Translations for volume 3 of Yandere-chan's magical billiards has completed. Once again the White Queen is to blame for everything.
Blood Sign
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Just started reading the update, but I feel almost obligated to play the Yellow Devil theme whenever someone summons The Original Yellow.
Also, Beyondetta is great.
Apparently loliDetta is even better, js06 said she's his favorite (not Queen) character.
Is this another Kamachi series? Is it harem? Are the girls good, is the MC tolerable like he was in Zashiki?
Everything is better as loli, no surprises here.
Yes. I don't think it can be called a harem unless you base that off male/female characters ratio. Some girls are great, others not so much. Opinions diverge a lot on the protag, but I think he's alright.
Also, Zashiki had 3 protags.
Why won't he just fuck her? All problems would be solved if he just gave her he dick.
Sort of ish? The way the world works a lot of the girls won't remember him if he's not in their line of sight and the story is entirely about Kyousuke and the White Queen.
Yes, he's definitely the best action protagonist I've seen in a long time, but he's very different from Shionobu. This series basically took the twisted relationship of Touma and Othinus, twisted it even further, and made it the main point.
>Sticking your dick in crazy
>implying sticking the dick in crazy is bad
get out loser
But it would solve everything. I think it'd be worth it this one time.
I don't really remember much from the cross over volume but is White Queen above 100% Magic God Othinus?
It would not. As soon as he jam it in she will lose every interest for him. Unless his magic stick will manage to brainwash her womb.
Never underestimate an MC's magic stick.
>As soon as he jam it in she will lose every interest for him
wait is this true
ive never read the ln yet
They don't meet in the crossover. White Queen wipes the fuck out of everyone fighting while Othinus was hijacking Odin to intercept a Gungnir nuke. Othinus appears again later near the end, but it's not even in the world where the crossover happens.
She is the most powerful being in the setting, standing unchallenged at the top of the beings that are beyond even the gods. She simply destroys and simply attains victory.
Kyousuke doesn't trust her "love" for him and believes that if he finally gave in she would lose interest within a week. How right he actually is is up to debate.
How can any man say no to this?
>“Whether I could rewrite your soul or not, if these hairs had reached your brain, brother, they could have bound your brain, mixed our thoughts together, and given us the perfect happy ending. Honestly, the world belongs to me, but it never does what I tell it to. But it is true that acquiring you so easily would have been boring, so in that way the world may have planned everything out for the best. Hee hee hee. Oh, but, brother. I love the brave resolve that led you to chop off your own arm the instant you knew the truth. It’s just so very like you and so very cute, but I do wish you would show more care for your own body. That’s your one and only body, brother. And while I can allow any torment if it comes from me, I honestly do not like it much when someone other than me hurts you. But I’m not going to deny your agency or dignity as an individual. Oh, then how about this? If you are ever going to harm your own body again – let’s say, gouging out an eye, pulling out a tooth, severing a limb, or digging out an organ – then consult me first and tell me about it in advance. Oh, dear. I think I’m being a little too lenient. Is this what they call being the perfect wife? But brother, make no mistake here. Even if I’m being kind, that doesn’t mean you can grow dependent on me. If I see any sign of that, I will punish you right away, so don’t say I didn’t warn you. Yes, and this would be a punishment from me, the strongest who rules above the Regulation-class, the Divine-class, and even the rest of the Unexplored-class. Hee hee hee. Brother, you might be the only thing in the world capable of maintaining your original form after a punishment from me. That would make it quite a rare experience. Yes, very rare. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. This isn’t good. You haven’t even done anything, but I’m starting to feel like punishing you just for fun. If you like, why not pull some kind of prank; it doesn’t matter what.
Hee hee. Hee hee hee. Oh, that’s right. You just cut off your own arm without even trying to tell me. Honestly, brother. You actually predicted I would feel this way and set everything up for me? This level of mutual feelings can only be called love. Yes, let’s call it that, brother.”
Had to split this, but are you sure that's a good idea? As stated in volume 2:
>The White Queen super loves her super super brother. But that super super super love is super super super super scary.
He needs to relax and let his dick do the talking.
>The White Queen super loves her super super brother. But that super super super love is super super super super scary.
Thanks for the warning, Kinuhata.
That many supers must mean it's not a joke.
anime when
I regularly joke around about it being announced this fall instead of Index s3, but it being announced next year seems most likely.
They even have a voice actor for Kyouske already, don't they?
Aika, Kyousuke and and I think the White Queen had brief lines at the end of the anniversary video, don't know if they'd keep the same voice actors though.
>waking up next to a abomination
What a life
>His severed left arm rolled along the deck and a thin silver hair crawled out of the dark red cut like a strange parasite.
>And it used Kyousuke’s own blood to write a red message on the Stingray’s deck.
>“Ahh, ahh. Just a little further and you would have been mine, brother.”
Jesus fuck, this cute girl is absolutely horrifying
Who comes up with these names?
On a related tangent, is Boo Boo worth reading? Looking for something fun to blow through after volume 1 of Owari no Chronicle bored me nearly to tears.
Hopefully there's not too much badly written 'fight scenes'
He gave up after Heavy Object
The same guy that named the underground organizations of Academy City shit like Item and School.
