Pat Buchanan on the death of liberalism

Thread for the man Trump attempts to emulate, but never will be

Each of these traditionalist-nationalist movements is unique, but all have a common cause. In the hearts of Europe’s indigenous peoples is embedded an ancient fear: loss of the homeland to Islamic invaders.

Europe is rejecting, resisting, recoiling from “diversity,” the multiracial, multicultural, multiethnic and multilingual future that, say U.S. elites, is America’s preordained mission to bring about for all mankind.

Indeed, increasingly, the indigenous peoples of Europe seem to view as the death of their nations and continent, what U.S. liberal elites see as the Brave New World to come.

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>European elites may denounce these new parties as “illiberal” or fascist, but it is becoming apparent that it may be liberalism itself that belongs to yesterday. For more and more Europeans see the invasion of the continent along the routes whence the invaders came centuries ago, not as a manageable problem but an existential crisis.

>To many Europeans, it portends an irreversible alteration in the character of the countries their grandchildren will inherit, and possibly an end to their civilization. And they are not going to be deterred from voting their fears by being called names that long ago lost their toxicity from overuse.

>And as Europeans decline to celebrate the racial, ethnic, creedal and cultural diversity extolled by American elites, they also seem to reject the idea that foreigners should be treated equally in nations created for their own kind.

>Europeans seem to admire more, and model their nations more, along the lines of the less diverse America of the Eisenhower era, than on the polyglot America of 2017.

>And Europe seems to be moving toward immigration polices more like the McCarran-Walter Act of 1950 than the open borders bill that Sen. Edward Kennedy shepherded through the Senate in 1965.

>Kennedy promised that the racial and ethnic composition of the America of the 1960s would not be overturned, and he questioned the morality and motives of any who implied that it would.

>So, why is liberalism dying?

>Because it is proving to be what James Burnham called it in his 1964 “Suicide of the West” — the ideology of Western suicide.

>What we see in Europe today is people who, belatedly recognizing this, have begun to “rage, rage, against dying of the light.”


>tfw nu/pol/ doesn't know who Patrick Buchanan is

He had all of the charisma of Trump thats for sure. A much better "insider's outsider" than say Ron Paul. Trump movement really is an evolution of what Buchanan was trying to do in primarying HW Bush in 92. You can see it in their supporters enthusiasm

Zionist trash just like OP.

Trump cucks will never admit it, but Pat makes Trump look like a child and was more explicitly in line with what we want in the country.


>couldnt win
>what we want
pick one
protip: winners only
pat still a great man

Yeah, all it took was another 15% of the white demographic being knocked off the map in the US. Trump didn't convince shit, he existed on derision that was already there. Pat was predicting everything that was going to happen, Trump hasn't predicted shit, he's just capitalized on the results.

Trump wins by not adhering to rigid ideology. but he knows which ideologues are better and worse. Bannon is more in line with Buchanan's views and Trump still swears by Bannon. I dont disagree with you really, just pointing out that it took a figure like trump to actual pull the trick of winning that others couldnt, and for that alone i'll take Trump over Pat, giving Pat all the due credit as a founding father of the movement

>i'll take Trump over Pat
What I'm getting at is if Pat was 20 years younger running against Trump last year, Trump wouldn't have stood a chance. You're right about Bannon though, what's going on with that front? I haven't heard much since he left the white house.

Bannon is doing the dirty work. Started superPAC to primary out all the GOPe cucks up for re-election in '18 which is why guys like Corker and Flake are retiring

Some more great Pat

>Bannon is doing the dirty work
Good, he's a smart guy. I hope he sticks around in one form or another for years to come

>Kike Hitchens the perpetually blackpilled establishment lackey

>Trump attempts to emulate, but never will be

Trump became president while Buchanan is some irrelevant old man shunned from polite society

>What I'm getting at is if Pat was 20 years younger running against Trump last year, Trump wouldn't have stood a chance.

Trump annhilated Pat Buchanan during the whole Reform Party stuff in the 2000s. Pat cant do shit.

>newfag detected

fuck off

Most of Politics that support Buchanan, Trump supports too.



Pat Buchanan might've got the ball rolling, but his movement was squelched and he's forever branded a anti-Semite Hitler lover. Meanwhile Trump actually made things happen, took on 17 GOP candidates and defeated the Bushes and Clintons and is in the White House. Huge difference.

If he didn't say that shit he wouldn't see a dime or given a minute of media coverage or legitimacy

Without Buchanan and the Reform Party, Trump would still be a Democrat.

But Trump had the advantage of being a Democrat for years before being a Republican. It's how he had such appeal and was able to win the Rust Belt Dems. It's not easy to do.

He doesn't fall for the die for Israel shtick

and trump is branded all kinds of dumb shit by the media as well. Who gives a fuck. Trump is a Russia loving traitor who keeps a book of Hitler speeches by his bedside according to the media.

