They're raiding us right now

There have been many threads on Sup Forums over the last few days attacking Christianity. I have a theory on this:

Right now we're experiencing a raid by certain interests. The Trump agenda, traditionalism, nationalism, and other forces of reaction and of the right wing are ascendant. We already know that Antifa and other cucks/degenerates have infiltrated this board to watch for information on meetups, and have been trying to use social engineering to extract information on posters.

They are also trying to sabotage our discourse via shitposts. Right now, these forces of perversion are trying to insert a narrative that tears apart European identity and civilization. They're trying to convince us that Christianity is somehow anti-European and that LARPing as Odinites or other barbarian pagans (whose religion has no continuity to the present day, and any attempting to LARP are forced to reconstruct the pagan rituals via their imagination) is superior.

The current Poz that we see with some Christians is a product of the modern world. It comes from outside of Christianity. It originates in Cultural Marxism and secular Enlightenment Era thought. It infiltrates through institutions of higher learning, and through sniveling little sodomitic perverts who infiltrate seminaries, and raid church donation baskets.

Christianity stands between all of these degenerates and the total destruction of Europe. They want it gone, and they've made it abundantly clear that they want it gone. Leftists have battled Christianity for quite some time now. The lines between the degenerates and Christianity have been drawn in the war for culture and preservation. These attempts to discredit Christianity only serve to denigrate and destroy the institutions that built Europe up and keep it together.

Other urls found in this thread:

These fucking shills are trying to tear us a part and we cant let them.We should embrace the ideals of christianity at least

Sick nihilist Christian propaganda! Live now, not for your imaginary future in a cloud.

I'm a christfag quite literally. my bf hates me. I'm trad entirely. Love all of you guys here and fuck these circumcised-cocksuckers for this

>Sick nihilist Christian propaganda!
>Live now, not for your imaginary future in a cloud.
You have no idea what nihilism is

>All they had to do was leave the vidja and us alone and we would had been another potential threat snuffed out of existence.
I just wanted to play video games. Then they destroyed those with SJW propaganda.
GG drove me from Sup Forums to Sup Forums.
Then religion slide threads on Sup Forums made me Christian.
Now I'm doing God's work.
If some fag predicted and told Minecraft-playing me this in 2011, I would have died of laughter.
What a timeline, unbelievable!
Deus vult!

>oh no, they don't like my constant shitposting
>I know, it must be a conspiracy!
>everybody really likes off-topic garbage
Sure, newfriend, sure.
>trying to convince us that Christianity is somehow anti-European
It is. Who do you think is importing the foreign filth? Who preaches the value of weakness and poverty?

You mean these memes?

Christians don't know there own history. Sad.

>Leftists have battled Christianity for quite some time now
Your desert religion made by Jews is what has created the "left" of western countries.
>they're trying to convince us that Christianity is somehow anti-European
They're not antifa or leftists, they're fucking Varg's subscriber base.

>Christianity stands between all of these degenerates and the total destruction of Europe.




buddhists. the east. jews feed it to us

>Your desert religion made by Jews is what has created the "left" of western countries

No, it didn't. The rebelliousness of modern times has. It is the rebellion from Christianity that has birthed Poz. Without Enlightenment Era secularism, Leftist would not exist, since its metaphysical source material would not exist. You just demonstrated that you don't even know your history!

>Who do you think is importing the foreign filth?
Anti-whites driven by modern ideology, not Christian faith.

>>Who preaches the value of weakness and poverty?
The attainment of wealth (bling bling) is not a sure indicator of Divine blessing, approbation, or endorsement. God overcomes the weakness and poverty of man: that's the point. Where man is weak, God is strong. By turning to God, as Europeans used to do, they reconnect with the Creator.

STOP. YOU KNOW THAT CHRISTIANITY IS A JEW HOAX. CHRIST AND ABRAHAM WERE SEMITES. Oh my fucking god with you Christcucks, will you just shut the fuck up and learn before you speak? Israeli scholars made this shit up to crush the Pagan peoples of Europe.


