lmao it's common sense faggots
>costs less
>everyone gets insured
>no significant quality drop
>works in europe
seems like you guys aren't even trying
Single Payer Healthcare = winning
Other urls found in this thread:
the taxes will cost less per capita than the current system in place
>Give the government control over the entire heath care system after they failed with Obamacare
this is different from obamacare lmao, obamacare was a failure because it wasn't entirely socialized
>LOL We didn't give the government enough control and power over a system they clearly can not handle LOL Until we completely destroy ourselves lets keep trying our failed agenda LOL
still haven't brought up valid point. it's a different system.
Actually yes, it really is just common sense. Same way you pay taxes to have police and fire, you should pay to have healthcare. The whole country would do better w/ this.
You faggots had power in 2008 and when you had the Congress and Presidency you wasted it on Obamacare. You done fucked up.
That said, you will not be allowed to fuck up again especially while we are still stuck with Obamacare. Obamacare will be ridden until it dies and you fuckers will go down with it.
Go push your Socialism elsewhere poz powder puff.
Seriously, it's not obamacare. Obamacare was a failure because it wasn't fully socialized.
>That face when you have to wait 10 hours for heart surgery because some 10 year old boy is getting tits sewn on
i dont want health insurance and will never purchase it even if required
It costs less for you but more for me. Get a job you fucking loser.
If you want a single payer system, "body shaming" is necessary, and beneficial. Your health is now everyones problem, and they have a say in it.
Been to hospital on Brit Land. Actually they were better than US current hospitals that I've been to.
>Same way you pay taxes to have police and fire, you should pay to have healthcare.
Implying the current tax system can adequately handle its current burdens much less the literal trillions of a healthcare system.
>Obamacare was a failure because it wasn't fully socialized.
That was a mistake made by Obama and the Democrats. They lost over 1000 seats and the Presidency for that mistake and you faggots will not be allowed to play games and experiments with the American health care system again.
>no significant quality drop
literally waits 3 weeks to see a general practitioner in europe
there are literally more niggers in the US than people in some countries with universal healthcare. how can you pay for all their gibs?
>Lets have a national socialized health care system they said
Good, they're both a plague. NHS should make them fix themselves.
Christ, you really will believe anything you're told to make you keep paying more overall for healthcare, won't you?
You're paying for them now.
>inb4 le they'd swarm the hospitals as soon as universal healthcare started maymays
Get rid of all the niggers, illegals, and free loaders who will get their health care paid for by the tax payer under your purposed "socialized health care" and we can talk.
America has too much trash to suggest passing the cost onto the tax payer.
So then they don't have to pay for that part of the system right? I mean, they will never get to use it.
>single payer
>common sense
Nigga, you've just outed yourself as mentally retarded.
Oh I see, so you think it's okay to adopt a system that infringes on people's freedom to their property just because you think it will work better. Wow, that's a great philosophy, let's do a bunch of other unethical shit just because we think it will work better for the masses, what a great idea bro, nothing like this has ever gone wrong!
Welcome to America. It’s never going to happen. We have lobbyists pouring billions into lawmakers pockets to prevent it.
Here’s proof.
It might be a great idea, but it will never come to pass while lobbying and corporate campaign donations are real.
Wake up an smell the concrete, kid.
>Rich people are evil! They shouldn't be trusted!
>The banks are too big! All that power corrupts!
>The corporations have too much control!
>Oh but also let's make a big healthcare monopoly. Nothing could go wrong.
This is precisely why they want to do it. The more it costs the better. The sooner the middle class gets wiped out and the country goes broke they can start seizing property.
A Belgian MBA classmate told me that men no longer train to be doctors b/c the salary is so low.
So it's women doctors for Belgium in the future. So it's all nurses no doctors in other words.
If you adopt a federalist model for it, it may have more success.
Exactly. They want an overpowered government class controlling a powerless welfare class who will vote and do as they say.
The pesky middle class keeps getting in the way of their Communist.... I mean socialist dreams.
yeah no kidding I had a kid and guess how much my hospital bill was? 0,00 how much would it be in americuck bils 100,000
>These poor millennials are unable to get a job. They are the least fortunate generation with the least amount of job opportunities!
>Hey, let's raise the national minimum wage to $15/hr.
Just Socialist things.
