Wait, what?

Wait, what?

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apples btfo

What is it with lefties and apples?

Wtf, I love oranges now!

Look forward to that tax cut btw

Commies cant stop thinking about food


In his analogy, is he implying that 90% of America families don't pay taxes? fucking lel what a tard

That's actually a pretty smart counter-argument.

Granted it's only semantics, and any look at the actual plan would show it's a misrepresentation of reality, but still it's somewhat clever.

Dont you know that math is racist you shitlord?

>if I take 10 apples from someone else by force and give them to Party Members and the average person has one apple
>Why are 9 people mad?
>Haha, just fucking kidding send them to gulag or send the Army to kill them cause lolnoguns

It's a jab at the income inequality that is a severe problem in America.Not the meme version of "Waah muh women and minorities" but the actual one where your richest hold enormous, massive, unreal amounts of wealth compared to the rest of your country.

A gap that continues to grow, with your middle class seeing increasing strain. With your country having little in the way of an actual union presence this is unlikely to see an improvement too.

Black twitter is a mistake

or in other words, it's saying that while your average income is pretty reasonable. That average does not take into account just how much the vast rich weigh in on that percentage.

AKA there's plenty reason for people to be mad, because one person holds the majority of the apples while the rest don't.

>Person A earns 10 apples
>9 are stolen and given away
>Paco, who slept all day, now eats the same amount of apples that I do
>"Wtf, I hate producing apples now"
>Sleep too
>No apples are produced
>Everyone starves

Great logic, commie!

>income inequality is a severe problem in America
How so?

I see hundreds of people trying to 'fix' inequality, but no one can show why it's bad or point to any negative effects.

Unfortunately for (((Leonard))) it's:
A) An argument against affirmative action
B) Misrepresenting the nature of taxation, because first he got those apples by robbing those 10 people of 14 apples, eating 2 for himself, throwing another 2 in the trash because he's incompetent, THEN he considers redistribution

>stealing less money is a handout
Hahaha what?


hu? isn't the average 0 apples? because there are more people without apples?

idk im not great with math

>what is wealth generation
>what is job creation
>what is personal and business incentive

Because blacks have less than whites
And disparate impact is legally defined as racism
And racism is baaaaaaaad

0 is the median (how many apples the 5th guy has) and the mode (how many apples the most number of people have), but the average is 1.

Because you're a filthy genocidal communist. That's why

there are three different kinds of averages, the most commonly used is the Mean, is adding all the data points together and dividing by the number of data points. It is normally the most accurate, but depending on the data set may not be correct hence the existence of the other two forms Median and Mode. Median being the middle/center value of the set, and Mode being the value that appears most frequently.

ahh right i see

still a bad analogy none the less

How can you give zero of something? There is nothing to give in that case.

But those 9 people are receiving an apple.

Reminder that most attacks on Trumps plan dont use percentile comparisons
>dnc in charge of math

You don't see a problem where more and more join your country's poor because they can't afford the increasing costs of living? This massive gap shifts the balance of things towards the few instead of the many.

It negatively impacts the financial security for your average citizen the more this gap grows. It gives more power to your rich which due to the lack of any kind of established union or good regulations for your government means they can influence your laws pretty easy to keep this inequality growing. It has even gotten so ridiculous in the USA that your rich can basically get away with crimes they commit simply due to their status and wealth.

Corruption aside, a gap like this is mainly bad for the financial security of your people. There's no reason why this SHOULD be allowed to happen. A better distribution would ultimately be far better for the economic growth and prosperity of your country and people, it would give a number of beneficial reasons to have your financial security healthy, such as less crime and better population growth due to having offspring being less of a risk.

I could go on but there's very little reason to let such a gap grow when there's everything to gain by having a more healthy distribution of wealth. Your country stands strong united and together, not by having a few people stand over the heads of the majority.

I can only guess the cuck didn't read before commenting and assumed the plan is a tax cut for that 1% (which btw, is responsible for over 90% of America's tax revenue)

Meme arguments made by the rich that have been proven utter bullshit time and again.

