Are puberty-blockers red-pilled?

Think about it:

>No embarrassing erections at awkward times
>No high pitched squeals as your voice breaks
>No interest in masturbation = more time for homework
>No need to shave that patchy facial hair
>No need to worry about being a Chad
>No aggression = less confrontations and better relationships
>Keeps you looking fresh and youthful forever

Face it pol, puberty blockers are the future and ever parent should consider buying them for their pre-pubescent children. I regret going through puberty, it was a difficult and scary time. Let's make sure our kids don't have to suffer the same fate.

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No erection because baby dick.
Ah, yes. What a life.

She is ugly. Too bad liberals hooked their hopes to the wrong boat.

I think people should be allowed to take them through high school if they choose too to avoid pointless distractions


>No embarrassing erections at awkward times
at least you get one, get over it faggot

Lmao, fuck off kike. We know you want to make the population low-test so you can take over without resistance.

Colour me surprised.

I thought everyone was born perfect already tho?

Anyone who turns their kids into transfags should be fucking shot.

Fuck off you jew warlock

actually scrap that im guessing hormoans have something to do with a developing brain

Hahahah checked you crazy kid

Kill yourself, you fucking jew.

speaking from first hand experience.


If you don't know what gender you are you need hormones of the gender you actually are not the one that you aren't.


but sucking a feminine penis is not gay right?

> No interest in masturbation = more time for homework
You wasted your teen years masturbating instead of playing video games or being stupid with your friends? Wow, sorry bud. Whatever you're into though.

I'd rather take the Bog pill.

More like a child's penis since they never went through puberty.

Sure it makes your life easier at the time but it is vital in self-development and finding out who you are as a person. It sucks at times but hey, that's fucking life for you

Imagine brainwashing yourself so much you actually believe that shit. Jesus christ. Those people need to die.

Are you an idiot? Stopping bodily and mental development to save you some embarrassment? Adults are not made overnight.

She's too hot for me.

Can just someone finally fire those nukes?


Admit it... she's... uhh a hot dude.

I admit that you're gay.

Nuthing wrong with it... gosh.

Faggotry is morally wrong and results in disease and death.

To maximize annoyance, you should word it like "when did you realize..."

I know.

But she looks like a chic.

But if you actually want your natural puberty that just delays it. You’ll have to deal with that shit eventually. Literally the only reason to take them is if you’re a tranny.

Someone post the pic of Jazz having a really jewish name but changed it for the sake of the show. Every single fucking time.


Wow she got fat, she's growing fat around boipussy, now that fempussy is out of order. How can Americans even resist?

this - one thing that he's a tranny and has probably cummed / came a lot
another thing if he is like 2 inches and the cock submits like this
it is a civic outrage?
is it a criminal action? no, and such a thing would be outrageous
it is disgusting? yes
it is damnable? yes
did he rape her? no
there's a lot of danger in these words
he did a lot of skeezy things
he did a lot of criminal things
but we need to be grown up to say what is what
if a fat chick with loads of money is coming onto me, making it clear what she wants
and i'm there for her money
and i lie back
and i don't leave
and i don't stop them
then i've let them do that to me
we have to go deeper
we are not human
at least most of us are not
do the subhumans, do the meatpuppets get more rights?
If they are merely persuaded or frozen up
what does that ACTUALLY MEAN?
think niggers and niglets
best bet: cull the 7.1 billion, use them as fertilizer
let the .2 billion humans live in peace
letting the neanderthals live was a bad idea
i bet it was the animal fucking commies of the past that raped and bed the neaderthals
and that's why all the niggers of the world from jews to abbos to muslims are all fucking subhuman
> you are currently not banned from Sup Forums

the kid is going to grow up with an irreversible micro dick

Itd be hilarious to thrash that faggot till it sobs. You want to be a "women"? Well learn to get fucked like one.

You're anti-skub... I see.

It’s easy to understand why though. Why bother trying to look good when 99% of people won’t be attracted to you anyway because of how you were born. Might as well enjoy food.

