Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

She's gross and annoying

She isn't licking my shitty asshole right now.

not enough porn

Idol Arc.


I thought the idol arc was one of the best arcs.

Fact that nobody ever scanned this art of both twins in mizugis, and now some madman is trying to sell that image on japanese auction for 53,100 yens.

Awful ending.
And this. Fucking THIS.

I never understood why people rage over the ending so much. Tsubaki just wanted to cherish the special bond (which includes the whole finger licking ritual)had with Urabe at least until they graduate.
And plus, we get to see how much more intimate they become with each other what with Urabe keeping his mother's picture for him and all

The entire show is gross. I dropped it after MC tasted her saliva on the table. Eww.

You just don't see the appeal, do you?

Honestly I didn't think it was TOO too bad but I was expecting more.

It's a relationship manga with a relationship that never progresses beyond hand-holding. Shit gave me blueballs.

Kill yourself.

Suwano is better.

Lost interest, ending was whatever.

Never enough


Have you forgotten?

Literally worst than hand-holding.

Dating her must do some real damage to your balls.

Urabe was too lewd for purefags to pick it up, and too pure for the lewdfags who did.

I loved it though for being a good vibe SoL manga about relationship themes. Takagi-san strikes the same kind of chord.