Where are you taking us user?

>where are you taking us user?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nanaki village.

Where we all go

My basement.

To a deserted island.

To your death, statistically.

We're going to meet Harambe, so I'm taking us there.

>anal queen giving the signal

I'm taking you all from girlhood to womanhood.

How do you girls feel about homegrown vegetables?


To Show M.

this guy's basement

Racoon city.

I don't get that picture

it's referencing a doujin. A pretty good one too.

Village where you can start new life with no regrets, they say.

It's going to be great!



Were they really referencing THAT doujin or was just a funny coincidence?

who knows.


As expected of country grown vegetables


which doujin?


>being this new

>Chihaya is the only not happy
Being her must be suffering


Which puchi would Sup Forums adopt if given the opportunity

the funsubber were the actual characters werent

She's best girl, remove anyone else

How do I know which twin is which?

Haruka or Yukiho is good enough.