You want good personal and business incentive? Then having the financial security and means to start those businesses is much better. Why the fuck would you give the vast majority to 0.1% of your population and just in good confidence expect them to just handle it. That's just unrealistic, and at worst utterly delusional.

mode= 0 apples
mean= 0.1 apples

America's "Poor" are middle to upper class in many other countries in terms of wealth. World poverty has been steadily shrinking if you took the time to not be a retarded infantile communist and look at information.

>A better distribution
That's China's thing, and that only works for them because they are ethnocentric and have not been 'enriched.'

You ain't wrong son.

The top 2 percent making over 250k pays 50+ percent of taxes. People making more than 100k+ and under 250k pay 20 percent of it.

No one like OP ever mentions this disproportionate slicing of the tax pie.

he's right.
you need to look at the MEDIAN household effect of the tax plan
My ears piqued up when Trump said average too, and I'm a trumpfag

That's a nonsense argument and you know it. I can say fucking Romania's middle to upper class is better than some shitstain country as well.

Does this mean Romania is a good country without problems? Fuck no. Come with better arguments retard.

I mean, yes they do fuck with statistics by averaging stuff out in such a way that it makes it look worse or better to fit a narrative. But his analogy is dumb.

Wtf i love black people now

No, it's pretty much every other countries thing that isn't massively corrupt and skewed to one side like yours. Take a look at Norway, or Denmark, or my own country, they all have a more healthy spread of income. Quality of living is much better there, with less crime and so on.

desu the rich people we have are the symptom, not the problem. People are looking in the wrong place and even if you take every single cent from the rich the problem will just resurface. You essentially have monopolies in the US and any attempt at competition sees that competitor lobbied out or bought out. Plus there's the entire globalization aspect of it.

>says poverty is bad
>Hey guy poverty if falling across the world

Dude you don’t understand basic economics. Income inequality is a meme. It doesn’t matter how rich some people are. It matters if you’re getting wealthier.

And lack of unions have nothing to do with depressed wages. Labor, like anything is subject to fluctuation in price based on supply and demand. Increased supply of shitskins, increased supply of women working means wages are suppressed.

To a lot of non-statisticians Median is the same as Average. I'd hope Trump isn't that type of person.

Yes that's true. the main problem lies in the way your laws are, hence why I mentioned the lack of any kind of proper union that takes a good hard look at these laws that favor such things. Unfortunately the vast rich are also a continuation of this problem as they use that wealth to steer your government in these directions that favor them

Which is pretty fucked.

You can't win an argument with leftists they just shift the goalposts.

True, 'poor' in america is to have a tv, an iphone, a Microsoft bONEx and other amenities. Poverty would seem to be a matter of comparison or relativity, if my neighbors cup is gold, mine must be dirt.

He misinterpreted the statement as:
>The average raise for a family is $4,000.

But the statement was actually:
>The raise for an average family is $4,000.

They're 2 different things.

>The poverty and income inequality problems continue in America
>Hey guys but globally there's a decrease of poverty due to other countries doing better, so there's no problem right?

Jesus christ.


They live in a fantasy world where the Governemnt decides who earns what and can just change the distribution of earnings and expect all other things in the economy to remain equal.

Their entire political philosophy is basically “waaaaaaaa someone has more money than me waaaaaa”

There always has to be an impoverished class. They're the working class. Nothing would get done if every single one of us were multi millionaires who could sit around all day. Bringing the impoverished out of poverty just brings the average poverty line up. Not down.

Those countries are also objectively inferior to the USA in most aspects. Name me one country better than the US if you earn 35k USD which is 17 USD per hour with no over time. Median US income is 51k with average for 20-24 year olds being 27k that increases to 39k from 25-34.

Unions are fucking shit and are not the solution. You end up with things like the education system where money just fucking vanishes for no reason and shit teachers are rampant and policemen that never get fucking fired. It's a toss-up and definitely isn't a cure-all. Unions also aren't going to solve the lobbying problem which is the main issue.

You get shit like an ISP trying to start up in a city and a major ISP lobbyist comes in and shuts that shit down.

