Now THATS what I call progression

now THATS what I call progression

this is what I call mental disorder

May God strike us down, we don’t deserve what He has created for us.

... worrying



this is a weak low energy thread. can someone make a bigger high energy anti-gay thread?

is that legal in the US?

Specifically whats banned in Russia - LGBT propaganda to minors. And why West attacks us so much for this.


The notion that a large percentage of fags aren't pedophiles is only recent. We've known for a long time that many of them are.

But why? What's the connection?

well that didn't take long


The faggots told me over and over and over there was no such thing as a slippery slope.
It was all Christian bigotry.

This actually can't be real.

Why are you doing this burgerbros

You could easily make the case that it is, yes. Depends on how the judge is (((feeling))).

melania baron makin out.png
cuz thats exactly what this is
>im herod kill the entire male gender!
hi jezebels

We’re gonna need more helicopters.

God smite us all.

And I'm sure Abdul will thank them for their support by throwing them off a very tall building.

"Pride is for Aids too"

What did the purple shirt to the right mean by this?

everyone knows gays are closet pedos

see Milo

Everyday we stray further and further from the lord

the same thing the banner says. apprently youre blind too

thanks adam and eve. truvada fuck this it's all gay threads all the time "now"

This is surreal.


They're subverting the language too. Might seem like not a big deal compared to actual pedos making out with boys in broad daylight but shit's really getting orwellian my burger niggers.

Pride is faggot now.