Lets be honest...

Lets be honest, the more antifa and the dems keep playing the "Trump is literally hitler card" yall lose probably 100K votes. My prediction... Trump narrowly wins maybe 280-290 and loses the pop vote

Other urls found in this thread:


Bro he won 306 last time he will get at least 300 probably more and win the popular vote!

Doesn't matter he is only loseing support from the democrats and Pennsylvania will not go red this time i guarantee it.

Honestly I wouldnt be suprised if he won the popular vote and got close to 400

>Lets be honest, the more antifa and the dems keep playing the "Trump is literally hitler card" yall lose probably 100K votes

Most people aren't nearly as stupid as the ones playing those cards. As the whole Russian collusion story implodes, the lower the credibility of these people will get.

The Lunacy from the left has only weakened them in the eyes of the public. More people are becoming resilient towards these groups.

> keep playing the "Trump is literally hitler card
cause it worked realy well last time

As a dem, I agree. The unironic doubling down on phlumph is a hitler will get him re-elected

Trump is going to have his base split in 2020 by some neocon faggot. Probably Ryan, the election will be given to which ever puppet the damn dems put up.

Search your feelings, you know what i'm saying to be true.

You're absolutely right. They'll run a third party to give it to the D's.

its literally the opposite, you would know this if you actually talk to people outside of your safe-space

There’s polling that supports OPs stance as well as basic logic

Which people, and where?

The difference between 306 and 280-290 is really nothing. It would just take PA or MI flipping.

>got close to 400
I would be shocked if he or anybody got remotely close to 400. Where do you see the big shift happening to get to that number? The spread will probably be very similar in 2020.

are you literally asking us where you should go to find people to talk to?

>There’s polling
Let me stop you right there.

Lets [sic] be honest. OP is a fag

>making predictions in an election involving trump

Then why didn't that happen in the first election dip shit CIA shill??

No, i'm asking where that faggot is talking to these people. Is it reddit or tumblr? Yeah, complete unbiased groups there. Is it Australians he's meeting at the bar? Then who gives a fuck, they could be martyred for their opinions and it would have no affect on me. It's fucking goofy.


Perfectly normal, good people don't like being told they are bad people. Which is what the current state of the left leaves people doing, that's where the shift comes from. Pettiness drives people to do lots of shit.

Study history. If things continue to go this way, it'll be a repeat of Nixon. Absolute blowout in the re-election.

You're not being specific. Where -- where -- is the shift happening? Which states? There are a finite number of states. There are a smaller number of states that were competitive. Where is the shift coming?

He won while the establishment had political control over DC...

4 years later we will be living in Trump's America with all the illegal voters gone.

Yeah man. Who cares if Hillary authorized the sale of Uranium to the Russians or forced Bernie out of the nomination? That literally means nothign and the majority of the Americans know this

>literally everything Trump says constantly being proven right
>literally all bullshit stories slung at Trump by the dems constantly proven wrong

My man, he is going to obliterate any dem in the next election. They have proven themselves to be utterly untrustworthy and willing to actually completely falsify a continuous stream of fake news to try to take him down.

The best shot against Trump is with some shitty rino, and none of them stood a chance last time.

>triggered this hard
Takes time to find someone willing to destroy their career like that i'd imagine. Cruz and Kasich both flirted with the idea of not accepting the results of the primaries.

The GOP would never run another candidate against an incumbent. It would totally destroy the party, forever. You’re retarded.

Oh I misinterpreted what you meant by where. The only states I see as being locked in is pretty much the 3 coastal states on the west and NY/Vermont. Everywhere else while it may not have seemed competitive this cycle 4 more years of being told they are trash will push them into the red. And uh google 2016 electoral college map to see which states were still blue that I did not exclude.

I really hope Ryan runs so Trump can destroy him in the debates. I wonder what Ryan will be.
Jeb = low energy
Rubio = lightweight
Hillary Crooked hillary
Oh my I am so excited for insult machine to kick into high gear again. I only wish I didn't have to wait.

Cryin Ryan

It just makes Hitler look better and better.

Once the spics get sent back California is going red.

Again, study History. I'm not talking about Nixon's impeachment, by the way; that came after. I'm talking about the fact the Democrats went hard left in response to Nixon and got BTFO in the 1972 election.


