Ask a Mexican anything
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Redpill me about Colosio. Who killed him and why? You think AMLO might win? Also with the decreasing popularity of Televisa and el PRI, do you think Mexico can change in the future?
¿Te quieres Taco Bell?
Why do you, a white migrant in Mexico, pretend to be white online?
What is Homedepot like there? Not trying to talk shit. I have always been curious. Is Mexico just a bunch of samey corporate stores?
The former president Carlos Salinas killed him. AMLO will win. Yes, it will a superpower soon.
I am mexican.
Why do your women get so angry at handsome Celtic men for not wanting to bed them?
I live in the border and I visited American homedepot and its the same as here. we also have mexican version of homedepot.
How many bottles of XTREME HAIR GEL do you buy a week at Wal Marto?
Are Mexican citizens doing anything to fight back against Cartel violence?
are pic related traps
Spaniards are celtic iberic , so we do.
>I just don't get the music. What the fuck is it with Latinx, tubas, and accordions?
Mariachi is like south of the border polka music. Plz explaino the amore your people have with recycled Polish music from the 1950s. Gracias
Quantas copas tenes? Jajajjajajjaja
I remember being in school when the principal came in to warn students that the Gorilla hair gel stuff was found to contain lead and several students had lead poisoning. Several students ran to was out there hair in the bathroom sinks. It was kinda funny.
I want them to fart on my face.
1 bottle per 2 months.
jajajajajaja 36
because it was the german influence here in north mexico, we have a lot of amish.
No offense, but you and I both know most American mestizos have been thoroughly BEANED. All of your Spanish stay in the north of your country and don't jump the border.
P.S. How do you feel about Cormac McCarthy?
Matt Hale did nothing wrong.
You like cholas, nigro?
We know it's you Jesus, we know you shot Steve and ran off. And worst, you took all the comped sushi to Mexico when we were supposed to split it three ways. It was supposed to be the three of us Jesus. I will get my revenge. I will get you. I will get my comped sushi you backstabbing spic.
well, we discovered it in 1492, its our land, not yours. why dont you go back to ireland?
If you don't have one greasy meal per week will you die?
I could dig it if I had a few drinks in me.
user, why are you using pictures of shitzilians if you're a Mexican monkey?
>why dont you go back to ireland?
I would if I could tbqh
Probably gonna have to settle for Eastern Europe
lana ribeiro is not in my pic.
why do subhuman irish hate each other?
I've banged cholas before. I thought I got one pregnant once. I am cautious about that shit nowadays though.
Answer me Jesus. Does the pic look familiar? This is supposed to be my sushi. I'm going to the press.
We hold grudges for a lifetime, we're very strange people.
no it doesn't.
How much for 45 min?
>i've banged cholas before
how the fuck did you put witht the "ora, ay, like , neta, ora"
Post more beaner women esé
Can you reformat that sentence so I can understand it?
Fine, please leave our country.
I missed a word.
How did you put up with the chola talk
it is so very annoying
I just ignored the spanish gibberish.
this is not your land.
How do you handle all that ass? Asking for an Irish friend.
How often do Mexicans inbreed?
Not like south I assume
Can you please be careful not to get mud on the porch when you are cleaning the garden tomorrow?
We bought it. We paid 15 million dollars for it, and we allowed all Mexicans living there to either leave or become US citizens.
>We bought it
its not walmart.
Send me a mexican thot
The Mexican government sold it in order to reduce their debts to the United States. The people living in the area were allowed to stay. Those from Mexico have absolutely no claim to it.
it was stolen, period.
It's not stolen when one government pays the owner for it. It's blatantly obvious that you weren't aware of this information, and are trying to justify your rights to the land. But you have none. The land was sold. The people on the land at the time were offered to be made into US citizens if they didn't want to leave. Just because you share a history with the people who changed citizenship with gives you no ownership of the land, any more than the French have a right to Louisiana.
Not even going to bother watching your youtube vid.
what are you afraid of imperialist?
Why do you post Brazilian girls, Mexican girls aren't thin or white enough huh?
There is literally no video that is going to refute the fact that the United States government purchased the land from the Mexican government. There is literally no video that is going to refute the fact that the US government allowed the Mexican citizens to keep their land and become US citizens (or to leave, if they preferred to).
I'm not wasting my time watching your videos, because those two facts, all by themselves, completely refute any legitimate claims that the Mexican government, or their citizens, have to the land.
No we bought it and spain still owns you they just dont give a fuck about your shit land or people.We really should give mexishit to spain.remember youre all spainsh rape babies
>muh aztecs
>youre all spainsh rape babies
>There is literally no video that is going to refute the fact that the United States government purchased the land from the Mexican government. There is literally no video that is going to refute the fact that the US government allowed the Mexican citizens to keep their land and become US citizens (or to leave, if they preferred to).