If the internet and social media had existed in 1992 things might have turned out different in the Republican primaries. Same goes for the general election with Ross Perot.

In 1992 real changes could have been made. Not so much now.

Pat was one of the guys who innovated cable news, check him out on CNN back in the day
Trump would have eaten this shit up back then

Pat never had the confidence or shamelessness to plow straight through his opponents like Trump did. Calling Pat names pretty much ended his political career, meanwhile Trump succeeded massively.

>In 1992 real changes could have been made. Not so much now.

I'll concede this, but if Trump at least gets the job started and ideas out there in the public, he'll have done a great job. He does need to stop getting in so much controversy and tweeting crazy shit.

Once again, Trump isn't even a product of the times, he capitalized on them. >Meanwhile Trump actually made things happen, took on 17 GOP candidates and defeated the Bushes and Clintons and is in the White House. Huge difference.
You're an idiot who can't into context.
Saying the building is going to catch on fire in 15 years vs pointing out the building you're in is on fire

Trump couldn't convince his way out of a paperbag if the American populous wasn't so fucking desperate.
>muh 17 GOP canidates
Who, those faceless suits who are indistinguishable from their democrat counterparts? Please nigger.

Check out Millennial and Gen-z White Middle class

>Follow your parent footstep, *Carpe diem , spend everything and mass plundering of white working class


>Avoid at all costs anything that relate with responsibility or honorable thing


>Destroy White culture and white history ,white identity so everyone act like yuppie hippie duppie Wiggers


>Pollute your gene pool so make sure future generation equally ugly and dumb(regressing in to stone age)


>Create Frankenstein made up by perpetual victim of POC, so sub-humanity can destroy rest of remain westerner's architecture


You know why your country so mess up because white people who have money and power are degenerate one

Neocons LE Republican or Woodstock Democrat , It doesn't matter

they are all shit, everything is up side down

Whole country regressing back into the stone age

They basically handed golden empire to Mentally ill Kike and shit-finging monkeys for free

Isn't this guy a kike? Well, so is Trump family.

It was funny the day he quit watching the media and pundits from both sides gloat that Bannon was out. This was a sign to them, at least publicly, that he had lost favor with Trump and that the monoparty establishment could sit comfortably again in the grey zone bloviating on and on about their tepid convictions. They misjudged how much more influence and freedom Bannon would have as a pure media guy. I think it's obvious now that Bannon and Trump are working together, mostly, independent of each other.

>To achieve equality between rich and poor they want to make everyone poor.

>To achieve equality between the Intelligent and the dumb they want to make everyone dumb.

>To achieve equality between the beautiful and the ugly they want to make everyone uglier.

>The site, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Teach for America, says that because math is seen as a domain for old, white men, many students cannot identify with it. Therefore, educators should find ways to relate math to the lives of their students.

>Judging from the math curriculum recommended, this TFA group, like all other social justice educators, wants minorities to believe that what relates most to their lives in America is racism and oppression.

>Osler taught Radical Math along-side Cathy Wilkerson, a former member of the Weather Underground Organization (with Bill Ayers) who once participated in a plot to detonate a nail bomb at a dance for military personnel at Fort Dix.

>Radical Math provides hundreds of social justice math lessons obviously meant to indoctrinate

> For example, lesson titles include “Sweatshop Accounting,” “Racism and Stop and Frisk,” “When Equal Isn’t Fair,” “The Square Root of a Fair Share” and “Home Buying While Brown or Black.”

>Osler is director of the San Francisco Teacher Residency, a teacher training and job placement program created by the San Francisco Unified School District and Common Core assessment creator and validation committee member, Linda Darling-Hammond.

Curse you baby boomer

what have you done , you maniacs

buckle up and enjoy the next 40 years of balkanization, nigger. I cant wait honestly, because whites/asians will obviously teamup and think up some crazy fucking shit somewhere in the rockies or western states

Trump back in 1999: "PaT bUcHaNaN iS lItTeRaLlY hItLeR!!!!"

>A 1990 Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana, said her husband owned a copy of “My New Order” – a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches.
>In a 1990 interview, the billionaire businessman admitted to owning Nazi leader's 'Mein Kampf' but said he had would never read speeches

literally Hitler!

>Trump cucks will never admit it, but Pat makes Trump look like a child and was more explicitly in line with what we want in the country.
History repeats ... first as tragedy, then as farce
t. Karl Marx

>roger stone in the background
how long has he advised trump?

Long time, they all used to shitpost IRL at Roy Cohn's frogpad together, Manafort too

You have to win. Trump may not be as politically sharpe as Pat, but goddamn the man is a winner. If you combined them you’d have a king ready to reign.

Need the sauce on that girl, user.