Get fucked Germanics

Irish people are the best Whites. Fuck all you Teutonic faggots. All your great Germanic homelands are being ravaged by the new Middle Eastern menace. Kinda like when the Germanics pushed the celts into the British Isles and stole their homelands. History is a fucking bitch isn't it? Swaztikas won't save you.

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hahahahahahahahahahahah spit all over my monitor. Cannot wait say this shit to my 100% Irish father, his mother hated the huns because "vikings".


lolololol still fucking laughing

You're alright by me user. Sláinte

>3% west asia
what the...

Irish pride world wide!

Only Gaelic supremacy in this thread

i got more irish than i was expecting on

I'm still white, right guys?

Go deimhin féin. Hope you have, or find yourself a pretty cáilín to continue the clann with, a chara.

>1% European Jewish

Get gassed Schlomo.

im half irish and half german. fight me faggot.

A basic representation of how the other puny European subraces pale in comparison to the almighty Gael. The average continental Europeans are seen to the left arguing over how wide they should open their anus to the Moslem invaders while the average Irish man can be seen to the right, contemplating crushing their heads in.

Yes I am still searching for the one to continue my dynasty with. Preferably most in this chart except Chad, Ethiopian, South Indian, West African, African American, Afghan, Samoan, and Burmese.

but you are not the Irish people, turkish mongrel

>Asia Central
>Europe East
Takes no genius to conclude that we have Ukrainian subhuman right here. Go back home, wog untermensch

welsh reporting in

we made puppets n shit.

>Irish is best
>Ireland's current pm is a gay Indian

K mate.

What would a dirty fucking Slav in Siberia know about the Irish. Isn't there a Chechen waiting to beat the fuck out of you.

>tfw almost literally the 56% meme

Brythonic brothern welcome friend. Your people were the first to bear the brunt of the wretched Sassenach. We shall reclaim what is ours after they give it all up to the Mohammadeans.

I know about the Irish that they are 100% European and usually 100% Northwestern Europeans. We will drive the mongrels and invaders from our lands or die trying


It hasn't been the first time the Irish lived under foreign oppression, but we shall drive back the invaders, like we did at Clontarf and like we did in 1916. The real Irish won't go out without a fight.

>literal diaspora with turk roach genes
damn, at least start sending money to the National Party

Rly makes me think

What a fucking mess hahahaha

Us R1b invaders (im M222) took Europe from the the likes of ydna G, E, and I and almost completely decimated those groups to where Western Europe became completely R1B. We also made mtdna U our bitches when we got there. We are the greatest war machines on this planet. You're just dirty corded ware filth R1A aren't you?

You think that's Jewish?
>inb4 giga-kike posts 100% Kazar

typical dysgenic wog filth
you personally are a roach
pic related

But I'm not a nigger, my Mongolian friend

Ask Zuckerberg for some Facebook shares.

I'm part Irish, part Scottish. I disown both of those sides because the scots didn't vote to leave when they were presented the chanxe. The true Celts have all died out.

And I’m not a Russian. neither Russians are mongols bt.w. mongols are literal cucks that lost their ethnic elite and got cucked out to the max. no mongol shit in any European gene pool. It’s a meme by the Poles and their Jews from Napoleonic Wars.

Mongols and Tatars carry Y-DNA markers like C3* and R1a-Z293. These markers don't show up in native Europeans.

The Genghis Khan paternal lineage is non-existent in Eastern Europe, but common all over Asia where the Mongols were present for a long time.

>I’m not a nigger
Who told you that, desert mulatto?

Hey don't you have a car crash to be in while listening to shitty EuroPop from the 90s dirty slav?

>3% West Asia
You are not Irish or even a real American for that matter. Of all people Russians have a good reason to not have it that great : 100 years of communism and 1/4 of population dead in WWII on top of millions dead during the Commiejew purges. Plenty of the capable ethnic Russians were siphoned off by European and American trans national companies

I guarantee you use something made by a Russian(yandex, google, kaspersky), but sold by a US company every day.
and not just Russians, literally every nation you groundlessly talk shit about has built "your" country, which isnt really yours, since you're just a subhuman mule.

the people who are most successful in America are, always have been since the Civil War (bar the WASP community), and always will be immigrants who stick together or secret societies. in any case, they actually have some sense of Logos. Americans, on the other hand, are a culturally absent subhuman mule who have never and will never invent anything.

im pretty sure a lot of burgers realize everything i said to be true subconsciously, which is why they always hurl insults at other countries while ignoring how objectively FUCKED beyond all measure the US actually is.

