Are there any jobs that let you ruin lives for a living?

Are there any jobs that let you ruin lives for a living?

Other urls found in this thread:

IRS auditor
Pretty much any kind of social worker
Pretty much any kind if pubic servant

President of the United States.

Divorce attorney

Garbage man.

Just don't pick up the Garbage.


DMV worker

Join the military and you'll get paid to murder people.

You could be one of those private dicks that catches people engaged in extramarital intercourse.

Any federal job

You could be a nigger.

debt collector

Boiler room """broker"""

College/ University Professor.

Investigative Journalist, Dateline NBC

private investigator

Defence Contractor

repo man
process server

P.I here. I catch people (Mostly niggers) committing fraud for a living

Insurance adjuster and actuary are the best ones.

ICE. It's my friends backup plan. Worse comes to worse you can throw mexicans out of the country.

Insurance adjusters, political cunts and mostly, the fucking cock bag pig fucker cops, I hope most of those Jewish fucking cunts die off in small arms fire-

You could join the Democratic party and instead of aiming to ruin a few lives you could ruin an entire country.

How'd you get into the PI biz leafanon? Got any good stories?


Fast food worker

gender studies professor


Used up old bag

Auto re-possession tow truck driver.
Car title loan default informer.
Tattoo artist.
Abortion death chamber assistant.
Diversity counselor.

>I'm tired.

overweight dyke retail manager


Trial attorney

Simultaneously give some stupid nigger go got into a car accident 200 grand while bankrupting a local trucking company


I was about to post the same thing.

I will now share with you the song of my people

Professional Victimhood
ShareBlue Doxxing Division
Handing out welfare checks
Moderating a furry site, or any site who's intention is to gather and embrace the mentally ill. Just ban the people who's lives you don't want to ruin.
You could be Chancellor of Germany
IRS agent
Circuit Judge

also interested

Rap star

yes they are called cops

I dont think OP wants a job that will ruin his own life, per say

Just become a prosecutor or something in a large city, and you can help put niggers where they belong: jail.

black lives don't matter, though

White subhumans committing crime as usual. When will Sup Forums accept the asian master race?

Asians are pretty A+ when it comes to crime and IQ

I am pajeet.

*East Asians


Sup Forums moderator

But I am a good boy, I swear.

Only if you regret your posts tho
Which I don't
I'll find someone who is cool with my politics/goofiness or I won't, that's all

Debt collector
Divorce Lawyer
Family court judge
CPS worker
College Professor
Private detective
Repo Man
HR representative
Globalist politician

All of these jobs can easily intentionally ruin hundreds to hundred of thousands of lives in one career very very easily.

Mortgage Specialist for BoA here. One time I overdrew 30 million dollars by misplacing some funds. It crashed the local market for a week. I can only hope I provided a few people in San Francisco some opportunities to buy homes in the lower 800s

Sincerely disappointed no one named the two most obvious job, hedge fund manager, and banker. You screw around with other people's money, with no apparent consequences.



child protective services

The Simpsons episode where the Repo Men cut the rope Milhouse was climbing made me want to be a Repo Man as a kid.

Auditing was so much fun back in college