Trump and Republicans want to lower the cap on 401k contributions

>Trump and Republicans want to lower the cap on 401k contributions

Why do Republicans want to tax retirement savings? Trump and Republicans represent big government apparently.

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its 4d chess shill

i just found out she is dating an A S I A N guy and my heart is crushed.

Who is she

This girl

More fake news with no source. Fuck off kike.

Trump already tweeted that he likes the 401k program you Shillblue faggot.

>taking trump tweets seriously

Idiot flip flops every other day.

>Not having long term care or life insurance.
>Relying on 401k as a form of investment

who's this gril? fkin kawaii desu




He shut that shit down in hours. Not like it matters. Very few people max their 401k contributions. I know everyone on Sup Forums does though. Big time ballers up in here.


Funny, the same thing has been announced here. No more/lower tax deductions for retirement saving, and in some cases being taxed extra. It's almost like (((they))) want to work us until we die.

I don't know what the fuck Republicans are doing. They're just taking a shit on the middle-class.

Defend this, Republicans.

>died hair

Into the trash she goes

Looks a little like Bjork so a probably mongoloid admixed Scandinavian.

that's a dude

401ks get up into the stock market. Making it easier for people to contribute to the market will help it grow... And the gubmint doesn't want to have to support your old asses.

AHAHAAHAHAAHAHA this thread is over

>thinking you'll have enough in your 401k
lmao shit's outdated

Won't matter if taxes become something like this

GOP = party of suckers

Enjoy your 401 k s being robbed to pay for tax cuts for billionaires.

You mean companies that pay 0% because their assets are in Asia?

people are free to invest their shekels elsewhere