You’re a bigger faggot than she is jesus christ

if it keeps kids looking younger, then maybe it's a good idea.

Na im straight af.

Id be helping it break the conditioning.

Fags and fatties are, not trans

He's got an actually attractive tranny friend on the show, you can feel the resentment coming off him in dense waves whenever they're together


user i...........

>actually attractive tranny
Good one UK

Yeah analy raping men is straight af but somthing about your post just screams fruity bum burglar idk maybe you’re just a bitch.

Maybe for women but why would a man be obsessed with staying youthful? Thats not exactly a very masculine quality

I get you man. Check out Chinbotsu on exhentai.

>anally vaping men
he's talking about jazz though, a girl, not a man

PEDOs love it.

>should we inject and ingest a fuckton of chemicals to refuse the natural course of maturing of our bodies?


it's like pearl harbour all over again



What an ugly jew.

no my dude its wit Brad these days

I'm not saying I approve of it, or that it won't go horribly wrong further on, but yeah they can look just like girls if you get them before puberty. I consider it child abuse, but it's their parents who'll have to answer for that

Jazz Jennings is an ugly spic whore who looks like Mr.Punch

looks like a mexican

Don't know why this is the comment that Made me lol

>I regret going through puberty, it was a difficult and scary time.
cuz you were a pussy

yes super if you want to pass! my mom (i dont have a daddy...yet) let me start when i was.. 12 so Im super lucky. the only problem is my penis is so small that they wont perform surgery on me yet so i need to put on this cream that makes it bigger but thats super dysphoric

Your parents should be executed, they took away your manhood.

trust me i never had any of that! LOL

His tits look huge.

Because it's fat.

liiike its kind of cheating to call her a guy because if you met her in person you'd think she was a chick and want to fuck her (dont pretend you have standards look where are you LOL) so yeaaah it's really like cheating and you should be ashamed for real

(((United Nations))) at it again. You'll soon be alone with mugabe and some arabs lel.


Girl hormones make you fat.

Yeah, son, whatever you say.
tell me more

>tfw Jazz will never be your qt
Feels bad

Why settle with just puberty blockers? We need..

>Birth control

We know that we are separated from nature, and our free will and science can make better judgement about any aspect of our life.

>wanting to fuck what looks like a fat prepubescent turkish boy playing dress up

I don’t know what happened to you to make you need these (you)s so much but I think you need them more than i do.
it doesn’t exist its a bait post

>you will never get to tenderly fuck her while watching her feminine micro penis bounce and leak clear goo

You forgot: never growing an adult body
Fuck off

OH it doesnt work if your pee pee already went through puberty tho!
haha that dude is gROSS! but theres a new tier of tranny from gen Z, like me! I blend in SO well like you would never know! i need a vagina tho so i can trap guys easier and make them regret life and stuff
no it exists, for real. look it up!

she could have been cute if they had given her proper amounts of estrogen and progesterone but they didnt and now he is just a sad eunuch.

>haha that dude is gROSS! but theres a new tier of tranny from gen Z, like me! I blend in SO well like you would never know! i need a vagina tho so i can trap guys easier and make them regret life and stuff


>it doesn’t exist
but user.....i need it more than jazz

Fine... I hate faggots.


Why would you want some spic goblin who looks like a literal kike as a qt? There are probably trannies that look far more attractive and I think they're mentally fucked in the head.

look im sorry if you have a teeny peeny houdini but dont worry i have a buff friend who does roids and says that it made his peeny bigger! you should try it for real

agreed! she is so gross! poor taste in trannies for real guys...


your entire post screams newfaggotry, so please kys

>OH it doesnt work if your pee pee already went through puberty tho!
ok test creme i got you good luck with whatever tf you’re doing.


thanks? im new here but i like it here good atmosphere and what not. ew but you're from bazil or whatever thats so gross haha

this chart clearly shows that im average size
please, have a look

I would love to go balls deep in that boipucci.

I would fuckin rape him

haha this made me laugh u put a lot of work into this one! pretty qt~

you cracked my screen you bastard