier and sweeter than American sodas. Usually the local competitor's gambit it to throw in less flavor and more sugar.

Drinking Diet Coke is like sucking a dildo because you're afraid of cock.

No one I know drinks this shit but I'm not poor and neither are my friends/family