>This is a male
>Some people might try to tell you that it's a female
>That might scream female, female, female over and over and over again
>They might put FEMALE in all caps
>You might even start to believe that this is a female
>But it's not
>This is a male
>Facts first
This is a male
Transphobia has no place in America, fuck off loser
Transexualism is a mental illness.
It’s a man and always will be. If you like it, you can call that whatever you want gay or not whatever ITS A MAN
This /thread
You're phobic of reality.
Transphobia is a fear of Transgenders. How about just straight up being disgusted at their degeneracy? No fear there, pretty concise on feelings.
it's a very ugly male
you're obvious bait and completely retarded if real
Fuck off, stormweenies
come to think of it I would argue transphobia is one of the few things that can bring Americans of all races, creeds, and ethnicity together. In mutual disgust and disallowment
this isnt a good argument trans people love to say they have a legitimate mental illness and need treatment for it
they like when you say that
slide thread.
Reminder to check catalog.
Getting rid of insane asylums was the biggest mistake America ever made.
lets put you in one first jackass
I don't know what a stormweenie is, but nah you fuck off.
>hitler wasnt on meth and didnt have a jewish family and didnt create israel and wasnt a half a fag
>they might do like goebbels and say
>and so forth and so on
deep down, everybody knows that, that is a male, you can lie to yourself all you want, rationalize all you want, but deep down your gut instinct tells you that that's a male and you know it.
He's just some old guy that wants to LARP as the opposite sex. He shouldn't be taken seriously and it's not like he'll fool anyone.
This is Bruce Jenner he is a method actor he is paying the role of the biggest queen that is all
you guys really think anybody gives a fuck what you think
i hate faggots. thats natural
Disgusted and annoyed.
She’s female.
>t. trans woman