>I'm fucking white!
Man, this is getting sad.
whats the best way to make your pussy wet
It's ours. We really should have conquered the Baja Penninsula, or taken all of Mexico and ran it as a permanent territory like Puerto Rico, which is Mexico, the island. If we had done that you'd be a subject of Anglo rulers and you'd probably have a much better "country" right now.
If you want to go back to the borders at some random date then why don't we return to when Spaniards owned you brownies like cattle? Or we could go back to the day the US army was occupying Mexico City, dumb bean nigger.
I am. whats the big deal being white? mexico was the new spain.
i can haz burrito?
Well, it's in a Sup Forums post. That means it's true, right?
The Mexican nationals were allowed to stay, keep their land, and become US citizens. The Mexican government was paid 15 million dollars for the land. There is literally nothing you can say that refutes this. Just because you screencapped one of your OPs pretending to ignore these facts does NOT mean that they aren't facts.
Rage harder. Go ask your government for your share of the 15 million dollars. Do what you like. But you have ZERO claim to the land.
>No timestamp.
Whatever you say, buddy.
>Spaniards owned you brownies like cattle
aztecs were not mexicans. dumb nigger.
puerto rico is a big shit, no thanks, and baja is from us.
Spanish people are white.I dont get your point
>inb4 spanairds arent white
Come and try to take it back, I fucking DARE you
Lose some fat, fatty.
never, i need grease.
Spanish and aztec blood is what make up mexicans stupid cuck and yes the spanish did own you and your land.We should give it back to put you people in check
>Hispanic America
>144,496,999 whites
>So Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, Colombia, Paraguay, and Chile?
Is this your sister, Chalupa?
It's pretty amazing how fucking enraged this dude is at his own government, isn't it?
whats up homeboy
Is chupacabra real?
uh oh - Whitewashing = identity politics - Thats marxism - You need to go for a ride
No, mainly Mexico.
The Spanish diaspora consists of Spanish people and their descendants who emigrated from Spain. The diaspora is concentrated in places that were part of the Spanish Empire. Countries such as Mexico, the Philippines, Dominican Republic, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Paraguay, Cuba, Nicaragua and, to a lesser extent, Brazil, the United States, Canada and continental Europe.
it was not my land idiot, we are not aztecs.
Mujeres Mexicanas make me horny
t. Texas
more than blacks and asian??
Disgusting, supporting 3rd world invaders that dislike you because your peepee gets hard.
t. Texan
>it was not my land idiot, we are not aztecs.
Then you don't own any land. Mexico doesn't belong to the Mexicans, and no part of the US belongs to them.
You're just a fucking squatter trying to claim land that isn't yours, aren't you?
Texas is basically Mexico
>white people from Europe telling other people that they are illegal immigrants
Whites first, Asian 2nd
I live in East Texas, friend. Here it's either sheboons or fat fuck trailer trash. The only decent girls around here get married to the football jock at 19, so if you miss that in HS yer fucked.
Does that make you happy? You want to just mix it up, huh?
In 1821 existed Mexico, then you stole our land in 1857.
>East Texas, friend. Here it's either sheboons or fat fuck trailer trash
(X) Doubt
we like texans more than the rest.
Draw a line from El Paso to Corpus Christi. anything under that is Mexico. The rest is Texas.
Come get it then.
t. never been east of Dallas
>white people from Europe telling other people that they are illegal immigrants
Yes, I am. What's your argument? That open warfare leading to the conquering of people, but stopping short of genocide out of compassion, somehow equates to the land magically belonging to them? They lost it.
>stole our land
AKA: beat you in a war, which is only theft when white people do it to non-whites. Much the same with other things, it's evil when whites do the same thing as others but do it better.
Is that you on the picture or just some random ones?
aztlan is now from us again
How easy is it to bone Mexican womenz and in which city would one be most succesfull
Asking for a friend
>be beaner
>from Northern MEHEEKOH
>claim the southwestern US as your homeland
>get DNA test done
>60% European
>40% Central American Indian
>commit suhpookoo because not even native to the part of Mexico you currently live in
>What's your argument? That open warfare leading to the conquering of people, but stopping short of genocide out of compassion, somehow equates to the land magically belonging to them?
Nigro, I just listened to a "Christian" historian say the Iberians had no moral right or obligation to expel the sandniggers from their Peninsula and therefore need to pray to God and ask for forgiveness for our ancestors.
There need not be an argument. Only feelings matter.