What is Trumps tax cut plan?
Being impartial I shall decide on whether or not this is a positive moral action or not, but I need someone to detail what this special snowflake is getting upset about.

You say that as if starvation wouldn't motivate paco to get his own apples. The problem is though that if paco wants to go get his own apples person A shoots him for 'stealing'.

>can't work more than 35 hours a week
>lectures Americans on the economy

You know, there's a difference between the 'average American family' having an increase of $4'000, and the American family getting an 'average additional $4'000', right?

Assuming Sarah knows this distinction as well, Franklin's criticism is irrelevant.

It's progressive
Everyone gets a tax cut, and the lower your pay the bigger your percent cut. People under $20k don't pay income tax anymore

It doesn't matter? Those ultra-rich in the USA are well known by now to influence literally anything they want simply due to the vast amount of wealth they are allowed to have over everyone else in your country. You really don't see a problem with so few having so much power in your country?

In fact, they influence the laws of your country constantly. Businesses and certain individuals lobby and influence the laws that affect the financial security of your people, worker laws, rights. It doesn't fucking matter? My ass.

And yes, a lack of a proper established union does matter because such groups speak for the rights of your lower and middle class, they are an immense influence of good on the behalf of the majority of your people. Having such groups is good for taking some of the power out of the hands of those monopolies and businesses that would negatively handle the rights of your people.

Poverty is not a problem in America, Diversity is. The poor already get free school, housing, healthcare, and food. All of their basic needs are met. The fact that they choose to squander any extra earnings on drugs, alchohol and lotto tickets doesn’t mean they deserve more money to waste on those things. Just because you think everyone is entitled to a new BMW and a luxury loft apartment doesn’t mean they actually are entitled to these things.

The poor in America are overfed, they have luxuries that not even the upper 5% had 2 generations ago.

Pseudo intellectual niggers playing games with semantics. Imagine my fucking disgust.

Besides, extreme income inequality leads to upheaping of wealth in the upper classes. Whilst trickle-down economics is true in some extent, the extremely rich own so much wealth that no matter how much they consume, they'll never make up for the increased common good if their wealth would be distributed.
Social inequality is also just plain bad for the economy. If the middle/lower class has more money to spend the total demand for goods increased and with it the GDP does, too.


a) Declining social cohesion as people start to become disgruntled with their living circumstances and start to look for reasons why things aren't as good as they could be
b) Being rich makes you more rich. Rising inequality will lead to an entrenchment of wealth in a small upper class that rules the country effectively as a nobility, which leads both to poorer Democracy and more corruption
c) Polarisation of politics as people start moving to the fringes because of their dissatisfaction with moderate mainstream parties

A smug objectivitist might say It's all their fault and fuck you got mine

Someone with any ounce of reason would look at how things used to be when America had less inequality and try and figure out what changed because the path of rising inequality is fraught with conflict and instability.

Fail to satisfy your average citizen and society will degenerate and pull itself apart
Interfere too much in markets trying to satisfy people and you'll get some short term gains but will burn through all your capital and kill future prosperity... inevitably leading back to square one.

Ultimately It's a balancing act, and America has been off balance for about 40 years...

And don't you dare give me the fucking pathetic excuse of "the poor in the West are still rich" excuse. I don't give a fuck about the world. You shouldn't give a fuck about the world. Just because the poor in our countries have it better than other people in the globe is not an excuse for us to ignore their problems. The human brain doesn't work in absolutes, It works in relatives.

Top class argument, kid. Judging by how many of those you have in your country it's more likely you are one :')

Thats a pretty good argument user got btfo

I'm going to need to ask for the specific details of it before I can conduct an arbitration.

At least it wasn't "if I gave ten lightsabers to one muggle"


underrated post

>try and figure out what changed

Methinks that they wouldn't be in this position, or at least not as severely, if they had remained 90% White, or indeed above that.

>America has been off balance for about 40 years...

And it just so happens that this coincides with the decision to allow 3rd world immigration?

Won't this tax cut significantly reduce Federal tax income?


