What a brave and controversial stance.
Lel the Lazio president said let's get over this act when visiting a synagogue. It's all just appeasement.
Would bang/10
This is just crazy. Not in "fucking jew" way, but just overall fucking stupid.
I remember the one time I was at a soccer game and the Italian fans threw bananas onto the field to fuck with their own Nations player because he was black. I had many lulz
kek, they're Lazio
They're known for being a pro-Fascist club
After Lazio's anti-semitism episode its president Lotito went to Rome's synagoge to apologize. Unfortunately, before he went there, he was recorded saying at the phone "Anne Frank's diary lecture? Let's do this farce". Truly /our/guy
Lazio is literally /ourteam/
Smells like false flag.
Probably done to make the Jews we have emigrate to Israel.
It seems like nigger and Muslims weren't enough.
What the fuck. That's awesome
damn that body is on fire
LMFAO i think that was balotelli
Yes, because reading Anne Frank's out loud diary totally makes you less of a Nazi. Just like reading The Holy Bible out loud makes you any more of a Christian.
PR move much?
Shitalians aren't white
damn nice
what makes it even better is that their team is officially called SS Lazio
too bad that security measures have been increased in the last few years. almost all nazi, fascist or white supremacist flags and slogans are being intercepted
based lazio
Italians have nigger blood in them
>NO, All Antiautismo!
What did pizzaniggers mean by this Sup Forums
ma, quale tribunale ha condannato chi? il presidente ha comunicato. nessuno può andare con questa in cassazione? nell'altro filo, ho detto tutto di questo ma nessuno mi ha spiegato
fuckin sweet. Looks like it's time to care about soccer
Protip : nobody actually gives a shit, it's just to make the media shut up about it
Case in point no closed/suspended matches, you know things fans would've actually cared about instead than some nice words and some badly printed shirts.
"Macron" on their shirt... has the French Emperor already invaded Italy, did I miss something?
Stop speaking that monkey tongue. Speak AMERICAN.
pensavo che era diritto per dire che un'altro, nello sport, è semplice da un'altra religione. ma adesso è qualcosa brutto? un crimine dell'odio?
Please don't write italian to me and my mamma's children ever again.
Ching Ching Ping pong
dovevo dire semplicemente. non sono perfetto perdonami. ti porto dei calzettini bianchi?
Fuck you you nigger
it's funny how a non wh*Te team is the most national socialistic in europe
aaaand i fucked that up too. porti. fuuuuuck. sorry guys. anyways all the best i guess there's nothing to be done
Fuck Italians
Google translating, please forgive me, but tua madre è una puttana
That's what she said huehuehue
I remember the day when adults played football.
Looks like its just kids now
No, it is infantile
>slave to a jewish ideology thinks he gets to decide who is white and who is not
Fuck niggers (You)
Anne Frank's diary was a fabrication though.
Did they read that one passage where her father wrote in ballpoint pen which was invented in the 50s?
Translation pal?
Fuck Italians. I hate their monkey faces so much.
Go away, meme flag
>le italians arent white memers
Faggots like you should be hung from a tree
look at the players in op pic. they look fucking white to me asshole
>(((Italy))) in full damage control.
(((They))) are soooo fucking afraid.
You are doing well Luigis.
I'm afraid I'm going to disagree with their actions, no matter how much I love futbol. Anne Frank was a privileged ableist who continues to perpetuate the toxic culture of literacy, because her diary draws attention away from the many other children who perished in the holocaust just because they didn't have the writing skills to leave behind a diary. So they didn't leave a diary, their deaths are to be ignored? That is just wrong and problematic from the very core. The Anne Frank movement fails to recognize equality, diversity and social class struggle, not to mention the stigma surrounding learning disability and mental disorders, because what if the children who wanted to leave a diary behind simply couldn't because they were affected with a mental illness that prevented them from forming coherent thoughts or writing them down? This is unfair and it further enables an ableist culture that celebrates literacy while ignoring the many POCs who went through similar struggles but with no means to document it.
lol are you joking, you can literally see in that video that they are racially ambiguous, half of them are definitely not white
I thought it was something alarming like Che Guevara. I would hate them forever. But it's just something only Sup Forums would bother to comment or criticize for some reason.
do black female corporate mascots pay you to eat them out by chance
>muh mrs butterworths and aunt jemima taint
>dont forget betty crocker and little debbie!
Imagine if they cared half as much about Saffie Roussos as they did Anne Frank.
A truck of peace is going to run you over
>Muh white skin!
The team's president Lotito was recorded saying:
"Those people (the jews) are people of zero worth. Looks like we are in New York, there's the Chief rabbi and vice Chief rabbi. Anyway let's do this pantomime (excusing with the jews)."
>Muh white skin!!
They did invent fascism.
cuter than too
Get off my board you taco slurping beaner spic
This will only cause more antisemitism. There is literally no reason for Jews to be protected anymore than any other group and forcing people to accept your agenda will only make them resent you even more.
Jews better ready their anuses because shit like this will usher in a real antisemitic backlash.
What symbol is this?
never seen it before
Dirty monkey Italians
Its the french cross.
>This is considered white in Swedistan
Here in Spain, it is also used very much.
lil debbie is fire.
Did they read the part where she eats out her girlfriend?
i dont care. it was selling bagels in the back. you will be thrown down a well
cakes are bad mkay
Isn't that the white power symbol??
Aren't you guys all lefties?
È una celtica.
Just fucking ignore shills saying any Europeans aren't white.
They are just trying to divide and conquer
I'm not even Nazi, but I'm an anti-semite. As if any of the red pills didn't take, or watching jews dig their own graves as they lash out at everyone... what really set it in stone for me was watching the movement for "islamophobia". Both groups are fucking sandniggers, and both are just using people's good nature in harming them.
If a person enters your home, or your life and they are extremely hostile, malignant and shitty - then they gaslight you into "feeling sorry" for them, claiming you are a "phoba" or "hateful" because you don't want to put up with their shit anymore, then you kick them out. They only wreak havoc on this world because we let them, and every single one of us has a divine right and justification to snuff them out.
Annamo a fa sta sceneggiata
We are condensed in the democrat cristian right wing.
I think its better that than being parted in 50 partys.
We take a big redpill with catalonia, be aware that spain it is going to be Hungria-ziticed.
Into the oven
'sup gyppo cunt, got bullied again?
pretty sure it's the NAR one
>all these amerimutts ITT claiming that Italians aren't white
So the memes were true after all
>it is going to be Hungria-ziticed.
what the hell does this mean?
it's just one gyppo LARPer tho
We are going to have the ultra-right in the congresssss :P . This ultra right its going to pull to the right the centered cucked right wing chritian democrats.
Is christian conservative democrat ultra right wing?
Pretty sure that's the same as Angela Merkel's party in Germany
How do we make Lazio great again??
Can't wait for the day to see Lazio's ultras smash the shit out of FC St Pauli.
Fucking jews