Why do Sup Forumsacks support evil acts like this?

Why do Sup Forumsacks support evil acts like this?

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Gotta be done. You don't have to like it, but I will.

We don't support those litterbugs. They are supposed to be burned.

Because the allies destroyed the supply line

Burying dead people is evil?

Nobody here supports Allied aggression against Germany. Britain and USA are primarily responsible for the Holocaust.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

Nah, just indiscriminate bombing.

We don't care.



Thinking that everyone on one site has the same opinion is you own fault, don't drag others into your echo-bubble.

>400 bodies max
>6ft under
commies did way worse and buried them way shallower.

Hitler did some morally questionable but ultimately righteous things

Thats clearly 400 gojirrion bodies u anti semit!!

Who wouldn’t

>wow that looks like 6 million bodies!

The gas chambers are a myth, just like the myth that Nazis made soap out of human fat (from Jewish concentration camp prisoners). The soap accusation was later debunked by historians but was repeated by some Jews well into the 1990s. Even today you might find some people repeating it as fact, such is the power of stories that are believed on faith rather than evidence. Other accusations never caught on to the same extent because they were simply too unbelievable.

"Holocaust survivors" admit that they heard rumors about the gas chambers from other Jews before even arriving at a concentration camp. Thus if a Jew lost a loved one during the war, they simply assumed they had gone to the gas chambers. Even after the Allies investigated a camp and determined it was not a death camp, Jews who had been there would repeat the story because they felt they were doing a good thing for the "victims". Insodoing the myth is reinforced without a shred of truth or evidence.

Gas chambers did exist, but were a life-saving measure to exterminate Typhus-spreading lice in clothing. That's why eyewitnesses often include details like haircuts & showers (life-saving pest deterrant measures). Despite these efforts, Typhus (aka "camp fever", "ship fever", etc.) resulted in tens of thousands of deaths in the camps - possibly 200,000 by the end of the war going by Red Cross reports. That's why the camps needed crematories. But those deaths weren't planned, in fact the Germans tried to prevent them, and total nowhere near 6,000,000.

You can hear directly from Jews, and learn more about the improbability of the story, why the numbers claimed to have been killed in gas chambers at Auschwitz is scientifically & technically impossible, in the following video. Watch it & make up your own mind.

>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:

What i wrning with burying people who died from Tuberculosis, other diseases, and Allied bombing cutting off food and medical supples ?

Seems decent to me.

Typhus is nasty, if only they had showered

It was the typhus.

Frankly, G-ns could have released those skeletons from the camp of they were starving and had a typhus. But they chose to keep them till the bitter end.


no worse than Jewish ethnic cleansing in Palestine, which we are forced to pay for by the Jewish government

Aren't proxy's fun?

You too can post via a proxy to further the Zionist psyop that Germans are evil.

The mistake Germans made was loving people that hated them, the Talmudic devil worshiping jews. Germans have been funding Talmudic devil worshiping Jews by way of misplaced guilt for a hundred years now and the rest of the world is complicit in this lie.

Time to help the German people, not the devil worshiping Canaanites, the tribe of Dan, the Babylonians, the Khazars, the Ashkenazi, the shape-shifting snakes. OK?

That's what several hundred bodies? How does it compare to pic related?

because they deserved it

Have you subbed to Vertigo Politix yet?

You misspelled "awesome and necessary cleansing of society"