
Even as a fail that's still a win.

Other urls found in this thread:


lets make another win

nice of them to tell us it's fire proof...

acid, maybe?

fuck with the camera



We need to fuck with the camera


Why not try sawing the pole off?

From the last thread

user took the flag condom idea and expanded on it with a weighted ring attached to a sock rather than the mesh

the sock has the advantage of being form fitting but it would still need to be fairly large

The first manned hot-air balloon, designed by the Montgolfier brothers, takes off from the Bois de Boulogne, Paris, on November 21, 1783

A simple rope and a drone for guidance will do. Then pouf - the flag is gone.


Wow, they actually did it. I'm off to another site, see you gents tomorrow.

Just put a primitive bomb on the drone. Fireproof =/= explosion proof

use a windsock.

next up: droid + battery powered turkey carver.

Get a torch attachment on a drone and burn the ropes that are holding the flag up

It shouldn't be a Sup Forums flag.

Battery operated chainsaw.

the fact this is still up is infuriating me

spraypaint would be simple and effective. white spraypaint.

No, it should be a plain white flag with a pacifier on it.

You would need a very heavy-duty drone for that. I don't know if they make any that could handle that weight, and if they do, they're likely extremely expensive.

What about one of these?

"An unauthorised drone carrying a burning piece of cloth approached the flag to try to set it alight. The fireproof flag was undamaged and the attempt failed," Lieu Unique gallery said in a statement."

First genuine good kek have had in a long time. Trying to imagine the French autist flying around a burning drone. If only the West could put this sort of ingenuity into other shit.

send me the bitcoin and ill go rn

lel. we'll get there. frogs need more time

Faggot do it for free.

it doesnt need to be dumbass. thats just a proof of concept

if the end is sewn shut it might just work. we still need to attach a flag to it tho

too heavy and not practical. these need a solid base to actually cut anything and as user said last thread a drone is not a solid base

won't work. you would need to keep a steady flame on the ropes for a long time to get them to burn and even then it wouldn't burn all the way since the ropes are pretty thick. it would be impossible to keep the drone steady that long

won't do enough damage.
these don't weight too much.

>the fact this is still up
It won't be much longer. The Jew's insurance isn't going to want to pay when someone burns the fucking building down trying to get at it.

They could use something like the bag that carries a folding chair or a legit flag cover.

You could press the carving knife right up against the flag pole and slowly move the drone down. There's probably an easier solution though. Maybe just spraypaint like another user suggested?


>if the end is sewn shut it might just work. we still need to attach a flag to it tho

That's what you had to do to it anyway. Couple holes or grommets for some flag loops. Weights for the ring. Its mostly done already with the windsock.

What kind of drone are we looking at?

Modified dremmel might be lighter

attach various razors and fishhooks to drone. drone snares flag and either a. tears it to shreds or b. drone falls and hangs limp and dead from flag, the catch is we have pepe head on drone so either way is win

Why can't we just send in a /k/ommando to fuck it up with a nade ?

its in France so probably only ISIS members have that kinda gear

I know this is going to sound stupid but...
Why don’t we just throw glue on it and let it stick and fold to itself so it can’t wave or show the words

Rope for flag is probably nylon. Thin steel cable with magnet on the end, sticks to pole. Wrap cable tightly around pole, run electric current through cable, melt through nylon rope. No probalo.

Manhacks when?

no idea

we need to get in touch with the guys that attempted to burn the flag. they are probably on 4+Sup Forums

shoot a flare at it

Dremel saw blades suck ass. At least the kinds I have, burn up in a minute with almost no work done.

Glue and bird seed...let the sky rats peck that shit to shreds

Black market nades are piss easy to buy, even easier to make one yourself.

Absolutely. Need to know its capabilities.


stop being a complete fucking retard:
(a) they actually do weigh a bit
(b) the vibration/force in action would knock most drones out of their flight path, uncontrollably
(c) If it fell off? it would kill somebody, literally
(d) it probably kill someone anyway, see (b)
tldr, this is an indiscussably stupid idea, dont.

what is drone using as fire source

I say put a small cordless reciprocating saw or even a Moded Dremel on the drone and saw away baby. But no one listens.

Two options



This is good

this could work! bonus points if it completely engulfs the other flag


STOP floating unrealistic ideas (hurr durr duct tape a chainsaw to it). Use the mechanical advantage to YOUR advantage.
I've worked in construction. A rotary tool with a drill bit, even a tiny one, will instantly get caught the fuck up in anything cloth. I've seen them get caught it curtains, bedsheets, even hair.
The second a spinning drill bit touches that flag, it will get caught up and seize, and the weight of the falling drone will take the flag with it.
You can get battery operated dremel tools for pretty cheap around where I am.

Video related

when the commies take over

holy shit. i agree
even for a fail that's a win

forgot pic

make this into a webm asap

so many pigeons by this, bird seed may not be an all bad idea, bird seed launcher.

it's over, the gays have infected the drones


A catapult!


Easiest way to do this is to drop a piece of pipe with the top end closed over the flag.

This user agrees with my grinder idea.

its a water proof, smooth, synthetic
it has no loose fibers, its pretty tough, and fire poof

>acid, maybe?
Idk why no one likes the green laser idea. It's so simple.


It needs to be permanent damage

The Sock needs a Metal Ring at the base to keep it open enough to drop onto the target.
There needs to be a release trigger on it as well

Here's pic related. Get to it frogs!

I am against sawing poles
t. Pole

build drone with stronk claws and rip it to shreds or drop bucket of paint on it

Oh god. Bird seed and alkaseltzer just for the lulz of the exploding birds.

Just climb it
>But it's 30m high with no reasonable handholds
Yeah, and when you die they'll take it down

is there a laser that can destroy camera?

Does that actually work?


Was that lighter plus gas type of shit?

We need to use magnets!

I dunno. Would be funny as hell if it does.

bucket of gasoline first followed by ignition drone

That's a timestamp. It was from this past weekend.

Those things burn right through electrical tape, it should work on the flag. If only we knew what it was made of.

Why not shoot it with a bow? If it is in the open then you can most likely shoot it unnoticed. The arrow could be modified into a fork, so that it doesn't just pierce trough but instead takes the flag with full force either ripping the flag off the pole or making a sizeable hole in it.

yea, remember and post vids.
a battery hedge trimmer is actually way less dangerous, and as notes, would get tangle up in the flag. What happens after is debatable tho, AFAIK, roof is glass at the back of the dome. Heavy falling things not good, but, flying grinders is ludicrous.

I remember a thread about this last week...

>why not jus use a .223 with suppressor and scope

homemade 200-Watt laser canon

>Why not shoot it with a bow?
That sounds dangerous as all fuck, and if you are caught you're going to get charged with something like "discharging a deadly weapon in public"

get a drone tangled in flag and have drone rigged to blow

it sounds stupid indeed, but it might work.

We're just spitballin, broham.


won't work. too great a distance and now we know the flag is flame retardant

4D chess

Thats why you gotta do it at night, probably from a good vantage point without onlookers, remove any trace of DNA off the arrow and book it if you hit it or not. You should get some practice with the bow first though.

Are there battery blenders? If so, a blender base with the plastic hurricane removed to expose the blades could work.

These are battery powered, too.

i think Sup Forums might be good-idea retardant

should just be an American flag

>flaming French drone
You need to be more specific, that describes most of the French population

These threads attract every single autistic child on Sup Forums to give their monstrously retarded "ideas", it's truly a disgusting sight