It's ok, Kamachi tried to blend a lot of themes from his other works in a simpler story. Js06 said he liked vol 2 a lot more.
>Also, I touched a bit on Shiroyama Kyousuke’s “family”. …This is only a personal view, but when I see a love comedy where the parents are on overseas business trips for no real reason and a non-blood related sister moves in instead, I can’t help but think, “What, did you send the unneeded parent cards to the sacrifice corner to summon the ultimate cute girl card from your deck?” So if the parents aren’t necessary, I have a habit of building that fact into the fundamental setting…and this time that reason was quite heavy.
Nice, Kamachi.
All in all the parents are sacrificed for the cute girl to move in, reason for parents missing it irrelevant, the point is the girl.
In short, same shit, different package
I always love Kyousuke's decisiveness when it comes to shit like this, not a moment's hesitation.
Yes! Volume 3 is fully translated!!! YES!!!!!!
Is White Queen stronger than Othinus or the other Magic Gods?
She is above (Magic) God level.
Why you niggers gotta bring in powerlevels into a romcom
The Unexplored-class is beyond the gods, the White Queen is beyond even that.
Why does the White Queen wear twintails, a silly hairstyle mostly used by children?
Theoretically unexplored>divine, but also theoretically the White Queen must act within the constraints of the billiards system.
Twintails are the best.
Twintails are a symbol of purity, the White Queen is literally the purest.
Only if summoned by it, the method Kyousuke used that caused the secret war summoned her at full(er) strength.
What is MC s plan?
Not die, not get raped, not let the world get destroyed, things like that. He still lacks enough of a proper understanding to even try to come up with a plan. Mankind cannot simply understand that which is beyond the gods.
The second one sounds pointless.
No, I think he has the right idea.
What's she doing?
Dunno, that's the next volume to be translated.
Searching for treasure
Is she making an hole in his stomach to rape him?
Couldn't she just send tentacles through his nose or ears? What's the point of making another hole.
Maybe the plans to take a shit down a bigger hole.
Immortals sure have funny ways to pass the time.
According to vs. battles Wikia, they made White Queen Powel Tier Level is lower than Othinus.
White Queen is at 5-B, Planet level.
Othinus is at Low 2-C, Multi-Universe level.
It bothers me.
Do not trust these retards.
They seem to be horribly underestimating her since she never once even came close to trying.
Someone need to ask these people to change the information for White Queen that she is much stronger than just Planet Level.
This irritates me when people will just go browses that information of White Queen Power Level blindly.
Who cares, anybody who just looks at a wiki without checking a source is going to be called out as an idiot anyway.
I need to start reading this!
Best Girl
Why would you post such a small pic?
Post more yandere.
More importantly, would the Summoning Ceremony be animated like how certain other shows do card games? It would be impossible to keep track of all the information regarding costs, sound ranges, time limits and chains without frequently displaying them and not having that information would make following the strategies a lot less interesting.
That would be the hardest part of an adaptation alongside the various monsters constantly being changed.
White Queen is love. White Queen is life.
We need more fanart of her!
Blood Sign has more passable fanart than Zashiki Warashi oddly enough. I wonder if Mahaya intimidated them, Mahaya White Queen art when.
Speaking of Yandere
Volume 4 is coming! I can't wait!
My assumption is that they won't raise her to multi universe level until she is actually shown to affect multiple universes.
Does the timespace shenanigans from Volume 2 count?
Anyone who wears twintails can't possibly be a bad person.
Is the MC a pushover for his yandere godlike girlfriend? This is important, I can't deal with wimps anymore.
He's the only one capable of opposing her in any fashion. He lets things slide a bit in peaceful days but when he's on the job he's a bit of an asshole even if the people usually deserve it.
What's his job? Denying her sex?
He's a freelancer trapped in a permanent state of "I'm retiring next week so this is my last job" but the White Queen keeps stirring up shit for him to fix.
On the job was a bit of slang, but he does summoner work for a living and will save anybody who calls for help. He's a professional and acts like it. The White Queen doesn't simply show up, her influence is much more subtle since she understands him better than anybod.
Overpowered and incomprehensible loli summon yet?
Is this a Chaika thread?
So she keeps his job in demand.
What a perfect relationship.
Bless js06 for translating Blood Sign
Truly a loli smongst lolis.
She did not obey the world. The world obeyed her.
So is this a manga, or not? I can only find information on the LN.
Are you blind?
There isn't a full manga version, but each LN volume includes some "teaser" manga pages at the start.
Are you a retard? I am speaking about js06. Look up all the 4ch rumors about him
Ah well. I came into this thread because I heard there would be yanderes.
This reminds me of people talking about Hestia from Damachi.
White Queen is yandere in fact.
>Are you a retard? I am speaking about js06. Look up all the 4ch rumors about him
I been lurking raildex threads for a long time and I never heard no rumors.
Is this any good?
it might actually be my favorite kamachi novel, mostly because i always got a kick out of the mortal man dealing with powers way the fuck beyond his control and doing everything he can from having the entire damn world to end,
basically i liked NT9 of index and every volume is like that to a degree.