Assuming this is presented against OP (even though it proves OP correct):

Christianity represents the actual continuation of Judaism. The Judaism of today's "Jews" is descended from Pharisses. The Pharissees were heretics who rejected the Messiah of their people. Read your own chart.

>Israeli scholars made this shit up to crush the Pagan peoples of Europe.
Really? Then why is it that Jews were a minority in Europe, and excluded from the ruling class until the coming of secularism?

Christianity has nothing to do with the people calling themselves Jews today. Just look at how many Jews refer to Christ with disgust as "that Nazarene"

Anti-christian threads, "mongrel" threads, its all the left hard at work still trying to deny they lost everything in 2016.

They may never ever truly understand why they lost, or why this isn't an ongoing race where they might have the chance to pull ahead, but that is and will forever remain their own problem.

Are you fucking kidding me? You are embarrassing The Movement with this stupid shit. Christianity is a Zionist religion. Holy fuck. Do your research. Rome imploded. Vikings exterminated. You call yourself a Nord? Study the teachings of Paganism.

I've been lurking Sup Forums for nearly a decade now and the shill level on the board has never been higher. There is constant shilling, slide threads, disinformation, morale attacks; it is 24 hours a day. I have an odd sleep schedule lately due to a back injury, so I've been checking Sup Forums at various times and it is really, really bad. I don't think I have seen shilling ever this bad on the board.

Sup Forums is ascending in power and relevancy, this scares them, especially if you imagine what a racially-aware, white Christian group of people could accomplish if they were all united and redpilled.

Sup Forums belongs to Christ!

>destroy the forum

have there been an y church burning yet this year?
im getting cold

I expected this way back in september. Let them come. The seeds of my labor already grew into a force beyond reckoning. The worst they can do now is label us as christian extremists, which defeats their entire purpose.

>Rome imploded
Thanks to invasion by barbarians, and by the rise of feudalism.

>>Christianity is a Zionist religion

No, not at all. Zionism has nothing to do with Christianity. And if you're referring to the heretical doctrine of "Dispensationalism" that was developed in the West within the last 200 years, you're attacking the wrong religious teachings.

>>You call yourself a Nord?
No, I didn't in any of my posts. You're just grabbing at straws now, and you're clearly getting desperate.

You never answered my question. I'm not the one embarrassing him/herself here.



I've noticed a marked increase of "kike on a stick" posts in the last few days.
Also, the ">53%" memes look really polished and came outta nowhere.
Soros moved $18,000,000,000 to his foundations just last week.
We're under full fledged attack.

They are heretical. They are committed to modern secular thought.

I noticed that too, but who's causing the raid? It seems to be a mixture of atheists and pagans, along with Sup Forums contributing by being ironic.

I get the impression that a lot of the younger and more immature elements of the Alt-Right are pagan LARPers who don't like the idea that they are morally accountable for what they do with their genitals.

Dude is seriously a terrible investor

I was thinking that the raids (which seem more organized than before) could have been by people who just arrived on Sup Forums for the first time, but they seem to already know the culture.

daily reminder that only faggots think they know the secrets of existence, especially christfags

>but who's causing the raid?
This guy might be unto something: It's hard to say exactly who. Might be organized by an actual club like Antifa, might be a bunch of sodomites in their parent's basement raging about the Liberal Order being rejected.

Things are clearly moving toward more traditional thought. Leftists have historically been opposed to Christianity directly or indirectly. The direct opposition would be suing bakeries, photographers, etc.; vandalizing churches, that sort of thing. The indirect way they oppose Christianity is by infiltration and change agency.

>There have been many threads on Sup Forums over the last few days attacking Christianity.

Maybe Christians deserve too be attacked?

Nice try.

Christ saves us from the Devil, and what the Devil plans for us. Heaven and Hell are spiritual realities, not just places of reward and punishment in human, earthly terms.

It's Soros funded divide and conquer tactics. The greatest strength of Sup Forums is also it's greatest weakness: it's love of a good fight. It is all too easy to distract a large number of posters who don't know any better with the atheist/christian/pagan shitflinging contest.

Those who know better remember who the real (((enemy))) is.

