Fuck i'm getting nervous

How long does a 23 & me take?

I did Ancestry and got pretty solid results, but I recently was told by relatives that I have Jew blood.

The wait is killing me.

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>The wait is killing me.
lets hope

Less then 25% Ashkenazi is fine in my books. But god forbid i see you with a jewhate i will lynch you so fast your sheckles will fall from your pockets

jewhat* Fucking ruined it


I'm fucking dying right now lol

If you're like 10% Ashke-shnazi, just don't mention it. Nobody can tell.

I know I'm less than 25% for sure, but I may be as much as 1/8. My great grandpa had a legit jewish name and everything.

>Get this guys... I PAID a company to collect my biometric data. Pretty smart huh?

If you end up being le 6% Askenazi and start ranting about your "Proud Jewish heritage"....then you're officially a faggit and should kys

Never, friend. I was raised Southern Baptist.

Here's my Ancestry results from a few years ago. No jew in there at all. But I've heard of people getting much different results from 23andMe.

If being gay is genetic, why cant they tell you if you are gay or not ?

i went to the doctor for this and all they do is show you a picture of a penis and measure your pupil dilation
but a second doctor told me literally everyone is bisexual, there is no real "straight" its just mental conditioning and fear

Right? I mean you don't have to be Alex Jones to see this isn't the best idea.

>paying to give your sequence to the jew

Can I join you guys? The 7% is polish.

I wonder how much money 23&me has made from autistic Sup Forumsacks like yourself

Enjoy your shit genetic makeup peasants.

why not? seriously what are they gunna do with it?

Kill everyone on the planet and then clone us all into slave camps.

fucking retard
Check out this bitch
>Occupation: CEO of YouTube
>She has 2 sisters: Janet Wojcicki, (PhD, anthropologist and epidemiologist)[6] and Anne Wojcicki, founder of 23andMe

So the founder of 23andMe has a sister at a high level job at fucking google (their motto is "Dont be evil", so that cant be bad right?) and another one who studies epidemics and deseases.

Not only do you pay to get your DNA stored in a databank by google, but also help (((them))) researching bioweapons to kill people based on their ethnicity aka non-jews.
And just so because you want to proof how white you are...
You basically pay for their real life version of Plague Inc.
GG. Stupidity has successfully eliminated all gentile life on earth. Well played

shill your bullshit elsewhere. sage

>someone else does all my work
sounds kinda dreamy mate

is it free? ill do it if its free

How fucking stupid do you have to be to give a fucking random company your dna. Could you be anymore retarded?

have you ever been to the hairdresser?