
How many girlfriends do you have? This Chinese guy has two; I can't even get one.

>lower your standards
>get girlfriend

Wow. So complicated.

>a trans with back fat
>a fat with fat fat
Seriously, no thanks.

2. my regular girlfriend and her daughter.

Wrong board friendo:

Jesus, i got aids just by looking at their face.

Read into it. There are boards to get women.

More white guys need to learn how to get women.

*notices bulge* OwO

>that bulge on the left.

yeah naaaa.

recommend me one fellow virgin

Max iv had at once is 2 very hard to manage without them being aware

wtf is this doing here

Is that a fucking dildo?

Just turning 1 problem into 2.
But seriously, if you give a roof/food to a woman you can get as many as you like.

>look at left
yea...ok user.sure



if they got any lower id have to date fatties

pure degeneracy to pursue pussy merely on the materialistic gratification

but my standards are already low

r/asianmasculinity thread



Dont want any gf, too much trouble.

You what he doesn't do that you do do?


they both are girls, I have seen the video.