I'm not Roman Catholic, but are you aware that more child molestation cases happen in schools than in churches? Why do you act like molestation and child porn are intrinsic to a church institution? Could it be because you're just looking for an excuse to persecute?

I noticed this too. While I respect white pagans because I know their hearts are in the right place, I wish we could stop the attacks on both sides. This issue is one of the biggest divides between whites and that needs to stop.

You may not believe me, but
>You can be Christian and white nationalist.
>You can be pagan and not be larping

Catholics aren't Christian.

36 million to defend israel
18 billion from Soros himself.
There's always been an anti-christian element. (((they))) invested quite a bit into it.

I guess that's possible. Although there is an obvious difference between this raid and the typical shitposts like Someone keeps spamming Christianity is anti-white threads (copy and pasted). Not sure if this is related, but yesterday some people were spamming the 56% white meme of mongrol Americans, although they were using images with the same style, and posting these threads one after another. In one instance, I saw 4 threads beside one another on the catalog that were spamming those images.

Yeah I've seen them
Its just lefty/pol/ trying to fool the deluded Into hating the truth
After all,commies hate Christianity

>theyre raiding us
No sweetie, I've always been here. Always putting Christcucks in their place. The sheep are just opening their eyes. Your religion will die someday it's just a matter of waiting. Same with the inevitable of what happens after death. When you die, than i win the argument. Too bad you'll be dead to realize you were wrong

>christcucks promote open borders
>christcucks believe in gibs me dats for nigs
>christcucks believe in racial equality because all are equal in (((Yahweh)))'s eyes
>christcucks believe the jews must be protected because they are (((Yahweh)))'s chosen people


>>christcucks promote open borders
Lies,nowhere in the bible does it say to abandon your nations borders
>>christcucks believe in gibs me dats for nigs
Lies,men must earn they're bread by the sweat of they're foreheads
>>christcucks believe in racial equality because all are equal in (((Yahweh)))'s eyes
Lies,humans are like little ants to god,we all end the same way dispite out genetic diffidences,dead,and only god can save us from the second death
>>christcucks believe the jews must be protected because they are (((Yahweh)))'s chosen people
Lies,the Jews are not God's chosen people anymore,they haven't been for thousands of years, they literally back-stabbed god himself multiple times with no pity
Christians are God's chosen people,pagans don't even have a holy book
Go back to lefty/pol/ you cancerous faggot

Liberation theology and corruption have brought degenerate thought into churches. Leftist thought does not come from Christianity, but from outside of it.

Christians are called to love everyone, yes. People of all races. But there's nothing wrong with loving our own families, and by extension, the nation.

But the bit about everyone being "equal" is an Enlightenment Era thought. It's clear from the Bible that people are born with different abilities and prerogatives. Monarchy is also the only political system endorsed in the Bible and by Church Fathers.

>christcucks believe the jews must be protected because they are (((Yahweh)))'s chosen people
Oh, and that's a modern teaching. It was invented in recent history.

Everything you're bitching about is a result of the 1960s.
There has been no greater fiend to Judaism than pre-'60s Christianity.


year -100: Rome conquests the Mediterranean coast, including Judea
year 0: Jesus is born
year 100: Rome has smashed two jewish rebellions. well, Sup Forums christians told us that Jews totally love pagans tho, so may be jews wanted to be smashed. Rome extends all the way to Persia

year 200: Rome has overextended, and faces a crisis
year 300: Rome converts to Christianity. according to Sup Forums christians, Christianity is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION, so it will surely save Rome from the crisis!
year 400: Oops, it didn't. Well, Rome deserved to fall anyways. Romans were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, they were corrupted

year 500: Christianity is a religion of earthly power and cultural survival so it will at least keep the Mediterranean in control of christian kingdoms
year 600: Oops, North Africa is lost to Islam. Well, north africans deserved it, they were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, they were corrupted. Christianity is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION that is the only reason why Roman Culture was preserved.
year 700: Oops, it has lost its Holy Lands. Well, Palestianian Christians were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS. Christianity is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION. Now it will REALLY contain Islam. Oh, Spaniards were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS either btw. Everyone knows Christianity is the only way to protect yourself from islam.

year 800: Charlemagne has decided that Jews should be the only bankers of his Empire, and the Church starts a series of edicts to protect them in case they need to move to a different christian kingdom when the farmers get angry. Jews totally hate Christianity tho, this is another shoah!!
year 900: Sicilians were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS. Christianity is a religion of Earthly Power and Cultural Survival. Now it will REALLY contain Islam.
year 1000: Did I tell you that it was Christianity that made Europe conquer the World because it is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION? The real problem is that there have not been any real christians up to this point.

