ITT we post MCs who can carry their own show

ITT we post MCs who can carry their own show.

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Isn't that the point of the MC, to carry the show?

You must be fucking joking.


Some can fail at it

>im a secondary

Joseph was alright, he was what carried Part 2. Part of what makes him so good was that he didn't outstay his welcome, if the anime for 2 had been any longer he would've just started feeling obnoxious rather than entertaining. He's mid tier as far as JJBA MCs go, which is still pretty good. I liked him.


There sadly aren't enough of these "balanced" MCs who feel like real people and not just another archetype.



Not really, no. You can use the MC for various reasons.

OP said "show," you nigger. Seriously, if you're so big on million-word VNs, I'd hope you could at least read a ten-word imageboard post properly.

Nah this dude is lame

It depends, a lot of the time they're just a viewpoint (e.g. most trapped in a game ln protags)

Mai's character arc forms the core of her first manga's story.


>pic not related

Many failed at it.


He half carried part 3 too.


I feel like this show could of been improved if the male lead wasn't a thing. Just Nyaruko as the one true MC, followed by a series of alien lesbians.

A man can dream...


I hated Jojo but I love Joseph with passion.
Thats how good he is


Does the next season get any better? I'm like 5 episodes into the third season and feel bored. Second season was great.

In a shallow LN fantasy this retard is the only coherent character. Too bad he's too much of an extreme to avoid being Kirito.

he's alright but he doesn't carry the show by himself
the other girls are great as well and their interactions are funny

In my case, I fucking hate asspulls and unexplainable bullshit Joseph pulled off, but I still love him despite of that. Can't say the same with other MCs and I'm not even a jojotard.


A huge part of the MCs today are very bland; they merely react to events around them, instead of starting shit themselves.

you all disappoint me

the main character could be anything, but what we've seen recently() is a joke


Keks Rance clone failure.

Elevated the KnK movies to a solid 6/10 overall instead of a 4/10.

monogatari is carried by the side characters more than araragi

the guy from kaze no stigma

Same user here, Joseph pulled a lot of bullshit that I usually bitch about. Now he's my favorite MC for being an exception.

I want to hate the guy but I just can't.



Shirou was carried by the characters around him.

This guy 100 fucking percent


I'm kinda sad that he carries his own show better than Misaka does hers.

>Not liking fork ninjutsu.

Nah man.

A two man team, but they still get it done.

Young Joseph is like King Midas, everything he touches turns into gold.

Nah, sorry. Part 3 is consistently boring.
Skip to the part where they find Dio's mansion and watch from there until the end, and then watch the rest of the episodes whenever you want.

Can't believe no one posted this yet

Best male MC of all time coming through.

That's because it's fucking wrong. The whole show functioned by bouncing around and giving us brief bits of Spike being cool, and brief bits of his background, mixed in with focuses on all the other characters and random sidestories. Spike could not have carried that show on his own, not even fucking close.



Araragi really doesn't carry the show at all. He's the type of character that finds himself in situations by chance, and he has very little control over what happens to him.
He also plays second fiddle to the overarching plot at all times, and his reactions to all the weird shit that happens in the show are if anything endearingly unnatural, if not annoyingly unrelateable.
Monogatari is saved by having really interesting background characters that stand out and interact with the plot. Araragi is more or less a vehicle for the viewer to follow the plot.


> stupid jojoposter

my nigga

>MCs who CAN carry their own show

Go fuck yourself cunt.

nah, Vash is defined by the people and events around him
even his name comes from people misunderstanding him


Yeah. Souma is pretty based. He's confident as fuck and outright smug but without looking down others.

Even manages to do it without asspulling.

and here i thought i was the only one on Sup Forums watching this


>who can
Have someone who did.

Maybe during the first episodes. Now he's an insufferable fedora that always has to be right because the script demands everyone else to be incompetent.

On a related note

>mfw no season 2

Based, but the other characters were good too.

Part 3 is ber repetitive. Part 4 is so much better

Part 3 tries out a lot of new things, and it sets the table for the parts to come with stands, but the parts to come are a lot more interesting. You should read it because what happens in SC is important for upcoming parts.
Short answer: Yes, it gets much, much better. If you want to get a feel for how good JoJo can get, read Part 7. It's standalone from the stuff that happens in parts 1 through 6, but has a lot of references.

Of course because he's supposed to be literally (You)

Beat me to it.

Part 3 is boring as fuck, though better in the manga. Part 4 is way better though the start is kind of slow and it's still airing. 5 and 6 will probably be like Part 2 in that they're better in the anime than they are the manga.

Fuck you I'm doing antagonist

>who can carry their own show.
But the great thing is she doesn't have to.

Y'all niggas best be trolling.

>Shit taste
>Can't use capitals or punctuation.

My fellow companion of african-american descent

>I have never read the VN the posts
You guys actually want to out yourselfs as secondareis right?

>being an elitist over fucking VNs
When will this meme end? You could experience at least 5 pieces of actual literature in the time it takes to complete 1 route in Fate


It's a good thing Joseph could carry BT, it would have been pretty shit otherwise.




And her.

i knew i was a casual but shit, i only recognize like 4 characters in this thread


Why is wolfgirl so smug? Is this anime good?


Come on faggots

The only good parts of Misaka's show are when he's in it. It is legitimately sad.



Carried the show right into the dumpster