Spoilers soon, Armin a shit, Annie is love life etc,.
Shingeki no Kyojin 85
BRA a best.
BRA a shit
LM soon.
AM is true love.
Not posting in this thread. Spoilers here
That's good to hear, now stay the fuck out of this one.
Thank god
Good, you willingly outed yourself. Now fuck off.
EH is not canon and never will be canon.
nth for Zeke is Eren's brother and Levi's father
Armin killed SnK.
Arminfags killed /snk/.
EH is canon.
That's not a very nice thing to say.
Aside from EH what else do you ship? Just curious.
>Armin is strong than Sasha, Connie and Historia.
>Isayama never do what he says he's gonna do.
What's next on Arminfags's wild ride of delusions?
AM is pure and deep!
I actually ship EA but I've warmed up to EH because it's cute. I also like YH and LM.
Or, should I post in this one? I don't know which one.
What's the problem here, boys?
It can be all that and still be lewd!
Nice. I like all of those.
BRAM flashback fucking when?
That you're not a BRAfag
You better get down on your knees and start sucking Bert's mighty cock faglord.
>this confuses spoiler-kun
Levi looks over to the teens and sees Armin moving a bit. Camera switches to him. He wakes up and mutters "grandpa..." Then he notices everyone looking at him and asks what's wrong to Mikasa, who is crying. He uses a nickname I've never seen anyone call her--Mika. She's about to speak but Eren pulls him right off her lap into a big hug. Eren is ugly crying again. He tells Armin to never do that to him again or he'll kick his ass.
Don't make me blush.
This is true.
I like BRA the most. I'm still salty over Bert's death. But at least based Flocke will save the manga.
My brother.
Don't sully BRA with your stupidity, Shitminfag.
>yfw when this turns out true.
AM always.
how mad would BRAfag be?
>fanfiction becoming true
Jokes on you, I'm just an Arminfags prending to be an Arminhater pretending to be an Arminfag.
Even the spoilers with the BRAM flashback and LM abuse were more believable.
Goodnight Sweet Commander Handsome.
You'll always live in our hearts.
Anyone else sick of Armin?
The only thing sick about Armin are the sweet numbers he gets
im more sick of brafags desu senpai
>inb4 brafag response
A lot of people are. Can't you see how dead these threads are since 84?
no letter
Is that it for the fake spoilers? Come on Orgy-Kun.
Levi notices the commotion (desu it's hard not to notice Eren when he's around), gets up, and walks over to the teens. Hanji stays with Erwin, her hand in his. Eren lets go of Armin who is all kinds of [confusion intensifies]. Levi crouches next to Armin and asks how he's doing. Armin just goes "Um..." Levi takes his cloak off and gives it to him. He says "You stay still and get some rest. Eren. Mikasa. We need to talk. Now." They resist. Levi glares. "Don't make me say it twice." Armin speaks quitely, "What happened...? You guys should...listen to the captain." EM begrudgingly follow Levi.
We had a thread every single day since chapter 84.
I have been since I picked the manga up.
I make Dyke Pussy wet
Yes, with far less people than usual.
>takes his cloak off and gives it to him.
Too obvious now.
I'm way more sick of arminfats.
Most people are.
Please tell me that he fucking lays into those insubordinate assholes
why did you pick the manga up? It was nothing but EMA at the beggining.
I don't think there are Arminfags here. Not so much.
There are. The reddit one and on from tumblr admited so.
When Mikasa and Eren finally stop blocking Armin's view, he realizes Commander Handsome is laying there and freaks out, running over and frantically asking Hanji if Erwong's alright. She firmly grasps his arms, tells him to calm down and says "Didn't Levi just tell you to rest?" Armin tries to reply but Hanji shushes him and tells him to go sit with JSC. His panic and sudden movement gave him a headache so he complies.
Because armin was shivering. I think it's autumn in their world right now.
>yfw it's true
how mad
I thought characters were going to start dying and the mysteries reeled me in.
>a headache
Listen. I ain't saying he does, but I ain't saying he doesn't either.
Well they finally died, and the misteries never stopped.
Just stop this bait please.
I fucking hate him. I was so hyped for this arc and Isayama just shat all over it with him
Goddammit I need this clarified
Are you the same user who was obsessed with the thought of Levi "taking care of" Armin now?
no that was me faggot
I wish that was the truth
Oh. Hi there.
It's not so easy to realize most of them are baiting. and aren't real Arminfags.
ye im the only real arminfag here. me and like, two faggots. i know i insit with the whole samefag thing but i'm pretty sure its mostly a very butthurt samefag. i don't know whats there to gain though because i'm the only one here. and i only post here near spoiler week so.
I hate Eren's green eyes.
I have actual spoilers for everyone.
Zeke returns and stomps on Armin's unconscious body, killing him. Levi and Hanji allow this to happen as EM proceed to commit sudoku because they have no reason to exist anymore now that the Gary Stu parasite known as Armin is finally dead.
JSC were there too but no one really noticed, aside from some Jeanfujos.
Also Armin a stinky, stinky shit.
They're pretty. But they are not gree, they are grey.
What was that?
I prefer them gray.
it's a free country
It's not.
There are. I've run into them on other sites and the arguments are nearly identical to what happens here.
Who cares, two of them are dead, annie may as well be and reiner's only possible fate is eternal suffering
Sorry for leaving all a suddon, had to take a shit.
Connie tackles Armin with a hug and Jean says "hey, don't be so rough with him!" Armin just awkwardly pats Connie's head until he realizes Sasha is laying there. Despite his headache he sits next to Sasha and what happened to JC. Connie is being a dork and makes a shitty, not really translatable pun about shrapnel and Sasha. Sashrapnel? Jean smacks Connie upside the head for it and tells Armin to sit down and jokingly says "You can even sit on my lap if you want." Armin replies "I don't want to ride you, Jean." Connie laughs in their ears.
If only
Can you just fuck off to fanfic.net already? The ten year olds there would enjoy your shitty writing.
With all of this "content" the chapter should be almost over by now.
>I don't want to ride you, Jean
Cruel world.