It's up to us descendants to continue the legacy of our noble ancestors. It doesn't matter the land for the Celts have always migrated and brought their culture far and wide. Scotland may be lost but we shall continue onwards.

We're you squatting while typing all of that on your windows 98 Borris

>bragging about being Irish

Never mind Ireland, you are going back to Israel, you divide-and-conquer Jew.

These guys are as much your ancestors as they are Obama’s. Pic related is your ancestor. Mongrels don’t get to claim our heritage

I typed it from a sofa with a carcass older than your state

Am I white?

It's a great feeling that I wish you could know of.

cockhole or balk?

Are you sure this isn't a picture of you showing off the current state of Slavic transportation technology. Look at these little Slavic rugrats participating in some average Slavic recreation.

>West Asia

Jesus Christ, why did my Engrish version of this image become so popular.

because it reminds us how unnatural and disgusting the mongrelization is

Have you been to Ireland? I have. Irish americans are based as fuck, but modern Irish people are dumb as fuck. Full blown socialist.

What the Irish we're making in dark ages while the Slavs and Germans we're shitting in the woods.

No I haven't but my maternal grandmother originates from county Cavan, Bailieborough and I intend to visit it one day. I think the vast American continent and the wide array of oppurtunities that came with it was more beneficial for the Irish than staying stagnant in their island nation. Ireland just didn't bring enough ways of living so the people who wanted to make a damn out of their lives left while i guess the more content stayed. That's my theory why modern Ireland is so socialized now.

Ireland didn’t stay stagnant. On the contrary, Ireland experience a birth of its modern nation, poetry, social cohesion, common journey of suffer and pleasure, and much much more. Ireland tends to be socalistish, because White people love to take care of each other

They love it so much that they have to vote for the government to do it.

I am the perfect human being.

Well, you are more likely to share via the state in a homogenous society
christ, go back home, wog. Australia is a Celtic-Germanic nation

I didn't know subjecting a nation to a demographic turnover large enough to destroy society as we know it is taking care of it.

That’s another story. Paying up for those in need doesn’t imply multiracial migration

I'm sorry man but you still live in Russia so I win


Win won, idiot? I live in a place that is older than your nation (both Turkey and USA). Old theaters, museums and other nice things are within walking distance. “Your" country is literally run almost ENTIRELY by jews.

apart from that, it is entirely centrally planned around the automobiled creating a monotonous strip mall wasteland from sea to shining sea.

almost everyone is forced to drive unreasonably large distances to get from place to place, sealed off from their fellow man in their cars. all the walking you people do is from your car, across a parking lot, and around some fucking stores in a strip mall. everyone suffers from severe cognitive dissonance because the polished version of america shown on TV simply doesnt exist. beauty is rare, and almost always found in nature. hardly anyone even knows what a culture is, and those that do, are usually surrounded by beauty in very concentrated pockets of wealth fucking the rest of the country, and the world.

the """"""food""""" is almost entirely toxic, and agricultural procedures and ingredients banned even in developing countries are still practiced in america because "MUH GROWTH"

if you look at the average american suburb from space, it literally looks like one of those human farms from the matrix, because that's what america is: a human farm.

everything is geared towards juicing shekelz from the destruction of nature, man, and culture.

If you have problems with that, you can start arguing by using the II Amendment in a proper fashion

As a Celto Germanic Man, sorry but Hybrid is the best.

Keep eating breadloaf you dirty slav while I enjoy the first world. Keep typing, it won't make your country any less backwards.

>Celto Germanic
>literal turk roach mongrel thinks USA is a first world

No one is going to accept a halfbreed like you.

3% West Asian means that you have no right to lecture any white man on any subject, nigger!

Well you're Canadian so you're probably 100% West Asian

oh look, it's a russian baltposting again

Am i white? The eastern European is polish.

This is what you look like according to my calculations.

As long as it's not Russia you're white

Obviously White

This thread has a massive lack of hot redheads in it.





lol. You're literally the 56% meme


My Gf is Irish and I think irish ppl have cute noses.