People at Studio Pierrot are probaly really angry
People at Studio Pierrot are probaly really angry
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They just did what was most popular.
You really think a bunch of old animators care about ships?
We do
dank ED
i like to believe they actually care about what they animate
though sometimes i doubt if they even know what anime they're working on
Masashi Kudo was a pretty big Ichiruki guy. Even days before the last chapters he retweeted IR stuff.
Studio Pierrot has good taste. Too bad Kubo is a hack and had worst girl win.
>"worst" girl
user plz
>People at Studio Pierrot are probaly really angry
People at Studio Pierrot probably don't give a shit
I really don't see the problem.
Renji was always goign to end up with Rukia, it was obvious, Orihime and Ichigo were always a thing.
>The childhood friend won
>The one who always loved MC won
>Sup Forums still whines
What the fuck do you want?
Do you think they'd get away with a different (superior) ending?
the best girl to win
they literally can't even begin to give a fuck about some kid's cartoon
wasn't a childhood friend t b q h
>wasn't a childhood friend
Renji is though. He's known Rukia for 72 years.
Stay mad. I'll told you all that ichihime and renruki were knocking on our doors yet so many of you were too busy repeatedly chanting white sun/black moon like some fucking mantra and bringing up things like colorspreads since Kubo hasn't given you anything in the actual manga in years.
post good endings
you know it's pretty funny in hindsight
back when Bleach aired and the Soul Society arc finished and everything went back to normal I was completely disgusted
a decade later there are people who still stuck with it despite everything
I guess they got what they deserved
Nah, If you look at the ED before it clearly showed that they knew what they were doing
stay salty
>People at Studio Pierrot are probaly really angry
I sure hope so. They are cunts.
But she they both did. One married the on she crushed on, and the other married her childhood friend.
Literally perfect end.
retards are retards
why does ichigo look mad in that pic
She's inferior and she knows it.
Cute feet. Truly best girl, and Kubo is literally god by not giving us an open-ending that the nips love so much.
>anime is best pairing
>manga is shit pairing
I'm fine with it. Just like Ranma 1/2.
We need to go back further! Turn back the pendulum.
wow I had completely forgotten about this scene. Also Matsumoto's "not this shit again" expression cracks me up.
Different translation. Some of it hits harder, some of it doesn't.
>no soifon in that ending
She's just putting on her serious face.
>I'm so disgusting...
Now I just feel bad for calling her shit.
Ranma ends up with Akane in both
also nice reddit picture, faggot
The Arrancar arc was so long ago, most people probably forgot most things about it except for Vizards kinda being there, Arrancar showing up to fight for various reasons, and Orihime going away at the end.
Anyway, it was not a good time to be Orihime.
Kubo probably forgot about the entire duality he created between Ichigo and Rukia and that even Orihime was jealous of their relationship.
Studio Pierrot simply, like many fans got the duality between Ichigo and Rukia.
Not forgetting that she betrayed Ichigo, it is her fault that Facebook got her.
Renji was an underling and he should have been dead dozens of times.
Hell he commited open mutiny towards the Gotei and attacked his captain and not even to take his position.
The way Byakuya was back then Renji should have died.
I also cannot get over the fact that we never got to see Byakuya's last secret skill.
>Kubo does a classic Kubo thing
>everyone lose their shit
I don't understand why people is so surprised by this.
Because we thoughts for once Kubo wouldn't go full retard
Oh yes, this totally romantic video clearly shows them as a couple, completely convincing that they ship rukia and ichigo
Except the duality doesn't imply romance, it implies they're the bestest of bros.
If anything, Kubo forgot that by making them barely interact after the SS arc.
Just look at all the potencial character growth for Orihime that's been posted here. Her training and not feeling useless? That's basically pity setup for when she gets captured and goes nowhere. She gets one badass moment in the Fullbringer arc and even then Facebook fucks everything up a few chapter later.
That's what Kubo does. He sets stuff up, forgets two chapters later, fucks everything up by tripping all over himself and we are left with this crap that never lived up to it's potencial.
man at least sakura got good orihime stayed useless. I forgot why aizen even wanted her.
Sun and Moon duality is since when not a lovers thing?
Try again!
Stop thinking Kubo is some master writer.
He retcons shit to hell to make stuff work and he is known that he rereads old chapters to remind him what he did there because he already forgot and to look for things that he can use now or later on.
Something about perfecting the little magic ball. But I think it was actually about baiting the Karakura gang and some SS captains to raid Las Noches, though my memory is fuzzy on that.
Not the same user, but you seeem to be implying that Kubo was going for an IR ending that he later decided to retcon. That's narusaku level of dilusion user, it was always going to be IH regardless of how shallow Kubo's writing for it was.
Is renji wearing a dashiki towards the end?
They cared enough to ship NaruHina.
Deny duality all you want, but it existed from the very beginning.
That's literally just Okusan. Kubo, you fucking hack.
To be loved, which unironically will never happen
So Kubo can draw feet? Wow.
Their relationship is very clearly not romantic though. If this duality thing makes you sleep better at night then by all means carry on, I'm not stopping you.
Suffering for love is literally what best girls and canon waifus do.
Caring about what you animate and being an obnoxious shipperfag are two different things.
Though I agree that animators definitely have their ship preferences and sometimes change the canon content to suit their tastes. I've seen so many anime adaptions that add shipping shit when there was none in the manga.
Though they only end up screwing themselves over when the source material goes a different direction.
Anime Houki Boushi
Concept cover, Houki Boshi, performed by Soi-Fon & Yoruichi
Anime, Life is Like a Boat
Concept cover, Life is Like a Boat, performed by Mayuri & Nemu
Can we appreciate how Pierrot could hype up bullcrap series like Bleach and Naruto with their 10/10 openings/endings?
She doesn't need to be insecure because Rukia and Ichigo were never romantically interested in Ichigo at any point.
Wow, I don't remember half of this characters.
Probably talking about Ryoga and Ukyo since I know a lot of people wanted that to happen but the manga author just created a new girl specifically for Ryoga.
>ichirukifags still in bitter denial, and in full damage control
Feels good man.
Rukia never had any intention of having romance with Ichigo.
The only reason she even bothered with Ichigo to begin with was because he looked exactly like her dead senpai.
why renji looks more of a faggot in that one
>You really think a bunch of old animators care about ships?
I think they did considering they cut a lot of Orihime Ichigo and added Rukia scenes.
I dropped Bleach at Soul Society, but I'm pretty fucking shocked that Rukia didn't win. I thought she was the romantic lead.
>I think they did
a bunch of middle aged fucks cared about some random kids cartoon, a bunch of middle aged fucks cared about a pairing of two fictional characters in a kids cartoon
you gotta be kiddin me
the worst part is that they do
maybe in your persecution complex riddled mind
they care, mostly because of money, you dont come with something like fade to black with so much shipper bait that doesnt exist in the original series just because, i never said they cared from a personal point of view, for them is just a easier way to make money
still kek
After this she went back with her bandages to her empty apartment to wear a forced smile while talking about depression to the enshrined portrait of her dead brother who once tried to kill her in that same apartment.