New Thread Don't get caught!
New Game
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My wife, Hifumi, is acute.
Damn this show is good. Plenty of waifus and ships with a perfect amount of fanservice.
What is she typing?
I don't know, but she got a response.
>New episode in 2 days
>Season almost over
That was fast.
remove nenecchi
REMOVE nenecchi
Did somebody say post more nenecchi
Insert into nenecchi
don't remind me
My wife Aoba is so cute!
There seems to be a mistake. You see Hifumi is already married to me with 3 children.
Did somebody say more nenecchi posts?
I want to ecchi the nenecchi
who's to say we're not the same person?
Visual studio dark theme? Looks like C# than C++. Seems realistic enough except no one would program games in C# though (or anything besides C++). It actually looks like an actual IDE with passable looking code so good enough.
Anyone have that hifumi laughing at her own shitpost webm? I forgot to save it and I can't find the thread it was last posted in.
It's literally the 3rd reply in this thread
No, not that one. There was one that actually had the shitposts shown as they were written, like in that one Amagiburi video.
What did she mean by this?
Must put penis in Nenecchi
>the people in the New Game threads share all of my fetishes
You people are amazing.
My wife Yun is so fat.
What would Aoba do if I tried to use her ass as a pillow?
Nenegon is my OTP.
Why is nene so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
She would probably do it to drive me away, but little does she know that I would actually love it.
Nene's a lucky girl.
Aoba would absolutely not do that on purpose. If she did that as an accident, she'd probably run out of the room crying because she'd just feel even more embarrassed.
>I would actually love it
So would I. One of many benefits to the buttpillow
literally translated it means
>I'ma steal some bitch's pudding
I could be wrong. Japanese is a very subtle, contextual language.
Just think how fat she'll be after giving birth to your offspring.
Her breasts might actually grow a cup size
rich enough to buy Orion.
>no one would program games in C# though (or anything besides C++).
Unity uses C#
Although a lot of people like here like lewding these girls, is the best way to bully the Eagle Jumps os by reviewing their games poorly?
Hifumi is an old hag.
>It actually looks like an actual IDE
It looks like fucking Firefox with some code in the window.
Maybe they use some sort of web based editor?
No way in hell, the programmers would murder any manager proposing shit like that.
That is from the next episode preview at the end of each episode; the preview always looks like it's playing in a browser window. It's not the actual programming software they use.
Is that not a video conference call, which is why it's blurry and there's a hand in front?
As for the code, that UI reminds me a lot of Game Maker's.
Oh that makes a lot more sense.
at least you revealed that you know nothing
C# is popular for tooling and scripting language for various subsystems. That is excluding engines like unity and paradox or p much every game suite for mob platforms.
Oh shit, you're right.
The all games are written in c++ meme is strong after all
and it doesn't really have to be pure C#, GML is some sort of freakish hybrid of several things
People write engines in C++ almost exclusively, but there's no reason to write regular game logic in it.
Putting curly braces on their own lines is the worst style. Absolutely disgusting.
It's how I was taught. Sorry, if you dig through the rest of that project you'll see way more of it.
If you wrote your own engine in c++ there is no reason to use a different language for the game logic.
It's only really an advantage if you use an existing engine, so you can still program games without needing c++ devs.
Closing ones should. Makes it more readable.
>there is no reason to use a different language for the game logic.
C++ is a pain in the ass. For a giant codebase like a game, if the code isn't performance critical, you don't want to risk unnecessary bugs and longer development times by using C++ for everything.
Not putting curly braces on the same indentation level is disgusting.
>hacks shopping mall screen
>implying it wasn't some employee accidentally using the computer that is connected to the screen in his break.
Of course not, that's ridiculous. It was the anonymous hacker known as Sup Forums.
>Hu hu hu
Huh, us programmers huh?
I'm a progamer
I want to program together with Ahagon.
This was easier to fap to than expected.
She's going to program a sexbot to use on Nenecchi.
Who the fuck dressses like that?
Delete Nenecchi
How do I make a game?
>they don't use Opera instead of Chrome
If (bool)
// stuff
This actually compiles.
Learn to program, then learn to art, then learn to music and finally learn how to not lose motivation half way through.
I'm in love with Hajime.
It works without even having a {?
You also need to have some idea about game mechanics that are fun.
First things first, if you can't draw, quit, if you're making text based things, continue. If you can ever so slightly draw do 2d. If you wanna make 3d you throw away at least a year on the project and hope its okay and make a profit from the one person on steam who will buy it and shortly after have someone crack it and there you go, you spent a year to make a whopping $2.99
I bet you're the same fucker who cost me an hour yesterday before I figured out what ??/ does inside a comment.
W-what game did you make, user?
I tried teaching myself to program but I realized that I have no reason to, nor could I think of anything to do with such knowledge, so I stopped.
Quick, say something nice about Yun!
I like her victorian style.
Nice eyes, nice style, DFC.
Yun's gentle teasing, cute outfits and tea parties keeps the day bright for everyone on her team. Eagle Jump is very lucky to have a good hardworking girl like Yun!
She's probably really soft.
Nothing, I only make things in level editors. Can't do code, not good enough at it.Besides that writing stories that don't suck takes quite a lot of time. I trying to make games shortly after I figured out how to make a weapon fire in a first person shooter. Plus I'm too much of a faggot to ask for help so it'd end up a mess
If Yun is so fat, why doesn't any of it go to her tits?
I want to work out and get sweaty with Hajime.
maybe she's a boy?
Let's make a game together, user.
Why is Nenecchi such a demon demon?
Good luck, you two.
Make sure you ganbaruzoi, anons.
But I'm busy trying to make things that aren't awful, and instead something mediocre
She has a cute imouto who looks exactly like her, so she's cute too.
how to do SQL
Oh. Well I guess I didn't really want to make a game with you anyway.
Use something that abstracts it away unless you have no choice.
Just kill yourself and end it now.