Kekistani cringe thread

Kekistani cringe thread

Go to bed user. Try this shit at a decent hour.


Noise thread, stop wasting our time. Politics or gtfo.




My dick is literally like 40 of this mans dicks stacked on top of each other.

Is that seriously the fist from Rage Against the Machine? Do you idiots actually use socialist symbolism for supposedly right-wing ideology?

try harder you cringe inducing failure

People fear his masculinity and intellect.

I've never even seen a dick that small. Does he have some kind of genetic defect?


Sometimes I wonder if the perversion of a people's sexual desire, in tandem with the degeneration of musculature/physique and male phallic development is the most recognizable sign that God decided to turn his back on your people permanently.

But then I pound some drugs and have violent, patriarchate sex and stop thinking about things.

>and stop thinking about things.

He's just a fatass, coupled with terrible pelvic muscle development and non-ideal genetic stock. But he's probably a grower; most caucasoids of western european stock have a genetic predisposition for penises that retract for preservation and protection in harsh winter climates. The Nords couldn't have frostbite eat their cocks off before they had the chance to reave their way through a nunnery of Anglo-Saxon virgin pussy.

21Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

You should allow your id to attain mental superiority occasionally. It's a fundamental aspect of complete masculinity in my world view. Besides, a life of imbalance is a life of chaos; you can balance more than you expect.

Protip: try popping a gram of psilocybin, chopping a full cord of firewood, and lighting your own fire while you feel the primal connection of Man to his eternal companion, fire. Then enjoy your trip while your have wet, sweaty outdoor sex with your best bitch.

Drugs have their place. Not as drugs, however; when you can break the sophistic connection between cultural vice, perceived transgression, and substance usage, you are as free as your ancestors.

Funny story; I was reading the first Book of Enoch a few days ago and I had the strangest epiphany regarding sexual immorality. If you haven't read any of Enoch, do so ASAP. Regardless, Enoch truncated: the Nephilim (angels/extrahuman-organisms/aliens/whatever) came down from (heaven/space/whatever) and saw that human females were sexually desirable. At that moment, they began to take them as sexual beings in marriage, copulating and creating bastard spawns of divine beings and human beings. In doing this, the human race was exposed (for the first recorded time in biblical history) to an understanding of war, and were exposed to the knowledge of weapons and implements for combat. Additionally, the genetic code of the human organism was bastardized with foreign DNA, and the spawn of these unions were violent, insatiably hungry, and uncontrollable. They began to consume so much food that they eventually turned to violent cannibalism and barbarism. The Nephilim also began to have improper unions with the animals of Earth, and it is disputed whether the text implies they had offspring from this union as well, but I think it is heavily suggested (Or perhaps the offspring merely denote genetic hybridization of terrestrial animals into scientific chimeras). This completely subverted the cosmic goal God had for the creations he placed on Earth, to the point that his only option was to annihilate every living thing on Earth with the Flood. Noah's family was deemed the only human "without blemish": not blemish as in a personality defect, but blemish as in his complete genetic integrity as a human organism. He was the only pure human left; or maybe the purest possible, given the circumstances.

So, basically, our women decided to fuck around with aliens, and the Earth was destroyed because they didn't learn their lesson from the Garden of Eden regarding FUCKING UP THE DIVINE ORDER OF THE UNIVERSE. Fun food for thought, at least.

Pic related.

I have experienced hallucinogens to the full extent. I have also experienced your brethren to the full extent. I am a man that you would not fuck with if you saw me on the street. Knowing that you have experimented with hallucinogens makes me more racist than I already was because I now understand that in the face of the ultimate truth that hallucinogens provide, you are inevitably a dindu nuffin and will never understand the fallacy and profound idiocy of your race.


>come to a meme-sharing bulletin board
>criticize fun memes created here

Fuck you OP. You are divide and conquer. You are not one of us.

We had Kekistani autists with their Kek flags and Kek shields ready to go out on the street and confront antifa. And the literally daily anti-Kekistani threads (either from antis such as antifa or communists, or cuckstians jealous about 'heresy') have damaged the morale of the alt-right/alt-lite on this board. Kekism was a home-grown Sup Forums meme that motivated our guys to go out on the street. So anyone criticism Kekism absolutely cannot be one of us. Particularly if you are a cuckstian trying to take down the 'heresy' of Kekism, I hope your wife is raped and murdered by a nigger refugee.



Yeah... I kinda like the Kekistan meme. The flag is pretty dope too. And Sargon may not be the end of the line, but he'll get you on the train.

>Yeah... I kinda like the Kekistan meme. The flag is pretty dope too.

Sure, that's great. Thank you.

But you don't have to like the meme, to tolerate the positive effects of it. The bigger point is that the only thing that matters is, that meme motivated people to go out on the street. And now antis and cuckstians want to destroy that motivation, to preserve the status quo.

Silly m8, dindus don't know how to make fire. They couldn't even figure out the wheel until they saw us using it.

Hating on kekistanis is stupid.

Everybody on the right-side of the political paradigm is doing their part in collapsing the left.

People like Milo, Gavin, Southern, Goldy, (even Shapiro even though I hate him), Peterson, Jones, and others are a gigantic asset to collapsing the left. They give dissatisifed normies somewhere comfortable to go after they realize they don't really like leftism/progressivism anymore.

This. Even if it's cringy. We have a foothold. Only kikes like OP will ever have a problem because the kekestanis will always be the easiest to dissuade.


Holey shit! Thanks ShareBlue! You truly are a service.

He has 3 breasts, one with a particularly large nipple.