If Christianity is "the enemy of Jewry", then Jews don't need any friends. "Based Christian" Charlemagne, the father of Europe according to Christians, for killing pagan saxons, gave Jews their economical power
> Charlemagne (800–814) readily made use of the Church for the purpose of infusing coherence into the loosely joined parts of his extensive empire, by any means a blind tool of the canonical law. He employed Jews for diplomatic purposes, sending, for instance, a Jew as interpreter and guide with his embassy to Harun al-Rashid. Yet, even then, a gradual change occurred in the lives of the Jews. The Church forbade Christians to be usurers, so the Jews secured the remunerative monopoly of money-lending. This decree caused a mixed reaction of people in general in the Frankish empire (including Germany) to the Jews: Jewish people were sought everywhere, as well as avoided. This ambivalence about Jews occurred because their capital was indispensable, while their business was viewed as disreputable. This curious combination of circumstances increased Jewish influence and Jews went about the country freely, settling also in the eastern portions. Aside from Cologne, the earliest communities were established in Mainz, Worms, Speyer, and Regensburg.[15]

Their christian "punishment" against the "evil jews" was to receive a lucrative financial monopoly of "sinful high financing that no christians shall ever benefit from" and to move to the next country to fleece when the peasants got too riled up.

year 1100: Now that the Crusaders have started, you will truly see how Christianity made Europe strong.
year 1200: Okay, Saladin recaptured Jerusalem, but the Crusaders were not REAL CHRISTIANS, that is why God abandoned them.
year 1300: Byzantines were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, they didn't pay their debts so it is OK to sack them. Please remember Christianity is the religion of Earthly Power and Cultural Survival of Europe

year 1400: Greeks were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS. Christianity made Europe, it gave Europe the ability to defeat other people and create empires, so it is obvious that Greeks were not real Christians
year 1500: Europeans are starting to rediscover pagan art... look at that Venus of Boticelli!! The works of pagan philosophers are printed and read among intellectual circles. UUUGH... now this is horrible... Christianity IS the religion of earthly power that has saved Europe for the last 1000 years and allowed it to take over the world! This rediscovery of the pagan past can only mean that Europe will fall to Islam!! Wait... what?? An Age of Discoveries??? Spain expelled Islam and discovered a whole new continent. Well... we have found REAL CHRISTIANS AT LAST!!!
year 1600: Hhhmm... Europeans are now killing each other over disagreements about what Jesus said in his rants... well, everyone knows that Christianity is what saved Europe and made it united, so this is impossible. [insert Catholics or Protestants] are NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, and are to blame for Islam taking over the Balkans.

year 1700: BTW all these Enlightenment philosophers with strange religiois ideas that are discovering a lot of stuff and making inventions are REAL CHRISTIANS.
year 1800: WTF!! FRENCH REVOLUTION!! SECULARISM!!!!!!! Europe is finished!!!! By the next century it will be conquered completely!!!
year 1900: Huh... European Empires have just conquered the entirity of Africa and Asia (minus China and Japan) plus Australia in one century, Darwin has published a theory about the origin of the species that contradicts the Bible, the political power of the Churches has been decimated by the rise of Nationalism and the Pope himself has declared himself a political prisioner in Vatican City... AT LAST!! A TRULY CHRISTIAN AGE!!! Christianity is what made Europe GREAT!!! See now?

year 2000: The Jews that Charlemagne provided with vast economical power have completely hijacked our civilization. DAMN IT!!! It would have never happened if you had adopted REAL CHRISTIANITY!!!!
year 2100: Europeans were not REAL CHRISTIANS so it is okay that they got replaced by BASED AFRICANS

>Poor mr owl didn't realize he was making more noise than the noise was making.


