I could waste time trying to convince people of this, or I could simply rally the people that already know this and carry on as a movement. Scientists don't slow their progress to refute flat earth claims...or John Hutchison.
OK, so I want to find more people that are on the right trail, just bordering gobbling that scrumptious rouge capsule. So I've decided to go downtown on my days off (I don't work Sat-Sun) and basically "street preach". Not to argue, but to see who grabs on.
Question: If you were yourself before popping the pill of perpetual profundity, what is one thing I could have told you about the holohoax that would have sent you down the rabbit hole and out the other side as a virtuous fighter for great justice?
If they wanted the jews dead, why did Anne Frank's dad go to an infirmary and receive care until he was made well?
Why did every witness of the bodies that were gassed describe them as black and blue, and not a single one correctly mentions the bright blood red caused by any cyanic poisoning?
I like the flag, and I agree with you. it's a new thing for me. watched europa; the last battle and it swayed me.
I don't think the holocaust really happened
and I don't think all jews should be gassed.
I will have to support you all in secret.
P.S. sorry Hitler. I believe your heart was in the right place.
goodbye, thread.
Robert Martinez
Tell them about the masturbation machines. It's funny but obviously ridiculous whilst also will unironically really activate the almonds.
Luke Torres
this is fucking brilliant. I'm already telling the story about the woman that claimed to have been rolled up in a blanket and then thrown over a fence into a train car to escape a camp. She then changed her story. First she said it happened then she said it was a dream...
My approach the first time I did this was to ask if somebody believed this. If they said they don't believe the story, then I said they were a holocaust denier for denying "precious eye-witnesses who have no motivation to lie".
More lies, please.
Julian Rodriguez
I think this works better when you work "backwards" to arrive at this conclusion.
First you see the patterns of the (((pure coincidences))) in modern media and political figures. Once you see the lies of today, then you wonder what else is a lie in history. That I think is a more natural path.
Bentley Hall
I challenge people with $100 bill. I'll pay you if you can find Sarah Palin saying the words "I can see russia from my house".
When they can't find it I say "if it's that easy for somebody to convince you that something happened when it didn't, what do you think they could convince you of regarding things that happened before you were born?"
Lots of people just point their faces in the sky with a smug groan and say "of COURSE she said it, duh, we all just KNOW it" and don't even bother to check. Those people will be deported to Commifornia and the rest of the country won't miss them.
Jonathan Martinez
Jace Cruz
stop aligning yourself with a group the entire population of the world has been conditioned to hate for the past 80+ years. Make your own shit and get people who agree with you to join that movement. Stop trying to piggyback off of other peoples fame, especially when all that can do is harm you. Nazism has come and gone, it's time to move the fuck on already. Think of something new that isn't already viewed as a bad thing.
Samuel Collins
I feel like the one thing that made me want to fight was knowing that the bad guys won, and we did a bad thing to a good guy. It keeps me up at night and makes me want to DO something, which I didn't before, even whenever I knew something was wrong.
Brody Hall
That's great user, but focus that energy into rebranding. Don't use Hitlers failed brand to kickstart your own. That's like trying to make a new social media platform with MySpace's fame and layout. People will look at it and go "didn't they already try that?" and not pay you a second thought. Disalign yourself with nazis
Nicholas Garcia
but....they're GOING to call us Nazis!
Samuel Harris
Yes, they already DO! DON'T give them fuel! Hide with the rest of the pack. If you can have plausible deniability you'll be MUCH better off. The fence sitters will never join a group of straight up nazis because NOBODY wants to be associated with that. Label it a right wing group. If you straight up label it as a nazi group you'll never be taken seriously.
Jeremiah Sullivan
The fact that it is illegal to deny was enough to get me to question it. It is not like it is the largest claimed genocide in history either or anything. How can you make it illegal to question history when things are constantly getting revised.
Hudson Ramirez
OK, so suggest some images and historic symbols which we could rally behind if not a swastika and my FUhreRGÊwehrß
Jacob Morgan
ITT: alt-right taqiyya
don't worry, we're still on to you fucks
Henry Cox
user, I respect the fuck out of you. This might not go well, but props to you.
Start with why were all the camps in the soviet union? Then lead to the lamp shades and shit, then golden unless you get knocked out.
Mason Rogers
Being openly a nazi kills any support normies would have. Being a domestic group concerned about maintaining the quality of life we had pleases the normie bread and circus mentality. More silver legion and less german fetishism.
Dylan Jenkins
Make your own. Stop trying to piggyback off of other peoples fame. It won't get you anywhere. You could whip something up like pic related in 10 minutes as a starting point. I did some flag designs for a Sup Forums colony some autists were trying to set up a while back and this was my personal favorite
Jackson Thompson
Just move on comrade, dontbwaste time with the flouride stare.
Juan Phillips
inception is hard user, you have to appreciate the scales of problems. in this case, you need to find a non sensitive means of approach.
maybe have it be a fact game about the holocaust, like number of guards and stuff, then have them try to put the narrative together in their own mind.
Kayden Allen
>maybe have it be a fact game about the holocaust, like number of guards and stuff, then have them try to put the narrative together in their own mind.
I've rarely felt such a feeling of sudden realization as the few responses in this thread.
Who would be up for a discord?
All for, raise your right hand. XD
Henry Sanchez
Wear a body cam and padded hat so you don't get bike locked by antifa
Zachary Rodriguez
>Scientists don't slow their progress to refute flat earth claims
they literally do though and holocaust denial is the racist version of global earth denial
>If they wanted the jews dead, why did Anne Frank's dad go to an infirmary and receive care until he was made well?
because he was in a forced labor camp
are you just ignorant or banking on convincing the ignorant who assume the official claim is all concentration camps were death camps from day one and everyone who died in the holocaust was directly murdered in a gas chamber?
also let me just ask, why the fuck would you even be a nazi if you dont think the holocaust happened?
isnt the entire point of being a nazi because they rounded up the jews, who you're obsessed with?
do you just think they were too pussy and you want to get it right this time or what?
James White
>National Socialism = Killing jews >being this fucking retarded
Cooper Fisher
I think the "Nazis" Sup Forums ideals isn't so much the Kill all jews seig heil etc etc, but rather the message they left behind of unity, and brotherhood. Faith in ones race, State, and to a lesser extent religion.
Julian Clark
>isnt the entire point of being a nazi because they rounded up the jews
This proves you have ZERO understanding of what Nazism was founded on and stood for...and did.
If they wanted them dead, there wouldn't be tens-of-thousands of "survivors" collecting that shiny shekel to this day.
Carson Barnes
Ayden Flores
Then pretty much any nationalist movement would be better.
Adam Hall
The Holocaust was real, sadly it didn't finish the job. people like you hurt the movement. Kys
Xavier Hill
OK I have never set one of these things up but here it is. Join now to save it and I will chat tomorrow
For great justice!
Adrian Carter
>Cremation temperature was probably between 800°C-1100°C, it took less than an hour to cremate the contents put into a muffle; the ash would fall through a grating into a space underneath the muffle. Thus it wasn't necessary to collect the ash from the muffle after having to cool it down or anything.
>Just from a hypothetical continuous 16 hour work-shift with 3 corpses per muffle, per hour, this building was able to cremate 720 corpses a day, or 525,600 corpses in 2 years of operation.
At these temperatures it takes 2 to 2,5 hours and you still need to process the bones, which takes about an hour in modern crematorium. So they couldn't have done much more than 200,000. That's still a lot, but I don't get why the need to lie and exaggerate when you want to refute the holohoax.