Veganism General

A place for discussing all things vegan ethics, politics & health

Meat consumption is ruining the environment.
- Pollutes rivers
- Forests cleared for livestock
- Causes soil degradation
- Massive inefficiency to grow crops then feed them to animals
- Major contributor to global warming.

Wikipedia - Environmental impact of meat production


Vegan Health (meatcucks please read the following before leaving a stupid comment)

Vegan diet healthy for all stages of life

Vegan ethics

Animals and Ethics -

Most common and well known argument is the argument from marginal cases. Loosely speaking, the argument contends that animals as sentient & intelligent as retards should have the same moral status

(Meatcucks please read the following before leaving a stupid comment)

Ad Hominem - e.g. vegans are faggots

Strawman - e.g. vegans want white genocide

Appeal to nature - e.g. meat is natural and therefore ethical

Tu Quoque - e.g. vegans buy computers

Morality is relative - Science, logic, mathematics are all based on axioms that are not proven, what is different about morality and moral axioms? Think this argument through before arguing for it, it is not as simple as you think.

Also read the following

Moral Realism -

Earthlings -

Dominion (2018) Trailer -

bumpedy bump


no thanks




I got a ginger bitch thats in to submissive scat sex

>Eat what elephant eat
Small elephants are known to eat shit... so i hope vegans will follow.
Also they did not get those normal healthy bodies by being vegans. Their vegan daughter will grow to be small sticky weakling.

Veganism all the way to 100 years booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooi!

Please be nice please be nice

OP at least mention animal welfare in your post

I was once a vegan faggot like you

In April I started guzzling down all the protein I possibly could, often time in excess. Spent at least 30 minutes per day doing a kettle bell workout

Now swole af. Highly recommend.

will do next time brah

Tits or GTFO.

Great... ive got a fake redhair average looking tumbler feminist...


Veganism is a method of removing gullible fucks from the gene-pool by sterilization via mineral and vitamin deficiency and general nutritional imbalance. Generally raising the IQ level. It is a positive thing.

Wonder which tastes better. The left ones should be put out of their misery and grilled.

If your food still requires it to be transported to you via freight, if it still requires the mining of phosphates and other chemicals to create the fertiliser to grow it and if your food depends upon the labour of third world workers who get paid a pittance of what it costs to buy them from a boutique grocer then your consumer choices are no more ethical.

Who cares - they both taste the same when dead.

I've slaughtered an animal just to eat it before. Moral quandaries aside: It was delicious.

Maybe ban meat eating for people who cannot bring themselves to slaughter another animal. Would that work out well? I don't know, it's just an idea.

>lets kill happy animals instead of the ones that actually want to die


Don't they ban for these?