Other urls found in this thread: degrasse tyson/neil degrasse tyson?hl=en&gl=US&ned=us

Black science man please...

black if true


He's black so he'll get away with it. Even Cosby is being left alone now

I've been saying he's a rapist for years now
he's got rapey eyes like Bill Cosby

apparently everyone rapes everyone nowadays

We're reaching accusation levels that shouldn't even be possible.

It just keeps happening.


Thanks for raping me just now baka

>all the lefty talking heads are going down for being degenerate sexual deviants





greasy literally has nothing to do with scientific method, he's a bad actor playing his role in deception against you

Schrödinger's consent


No one is safe.

Holy shit.

HarveyGate has created an avalanche that cannot be stopped.

want me to do it again?


Ha, it's like when people say, "How can you hate blacks? Bill Cosby is black."

Im certain that Bill Nye is a pedophile




>tfw sheeeiiiit

Good. Maybe he'll stop acting so fucking smug all the time now.



>MFW when I can't even get it up if the chick acts hurt.
What the secret to being such a chad rapist is there some sort of trick?

No, but I just raped you by replying.

I forgot about the old zach braff memes

never relax


Calm down gentleman, put down the stones.
Rape is no longer a word to describe overpowering a woman and forcing sex against her will. Please put down the stones Sup Forums even if you don't like this based black man.

That and the dossier. Everything about rapes and assault are all blanks

>I firmly believe someone is innocent until proven guilty
>but only if it is a leftist POC


There is some famous photographer, Terry Richardson, that was dropped from Vogue. Imagine if there is one complaint for Annie Leibovitz, huge degenerate.

b-baka user

not surprised, the only ones who cant see through his fake persona are reddit faggots and libtards. the guy is a total low life.

I didn't think Black Science man be that way but he do :^(

As if they were talking about Vegas anyways. His interview was a week ago. World Series, baby, whoooo!

am i the only man in this world who hasn't raped someone?


I wonder which is more likely:

A) All these women are encouraged by each others bravery mirrored back at them via social media, and are finally telling the harrowing tale of how rich, successful celebrities raped them decades ago, or...

B) Psychotic women feel empowered to act on their pathology and attempt to grab money from rich people because society has finally entered a stage where a mere accusation with no substantiating proof is enough for gibs

Not anymore

Have you had sex?

Are you a white male?

If the answer is yes to both these questions, then yes, you are RAPIST`

>DNA evidence to back up rape claim
>Reddit starts to deny science

Just as planned

>There are more galaxies in the universe than there are niggers in jail


What in the actual fuck is going on in this world right now?

mass-hysteria and the breakdown of Feminism on the political left.

The curse of the anime watcher.

The Trump effect...

Will the next "science guy" be Asian?
We already had a white and a black guy.

m8 do you not know where you are, we live on an entire timeline stabilized and held together by sheer memes. The more batfuck insane shit gets the more stable shit gets. this is the impossible timeline you see in video games where shit goes full insane.


Blame the white mans feminist agenda

Cosby's career has been left in shambles.

DAYUM I'd lick that better than jean pierre polnaref licked that dirty toilet

>tfw all of the celebs and politicians i hate the most get accused of rape this in turn leads to the watering down of the significance of the word and event in the public eye
Still not tired of winning

I bet you are the kind of person that thinks Dan Schneider eats kids for breakfast

>hurr durr he is white, fat and he is hugging a kid in a picture

You IQ is in the two digits loser

innocent until proven guilty, try to understand this before you comment in the same thread as me.

>he never fucked a drunk girl

>no source
50 posts in and no one else has addressed this.
I'm disappointed in you, Sup Forums.

>The accuser is Tchiya Amet, a “musician, healer, and teacher” who says she studied Galactic Astronomy in the graduate program at the University of Texas in Austin and she wanted to become the first black female astronaut. In a blog post in October 2014, she claimed she was a grad student at the same time Tyson was there, and that he drugged and raped her.

Comic edit thread?

jews = rapists
niggers = rapists
muslims = rapists
hollywood elite = rapists
music industry = rapists

>straight middle class white men get blamed
nothing new

Like says

There is a mass hysteria now any woman that had sex and regrets it will frame it as rape

>oh I was enampired with Tyson and spent a lot of time with him
>he started making moves and I felt incomfortable
>I didn’t stop him but I should have

She’ll grt millions out of him. The left have defined rape as regret and now tons of men on the left will be taken down with the destruction of their entire political philosophy as it was always destined to be self defeating.

All it took was one brash asshole to fuck up the system and the whole thing cracks and shatters in less than a year

We are going through a rapid paradigm shift, as the left, which defined the last half century continues to unravel the right looks more and more reasonable.

We will win the culture war

how about C

>elite progressives are in fact degenerates like everyone has known for decades

Wow. Nice article you got there OP.
Almost got me

>(((((((((white mans)))))))))))))) (((((((((((((((Feminist)))))))))))))) (((((((((((((((((Agenda))))))))))

It's what your family deserves.

>kekistan flag
opinion discarded, reddit faggot damage controller

> she wanted to become the first black female astronaut
well at least she got to experience reentry

the next one will be a "science zher"

Fucking blatent lies.

Who the fuck would want to rape some sheboon nigger bitch? They are all disgustingly ugly.

i vote both



>He offered me a glass of water. I accepted a liquid in a cup made out of a coconut shell. I recall coming back to consciousness briefly, then next thing I remember is seeing him in the hallway the next day. I have lived in this nightmare for 30 years, and it stops today.

>I know this will be difficult for many of you to believe, understand or to know. However, know that this is the truth. Those who know me well can attest to the fact that I lived with undiagnosed PTSD of [at] least 25 years.

>He talks about obstacles to reaching his goal of astrophysicist. Did anyone slip him a mickey? Perhaps this was his way of eliminating the competition….what a scam YOU are Mr. Tyson…

>How does it feel to know that YOU are the reason there is one less [black] female galactic astronomer on this planet? Yes, YOU. How many freshman students did you give A’s to when they were failing? Were they really failing, or was that just an easy way to get free blow jobs?

To be fair he hasn't had a career since the 80's


ok just blame the jews

I don't know but I love it

Yeah I'm saving this one for future use due to the blatant hypocrisy.
>all women who say they have been raped or abused should be believed! No questions asked!
Then when its a popular black leftist scientist who's been a good goy
>i've always believed in innocent until proven guilty

good book


People don't think rape be like it is, but it do.

not even joking men are fucking pigs

we need female sharia

Yeah, the only source I found was this:
and on google news: degrasse tyson/neil degrasse tyson?hl=en&gl=US&ned=us

Its amazing that all these women can literally accuse anyone right now without a shred of evidence and most normies will absolutely believe it

brb, rape

>RAPE is only proven IF the man accused isn't someone I like
Liberals... watcha gonna do....

Weimar 2.0, user.

And it's going to be global this time around. Same thing is going on in Europe right now with leftists and media moguls getting outed. The NWO is crumbling down and the path for a new Reich has been set.


was the body pear shaped "like the earth"?

The only difference between a
Black man and a nigger is the spelling.

Check your skeptical privilege.

>I firmly believe a person is innocent until proven guilty
Why is it that allegations like these are only presented with this kind of delicate kid gloves when it is someone like Neil. Where was this when the victim of mattress girl was accused? Where was this with the Duke lacrosse team?

Oldest trick in the book.