>The only states I see as being locked in is pretty much the 3 coastal states on the west and NY/Vermont.
Okay. It's good that you're confirming you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and can safely be ignored.

Who said anything about the GOP orchestrating it? I think it'll be the dems that pay a rino to run as an independent.

Similar things have happened not just in this country's history, but in RECENT history. read about the election of 92. Retard.

That's not going to happen unless you start revoking the citizenship status of anchor babies and any of their descendants. Despite the memes, California is a legit non-White shithole even without illegals.

Based on what? You disagreeing with me? It would take civil war for Oregon or Cali to become Red, same with Vermont.

So who's going to run as Bernie 2.0 then?

California should either be split in half or given up on. You are living a pipedream if you think California will ever be red again.

>Based on what?
I quoted it for you. That's what green text is. New England was NOT competitive. The Mid-Atlantic was NOT competitive. The Western plains states were NOT competitive. Most of the Southern states were NOT competitive. The Great Lakes were competitive.

So you're pulling this "every state but the West Coast and Vermont" was competitive out of your ass. New Jersey is not up for grabs. Maryland is not up for grabs. Massachusetts and Connecticut are not up for grabs.

You understand you can actually go and look up the electoral margins, right?

I voted for A third party last election because Trump was wishy washy and i dont find voting for someone just to keep someone else out a great argument.
At this point though, Trump will get my vote in the next election as long as he doesnt royally fuck up. I know im not alone in currently seeing him as someone i will vote for despite not voting for him in the past

Funny how you call me an idiot because you lack reading comprehension. I never called anything competitive. I said that while it may not have been competitive this year, after 4 more years of badgering from the left it will be.

You understand how to read and interpret statements, right?

I voted third party last election (Darrel Castle) but planto vote for Trump next election. As long as he keeps his base energized and doesnt royally fuck up i could see him winning the popular and electoral college. For him to reach your predictions though, the dems would have to run retards like Bernie and Clinton again

Oh no! He's losing support from people who never supported him in the firs place!


No clue. But the simple fact that they seem to be drifting further left by the week, if they don't fix this shit quickly, Trump's re-election is a lock.

>I never called anything competitive.
>The only states I see as being locked in is pretty much the 3 coastal states on the west and NY/Vermont. Everything else while it may not have seemed competitive this cycle 4 more years of being told they are trash will push them into the red.
>will push them into the red.

>Trusting polls.



kek confirms third party voters are all voting trump

Checked and keked.

So what do you guys trust when it comes to opinions about the president? Breitbart?

nigger, reagan won 49 states for his second term. the voter fraud investigation is happening and yet here you are niggering in the most faggoty kikeishness fashion possible.

trust no one

Nice digits user.

I get my news from Sup Forums and independent content creators of Youtube. I don't trust any of the cucks in the (((Maynestream Meteor)))


This. The leaf gets it.

actually i'd argue that the more the dems and antifags keep the whole "omg drumphgf is hitler" schtick the more likely the public will see the left as the hysterical degenerates they really are. the usa is gonna be deep red in 2020, i guarantee it

>nigger, reagan won 49 states
In a country that wasn't 56% White. Let's go back to the second post I made in this thread Where do you see the shift happening? Is it Illinois? Is it Washington? Massachusetts? Virginia? New Jersey? Stop taking it personally and just put forth a specific answer.

>Trump narrowly wins maybe 280-290
Lol. Who's going to run against him, Cory Booker? He's going to win over 40 states in 2020.

Hi Satan

Oh shit...

The difference is Trump is not capitalizing on it, he's acting more retarded as the left in some cases

And these alt-right retards trying to gain attention with their tiki torch LARPing hurts the right's image as much as antifa does to the left


Absolutely not. If a neocon runs against Trump he would be obliterated so badly. People like Lindsey Graham and John Bolton are despised.

If a so called moderate Republican runs, he will also be destroyed because they won't win a primary. Just ask Bob Corker or Jeff Flake. And in the general they would get nowhere.

>8 posts by faggot
nigger, you're lost.

>"more retarded as the left"
>"more retarded as the"
>"more as the"
nigger education.

Right, so no answer. There will be very little change in the electoral map in 2020. Feel free to screen cap this post and make sure you include yourself in it.