That poor obese dog must have a terrible quality of life
Hes big boned
That has to work through Congress, who is being paid to not let that happen.
Do you have a reading problem, or is it that the concept is too advanced for you? Laws, like socialized health care come from lawmakers. Still with me?
Those lawmakers are being paid billions to keep health care expensive.
Don't worry. You have plenty of freeloaders heading your way to "take advantage of your free health care system".
As with Europe the "refugee"/"immigrant" crisis will soon begin to bend and break these "socialized health care systems". Your virtue signaling for the filthy and sick third worlders to flood your countries will also help to destroy you health care systems.
Have any congresspeople stopped California from imploding themselves with Single-payer? No.
This is the beauty of federalism: failures are contained; successes bubble up. Its a race to the top.
Lets imagine Bernie future for a second ok?
>Don't enforce immigration laws
>Allow millions of immigrants to come to America and collect welfare and overburden our public schools and use free healthcare
>Simultaneously, as you increase benefits for the gimmie-dats, the welfare state grows
>Be me, hardworking young, healthy American
>see my fatass lardbucket neighbor who is able bodied but doesn't work, popping out babies, collecting welfare, shoving her fat face with mcdonalds 3x a day... then going to the hospital all the time because of her health problems.
>MFW I am paying for the degradation of society.
>I am paying for this fat fuck to live in a house as nice as mine, to eat 3 meals a day, and then to get hospital care for her poor diet
Capitalism is what makes America great. Go on youtube and search for 'welfare queen'. There are people who purposely don't work even though they are able bodied and they leech off the government. Theres no reason to increase benefits. You are already taking too much of my paycheck to give to these lazy fucks.
Please watch this video. If you vote for Bernie you are enabling bitches like this.
Awooo to that.
States rights, no one can stop gayifornia from killing itself.
>already 6 billion in debt, gayifornia tries to pass 400 billion a year health care.
Economics will be the only force to stop gayifornia.
One quibble
>Don't enforce immigration laws
Bernie wants to abolish H1-B
Exactly - leftist opposition to federalism has always been about results, not principle. The left should embrace federalism.
Simple google search shows you’re fake and gay news.
The reason Obama didn't implement single-payer is because some of his biggest donors are big pharma and the insurance companies. It's not like it was "a mistake" or "the Democrats fucking up". It was done on purpose and was widely supported by most Republicans. A system similar to Obamacare was one of Reagan's fucking mandates.
>Economics will be the only force to stop gayifornia.
That an infecting themselves with HIV will also help.
>Raise prevailing wage
that's a phenomenal idea, do you know how many fewer H1-Bs and higher-quality H1-Bs would exist if the prevailing wage were higher? Why are right-wingers such brainlets??
You should learn to read, faggot.
The "mistake" was that these liberals/progressives who push the "socialized health care" meme were the same people either silent or against anyone who was against Obamacare. They made a "mistake" of not pushing Obama and Dems further when they had the chance but that is their problem. Now Obamacare is everyones problem.
Also, the "Obamacare is a Republican bill that was voted in by only Dems and signed by a Dem president" is just sad at this point. I encourage you to continue as that type of bullshit is what cost the Dems 1000+ seats, Congress, and the Presidency.
>Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) wants to reform the H-1B program, in part, by "substantially" raising prevailing wages.
>Sanders' plan also calls for a "whistleblower visa" for workers reporting labor violations.
>An increase in prevailing wages is seen by critics of the H-1B program as a way to discourage businesses from using foreign labor to replace U.S. workers.
>Vox.com editor Ezra Klein brought up the concept of an “open borders” immigration policy. Sanders rejected the notion—open borders and unlimited immigration, of course, being a position that no elected official supports. Sanders went on to point out—a point which he later reiterated to journalist Jose Antonio Vargas and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce—that in some cases the importation of new foreign workers can negatively impact the wages of workers in the United States
>yfw Sanders has a better immigration policy position than Trump
Please support the creation of the state of Jefferson and weaken California's political power.
t. Gayifornia inhabitant.
That doesn't make any sense, there are more whites than niggers several times over in this country. Are you implying every country has the same amount of wealth regardless of population? I don't that's how reality works senpai.
You couldn’t find a bubblegum wrapper to quote? You just posted the two most inaccurate things possible, back to back.