I'm not disputing that.

The-ultra rich are going to move a muslim grooming party to your neihborhood. The ultra-rich actually have more ties within socialist governments (like the EU) and have much more control over the nations they govern.

Aquafresh keeping things tidy, thanks.
Looks to me like a corporate tax cut and just about fuck all else enshrined in political rhetoric.

Nor I

income inequality is not a meme, it's a fundamental component of economic growth and is easily manipulated by governments to achieve GDP growth targets


Dude you’re a fucking retard. What is your plan? Tax the rich until they are middle class then use the funds to prop up the lower class? Why would the rich keep working under this scenario? Why would the poor keep working in this scenario?

You complain about people with money and power influencing politics and your solution is to put more power in the hands of politicians? Do you know how retarded this sounds?

Inequality is a meme. It’s a complete non-issue. If we suddenly found out there was a whole race of trillionairs on Mars who shit in gold toilets and drive Ferrari’s it wouldn’t make me any poorer.

Unions got crushed in the US because they became corrupt, complacent and stopped adding value for the economy and just became glorified extortionists.

UK =/= Europe
UK =/= Netherlands

Get it through your head. And if you want to talk about problems like that then you really should take a look at your own country, as you have entire cities and towns that are majority black and tons of illegal immigration as well.

i don't fucking understand
please someone explain this to me
or is it this famous burger mathematics ?

Even in your examples the shitskins are trying to steal. Person A wouldn't shoot him for growing his own apples on his own property only for coming onto person A's property and trying to pick the apples form his tree. You socialist faggots irk me to no end. That's an absurd argument and you known.

>They live in a fantasy world where the Governemnt decides who earns what and can just change the distribution of earnings
the government can make it not-worthwhile to earn over a certain amount through the use of tax brackets. they might come up with other compensation schemes, but the government can totally manipulate the take home pay of its citizens

Did the guys bombing your city and raping your women look white to you as well?

even if services do get cut and i don't get any relief... the money would just go to fund migrants welfare anyway. Not like i get shit now.

I've been told by a reputable source that my lower middle class income will be increased by $200 a month if these tax cuts go through. I don't even give a fuck about what the leftist scum is saying.

This. There has to be poor people to scare the shit out the rich and middle class

>Dude you’re a fucking retard. What is your plan? Tax the rich until they are middle class then use the funds to prop up the lower class? Why would the rich keep working under this scenario? Why would the poor keep working in this scenario?

Take a good long read of this line and actually consider that you have no right to call me a retard when you're being one. I'm not proposing such an extreme at all, there would still be rich, but the difference would be far less extreme.

>Inequality is a meme. It’s a complete non-issue.

lol okay. Have a good hard think about this one too and what rights and means your ultra-rich have over you and the rest of your country and you'll see you are being delusional.

(((We))) give 10 apples to (((one person)))

I'm not a socialist bud. When person A buys 200 thousand acres of land and does nothing with it, purely so no land is available for Paco to grow on, so that Paco is forced into servitude, person A becomes a slave master. What's more person A picks 0 apples, he just claims ownership of them. Paco picks 100 and gets one for his services.

Land of the free, with the freedom to impose slavery on those that weren't born with any land to begin with.

What is the median income compared to average?

You left off the last part.

You expect to get the same production out of our best and brightest when you put a cap on their earnings. It’s not gonna work that way retard.

This is why commies create famines and shit. They don’t understand just how productive wealthy people are compared to the average welfare leach.

The rest of his statement makes it not retarded, there was literally no reason to even make that comment.

and that's why you use the median.
niggers won't understand it, confuse it with average and look dumb when you correct them.

Looks to me like you're a fucking retard

Come again, when did this become a discussion on race?
I'll bite, my city has lower taxes than this 15% corporate rate so therefore we can agree I'm sure, as I'm using your own logic, that lower corporate tax correlates to higher rates of shitskin bombings.

I think he's implying that the tax changes doesn't have an effect on 90% of the american people.

There is no upper limit to how many apples can be produced. Paco can very well go and work for his own apples.