As a Pennsylvanian I disagree with you. I got so much shit from everyone for supporting and voting for Trump but people around here are actually starting to get redpilled. CNN is making asses out of themselves, no one can stand their 'news' anymore and people are really coming around to like Trump. A lot of pennsylvanians still are against the wall, but everything else they seem to agree with.

I do have to add though.. I know that PA is trying to tackle gerrymandering and if they actually change the congressional districts it will be a total toss-up. I dont know if it will make us more red or less red

You have to remember too that what people say in public doesn't necessarily reflect their actions at the polls.

Trump will lose in 2020 because the alt-right hates him now and he needs their votes.

WTF!? I hate Trump now!

No one invited you, satan

>Trump is going to have his base split in 2020 by some neocon faggot. Probably Ryan

>who's going to run against him?
Honestly, if he ruthlessly takes out the swamp then democrats will be afraid to run

Trump betrayed white people.


Defeat Trump 2020!

>being against the wall
How gay can PA get?

>Trump narrowly wins maybe 280-290 and loses the pop vote
He's going to win ~400.

Im in OC and its lit we got Republican rule ;)

What is wrong with this? You should always move on chicks like their a bitch. I mean you don't even have to wait when you do. They let you do anything even grab 'em by the pussy. I mean anything. This is how it always works for me.

Trump may win re-election, but the Dems will take back Congress and he'll flip flop on everything except immigration.

Trump literally won Pennsylvania Democrats. And now he's alienating them.

>Bro he won 306 last time he will get at least 300 probably more and win the popular vote!
He won by 80,000 votes, cult of personality.

>Trump literally won Pennsylvania Democrats. And now he's alienating them.
Yeah, they're totally gonna jump back over to the party of BLM, transgender bathrooms, and LET THEM IN, in the next 4 years....

>He won by 80,000 votes, cult of personality.
He'll do better in 2020.
>incumbent ALWAYS has the advantage. 4 of our last 5 presidents have won 2 terms
>all the extremely negative stuff about Trump came out in the 2016 campaign, so there's really nothing left to shock the undecided voter
>some people didn't vote for him for fear of nuclear war or economic collapse or some shit. As long as neither of those things happen, people tend to vote for the "eh, he's not doing that bad guy"
>this time he will probably have a better ground game and run more tv ads, which he really didn't do in 2016
>he will have the RNC behind him from day 1 now (their operation in the final days helped Trump immensely).
Barring any major insanity, Trump has got 2020 in the bag.

YOu really think he's deport millions of people in 3 years?

>incumbent ALWAYS has the advantage. 4 of our last 5 presidents have won 2 terms
They do
>all the extremely negative stuff about Trump came out in the 2016 campaign, so there's really nothing left to shock the undecided voter
He has not done shit
>some people didn't vote for him for fear of nuclear war or economic collapse or some shit
People voted for him to improve the economic situation, he has not.
>he will have the RNC behind him from day 1 now (their operation in the final days helped Trump immensely)
More establishment unrestricted immigration, """free""" trade, and cultural marxism
>this time he will probably have a better ground game and run more tv ads, which he really didn't do in 2016
If it wasn't useful for Clinton, why would it be useful for Trump.

It doesn't matter anyways, democracy is a scam. Our wolves just pretend to be sheep and """for the American people."""

Is Trump even going to run again? He doesn't seem like he enjoys the job very much. I'd think he'd rather be back playing golf all the time and grabbing beauty pageant contestants by the pussy.

Do you have anything worthwhile to say, or are you just stroking your microdick in public?

Trump is going to secure the second term easily. He will get less states, but only a few less, and not because of retarded liberals. There simply will not be the same momentum the second time he runs.
Anyone who thinks the liberal whining of ''WAAH WAAAH DRUMPF'' is going to have much of an effect on actual votes is retarded.

>Do you have anything worthwhile to say, or are you just stroking your microdick in public?
Do you have an iq over room temperature? My guess is no, betacuck.

>Lets be honest, the more antifa and the dems keep playing the "Trump is literally hitler card" yall lose probably 100K votes
you would have to be a literal retard for this to make any sense, but explains why you keep trying to push this narrative.
protip; people like proof and evidence when making claims that a hotel owner is equal to a man who killed millions of people

Congressional districts have no influence on a presidential election. Only on House elections.