People are so fucked here in Canada with the free health care system.
Dumb fucks will cough once then head off to the hospital.
God damn homeless go because they have "chest pain" get an EKG and a checkup then ask for a free plate. They go back multiple times per day sometimes.
People going to the ER because they're trying to get free drugs and shit.
It's fucked, so much abuse. With immigration increasing the problem will only get worse. Not to mention those fuckers get free dental and shit. Fuck the free health care system.
I've been to the hospial once in my life, and I'm paying for people to go get a bandaid on their boo boo and sent off with some t3s and a free meal.
You realize the top three quotes are from your article right?
What? 20-25% extra tax, or more like in Canada + fees saves money?
>You're paying for them now.
Thats the problem. We do not want to incentivize them any further. Institutionalizing the problem is most definitely not the solution.
>That doesn't make any sense, there are more whites than niggers several times over in this country.
Yet those niggers, spics, and free loading young whites who are pushing this BernieBro tier trash agenda are going to be the primary recipients of the "benefits" of a tax payer funded socialized health care system. The whites with jobs who have been... no thanks to Obamacare... would still be paying for their own care if it were not for the Obamacare rate hikes.
Socialism, communism, etc, only "appears" to work in culturally/racially homogenized societies. It will never work in America because we have a sub-human class of citizens that aren't capable of contributing. The (((powers that be))) are ironically destroying the parts of Europe where socialism was somewhat working by importing "refugees." Single payer, if it happens, we be the undoing of the greatest healthcare system in human civilization.
Do you thinkt ehre's a way to have a free health care system without abuse?
>it will save money
Maybe for about two minutes. Then the prices on everything would skyrocket.
They intended for it to be a failure so they could use it as a bad excuse to fully socialize it when hellwitch got into office. Because they want the power to control life and death.
>Do you thinkt ehre's a way to have a free health care system without abuse?
Free. What do you mean by free?
Do you mean free to the people receiving the care or free to the insurance companies and service providers or free to the tax payers/government?
Nothing is free. Health care is not free. Health insurance is not free. No matter where you go or what system you are talking about it has cost and those cost are paid by someone at some point in the system.
This Bernie Sanders "free" bullshit is just creating a heard of brain dead sheep who think because they do not have to pay today that someone else will not have to pay somewhere down the line.
>no significant quality drop
Really? Looks at what's happening with Obamacare right now - costs are soaring because of the influx of unhealthy people. What the fuck do you think will happen if the government has to pay for everything? Long-ass waits/rationing or ever-increasing taxes to stave off these things. Either way, it sucks. Single-payer works in other countries because those countries are homogenous/white and the people are generally healthier than the average American.
Yeah, I get that. But do you think there's a way to eliminate the abuses you see in Canada and wind up with something that's better than we have here?
>works in europe
The only reason it works in Europe is because they have fewer niggers and other subhumans leaching off the system. It would never work in 56% White Burgerland.
GDP to debt ratios are increasing world wide. The only reason single payer is stable anywhere is because central bankers make monopoly monies. This is not sustainable and it will all collapse eventually. Countries are already rationing care. Then there is the law of supply of demand. If people think its free they will use the shit outa it. Laws of nature can not be changed. The more you fight nature the bigger the ass fucking
>Do you thinkt ehre's a way to have a free health care system without abuse?
No. And nothing is free fuck head. I want to skull fuck you!
>greatest healthcare system in human civilization.
Hahaha... haha
You boys need to do your homework before you keep making yourselves look like fools.
AOL trial floppy disks are free. Looks like you're wrong kiddo.
That's a fucking lie right there.
>costs less
No it doesn't, not to everyone
>everyone gets insured
And the quality will in fact as had been evidenced by the abysmal state of Obamacare
>works in europe
We're not Europe. Also their's is only good for basic care. The wait times for certain surgeries can be months long.
Our health care is absolutely fucking awful. It's gone beyond waiting long as fuck in clinics/hospitals and having surgery dates and other stuff delayed significantly to being offered absolutely abysmal health services.
>be me
>have peanut/shellfish allergies
>accidentally eat peanuts when I was younger and get extremely sick
>go to ER
>wait 4 hours
>"well there's not much we can do outside of pump your stomach"
>...but we won't
>sick until I puke a bunch a few days later
Recently scheduled to see if I still have these allergies, and they don't do skin prick tests anymore because they were too expensive.