JEW GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

























Strawman post.

Rome didn't convert till 380 AD.

Rome fell apart due to barbarian invasions and the rise of feudalism.

You know, this is probably the same Ancap flag that was posting walls of text copypasta in another thread I saw earlier.

That is not the point you moron

Christianity didn't stop the fall of Rome, why would it stop the fall of the West?

Yep, I was right you are that guy/girl/nonbinary otherkin that was posting the copypasta

Holy shit, 10/10 weaponized autism, would read again.

Christcucks BTFO. How will the Semitic death cult ever recover?

>why would it stop the fall of the West?
Because the same Christians of the past who are despised by the Leftist degenerates kept the West together. It is only with the inauguration of post-Christendom that we see this Poz.

Which Christians?

Jesus? Paul? Ethiopians? North Africans? Byzantines? the Crusaders that sacked them? Catholics? Protestants? Renaissance philosophers? Enlightenment philosophers? Social Darwinists?





No church burning, but I hear churches are getting demolished in yurop because there are so few massgoers. That should be a wake up call as to what your communities are becoming.

The Leftist / Antifa is degenerate. They cannot reproduce due to being gay. They have no individual thought to allow for creativity. Furthermore, they are against Capitalism which means they have no incentive to invest, plan, or prepare for their future. It is hard to find such a group of failures existing at any other point in history. They literally look like people who have gotten the shit kicked out of them had not been for the everyone gets a trophy generation


Good defense bore them to death

Cry baby! Your god is man made just like all the other deities invented by mankind. Real men have lost the crutch and embrace reality and the truth.


Atheists constantly attacking christians turned me into a christian. They just came off as so pathetic and bitter. If Atheists will never understand this though, and I'm pretty sure God wants it that way. They had plenty of time to figure it out.

>There have been many threads on Sup Forums over the last few days attacking Christianity.
There are threads on here attacking virtually everything everyday.
Stop being a paranoid fuckwit.

>Its just lefty/pol/ trying to fool the deluded Into hating the truth
So leftypol Christianized me by accident?
This is hilarious!
>Atheists constantly attacking christians turned me into a christian.

European identity can't be held together by a universalist religion. Duh.

What matters is a White identity, a European identity. Christians can come along if they behave but your Jewish LARP will never wield power again and that's a very good thing.

>jewnald jewy jewmpf
>Christianity is being attacked
All roads lead to Captain Kangaroo

Christianity Enemies:

Yeah we can deal with this

>European identity can't be held together by the basis of western traditionalism

Right. I thought it was unusual there was nothing but anti-Christian threads- especially today. And not the usual heathenism / paganism vs Christianity debate either. The threads were so leftist it hurt

>Jew hoax
You are falling for it now. Today's Jews are not the children of Abraham, they are converts to the synagogue of Satan. They lie because their father is the father of lies. Jesus himself explicitly called them out on this even in his time.
The Schofield Bible is a Jewish hoax, but that's barely 100 years old. Prior to that, Christians rightly reviled Jews. Is 1900 years of Christian persecution of the Jews part of the Jewish hoax?

Hi, I found some magic beans I'd like to sell you. Would you trade your cow?

You gullible dimwit fuck

Fall into your own snare.

Those are some awesome arguments, faggot.

What the actual fuck are even on about?

Maybe it's the people who were infiltrating Christianity and there are people by their own admission Freemasons Illuminati and modernists who are causing the problems.


The most authentic Christians I know are masons



I'm still wondering how you people even make do.
You shouldn't technically be able to. Even the sticks are supposed to rise up against those who oppose Christ, and his church. Do not even sticks oppose you? Do not branches of tree persue you? How does nature not oppose you?

Great job so far

this desu

I think you misspelled heretic there buddy.

But seriously Masonry is counter to the teachings of the apostolic church.

idk too many redpilled atheists. Atheism is degenerate.

kys faggot



Reactionaries are a powerful thing. We were just common men. Now we're common angry men kek.

I just want to make it sure that I never intended to make myself look knowledgeable among men but Rather that God is just among men