>o ya we dont do our old tests anymore haha
>ya come in on x day and bring samples
>samples of what you think you're allergic to
These fucking retards are making me bring peanut butter and cooked shell fish to eat there because so many people get tested for shit they aren't allergic to that they just have you test your allergies there
Good chance that when I go I'll have a severe allergy to my "samples" and have my stomach pumped because they refuse to do skin pricking now because it was too expensive
What if there were some system where people were fined for excessive hospital visits? I mean the kind of people who show up with minor cuts, or because they got a cough. And the more they do it over their life, the more they get fined. Do you think that would stop any of the abuse and make the system more viable?
In Finland, we pay extra tax if our body fat is over national average, and it is perfectly normal to body and fat shame ugly slobs.
>But do you think there's a way to eliminate the abuses you see in Canada and wind up with something that's better than we have here?
Not while at the same time we have a massive push to take on literally 10's or even 100's of millions of 3rd world sick and poor for Central and South America and beyond. Not to mention the trash we already have here already.
If America was like Japan with a nearly homogeneous society you can begin to visualize a path forward but not in such a large country with many different types of people who such wild swings in demographics, economics, and lifestyles. Its just too costly to handle all that without treating them like less than cattle and at as low tier and cheap care as possible.
It just will not work under the current or expected future makeup of the country without completely sinking the whole system.
Listen to your pal Bernie....
Possibly. I assume most people weren't just going to get pricked for a few hours because it was fun though and were having issues/reactions to something, and assumed the wrong things were causing it
>>costs less
Yeah, if you're originally buying quality health-care
>everyone gets insured
Yeah, they all get the same low-quality health-care
>no significant quality drop
Yeah, if you're not getting high-quality health care
>works in Europe
You mean where taxes are exorbitant for a service that only benefits the poor?
Yeah, free clinics in America are a joke. What's your point?
what about the muslims working in europe? Fuck off with your kike sanders
Well I'd consider getting allergy tests a valid reason to go to a doctor. What I'm suggesting is that if they reduced the odious abuses, they'd have a lot more money for proper allergy testing, among other improvements. I have no idea how effective it would be, but I do know that nobody proposing it for America has any satisfactory plan for dealing with this.
You forgot the kicker. They jump the boarder, get quality healthcare on the hopsital's dime, then jump back over so they don't pay. Fuck you faggots. If I have to enter another Canadian's information, I'm going to flip.
No. The homeless don't pay fines.
Why do you want to waste so much money on trying to keep people alive that nature would have killed off already
I'm not saying it would eliminate it, just reduce it. There could be some other plan for dealing with the homeless using hospitals as a hotel, like shooting them all.
It would just be easier to put the money into something better, and have people buy insurance or pay for the costs out of pocket.
The short answer is no and no mainstream politician or world leader has the ability or policies to do so.
>Why do you want to waste so much money on trying to keep people alive that nature would have killed off already
Phenominal point
it would become a train wreck within years in America. this isn't norway, USA isn't exactly known for great and efficient government programs.
>Why do you want to waste so much money on trying to keep people alive that nature would have killed off already?
That is the bigger picture.
The answer is that those involved want to extract as much money and control from the sick and dying as possible.
Until there is a miracle pill that will allow you to live forever we are all going to die and every medical system in existence only prolongs the struggle while at the same time extracting money and control. Its technically all a waste and even more reason not to institutionalize its failures.
It's really a shame that there's no party (in my country or anywhere else I know of) that's economically left but socially right.
You either get social welfare policies that hate you because you aren't brown or policies that make your life harder but aren't actively trying to destroy your country.
Where's the socialism for white people option?
Have you seen the state of the EU tard?????
>Where's the socialism for white people option?
Clearly, you are leading the witness.
Nationalist Socialism is what you are looking for but we know what happened last time that was tried.
That's why I don't vote democrat, and probably never will. I'm a white male, and they offer nothing for me. Their big push is always for minorities and women, both of whom already have a fucking free ride most of the time. I'd love to vote for an environmentally friendly candidate, or one that would reign in military spending, but I'd rather vote for one that grows my investment portfolio.
America cant afford it at this point, ya got 20 trillion in debt boys
I'd be fine with single payer if only white people were on it